Posts Tagged ‘foundation’

Heritage Foundation’s Snarky and Revealing Defense of Project 2025 

Commentary Project 2025, a scheme led by the Heritage Foundation to “take the reins of government” after former President Donald Trump or another MAGA Republican becomes president, is backed by more than 100 right-wing organizations. The project’s harmful agenda and destructive operational plans have generated significant critical media coverage, to which Heritage has responded with snarky […]

Whistleblower: Zelenskyy’s Wife’s Foundation Complicit in Sex Trafficking

by Niamh Harris A French whistleblower has claimed that the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is operating a sex trafficking network where displaced Ukrainian children are offered to known pedophiles worldwide. In a report published by The Intel Drop, the former employee of Olena Zelenska’s non profit, provided Foundation documents along with his own personal […]

The Plot Thickens: Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the 2025 Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel

BY THE EXPOSÉ ON FEBRUARY 11, 2024 • ( 31 COMMENTS ) In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around, an obscure online entity known for its exhaustive data on military capabilities and eyebrow-raising depopulation forecasts for 2025. We can reveal that […]

President of Heritage Foundation tells WEF attendees: you are part of the problem

January 21, 2024 Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, delivered some hard truths to attendees of the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland last week. Speaking about American politics and the potential for Donald Trump to be reelected for a second term as president, Roberts said the goal of the […]

Heritage Foundation Tops $150 Million As It Prepares to ‘Take the Reins of Government’ and ‘Institutionalize Trumpism’

The Heritage Foundation, the massive and increasingly MAGA-minded think tank at the center of the right-wing political infrastructure in the U.S., hauled in more money last year than ever before. The right-wing Washington Times reported Thursday that Heritage raised more than $150 million in 2023. As Right Wing Watch has reported, Heritage is leading Project […]

Gates Foundation Insider Boasts BILLIONS Will Die In 2024 Plandemic

Three years ago, Bill Gates openly bragged that a future pandemic would wipe billions of people off the face of the earth. Speaking with his trademark smirk, Gates could not have been clearer about his plans for the future. Now, according to a Gates Foundation insider, plans for the promised pandemic are underway and the […]

Obama Foundation previews presidential center construction site in Chicago

CHICAGO — Barack Obama toured the site of his Obama Presidential Center near his home in Chicago’s Hyde Park on Wednesday, according to the former president’s foundation, which said he usually makes a stop to the site part of his visits to the city. The development, a four-story, 235-foot tower and associated smaller buildings that […]

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Collaborates with Kenyan Government on Digital ID Project

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, affiliated with billionaire Bill Gates and his former wife Melinda, has entered into an agreement with the Kenyan government to provide advisory services for the forthcoming launch of the Digital Identification Document (ID) named Maisha Namba. Maisha Namba is Kenya’s latest initiative in the field of digital identity, following […]

The FDA’s Ties to the Gates Foundation

In 2017, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) entered into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Under the MOU, the two entities agreed to share information to “facilitate the development of innovative products, including medical countermeasures,” such as diagnostics, vaccines, and therapeutics to combat disease transmission during a pandemic. The […]

Gates Foundation Wants Help to Create Digital ID and Payments System

(Reclaim The Net) “Financial inclusion” seems to be the buzzword that proponents of digital IDs, payments, and data Source

Fraud Investigator Warns Clinton Foundation’s ‘Rebuild Ukraine’ Project Is ‘Fleecing the Public’

The Clinton Foundation’s latest project to solicit donations from the public that are ostensibly for “rebuilding Ukraine” was just the latest part of a shameless effort to fleece “naive and well-meaning people,” according to fraud […] The post Fraud Investigator Warns Clinton Foundation’s ‘Rebuild Ukraine’ Project Is ‘Fleecing the Public’ appeared first on The People's […]

Nobel Foundation pulls invitation to Russia

The “Nobel Foundation” has been a really bad joke for a long time. I am in no way defending the Putinister who is a Ratschild’s bitch just like the other Ratschild whores pointing fingers at him for doing the same shit they do. It is just that bald faced lying hypocritical political whores telling whoppers […]

Gates Foundation Pushes National Digital ID Tech

The digital era, with its myriad of innovations, has ushered in a wave of conveniences – but at what cost? The recent advocacy by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the Modular Open-Source Identification Platform (MOSIP) will now be under scrutiny by privacy advocates, questioning the broader implications of such a global digital identification […]

Germany Has Partnered with Gates Foundation to Tune of Billions – not Millions – of Euros

The headline of a recent LifeSiteNews article declared that ‘the German government funds several Gates Foundation projects to the tune of 3.8 million euros.’  This is a somewhat curious revelation, but not surprisingly, given the relatively paltry sum, it did not inspire more than a flurry of interest on social media. But the problem is […]

Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation “Investigation” in August 2021 – FBI Destroyed All Evidence!

Biden DOJ Formally Shut Down Clinton Foundation “Investigation” in August 2021 – FBI Destroyed All Evidence! by Cristina Laila May. 22, 2023 [*] [*]Biden’s corrupt Justice Department shut down their ‘investigation’ into the Clinton Foundation in August 2021, according to FOIA documents obtained by the New York Times.The FBI then ‘returned’ or destroyed all of […]

Tina Trakou: GIVE LIFE Foundation Supports Children and Music Makes Them Happy

Tina Trakou is a Greek singer who has performed a variety of songs as well as participated in a number of television series and theatrical performances. The singer has also founded GIVE LIFE (Greek: ΒΗΜΑ ΖΩΗΣ) – a foundation that supports children with disabilities – and through her art, singing and music helps fellow humans… […]

Gates Foundation Insider Admits Covid Vaccines Are ‘Abortion Drugs’ To Depopulate the World

Covid-19 mRNA vaccines were designed as “abortion drugs” to quietly and deceitfully sterilize vast swathes of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that Bill Gates’ vaccine trials in Africa and India, in which thousands of children were sterilized, were trial runs for the mRNA vaccine roll-out in the Western […]

Dear Next Generation: Establishing a Solid Foundation

I think that the next generation will need to be tough mentally as well as physically to meet the challenges they will inherit. When I look at my three young grandsons, I wonder what their world will look like. I worry that their world will not be as pleasant as the one I have lived […]

The foundation for a resolution to the Syrian crisis has been laid

In mid-December, Turkish President R.T. Erdoğan, returning from a trip to Turkmenistan, sent a clear signal that the Syrian conflict could be resolved within the Syria-Turkey-Russia trio. For this, the Turkish leader suggested, representatives of the intelligence organizations of the three countries and the defense ministers should meet first, and then the foreign ministers. The […]

Clinton Foundation Comes Back with a Vengeance—Lists Crypto Thief Sam Bankman-Fried as “Featured Participant”

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