Archive for the ‘satanism’ Category

Symbolism Will Be their Downfall > It’s Going to Be Biblical #GodWins

* Revelation Of The Method > [They] Must Tell You Who [They] Are & What [They] Are Doing, So You Chose To Accept & Follow [Them] Of Your Own Free Will * Free & Accepted Masons [F&AM] Proverbs 6:16-19 16 These six things doth the Lord hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: 17 […]

Whistleblower: Zelenskyy’s Wife’s Foundation Complicit in Sex Trafficking

by Niamh Harris A French whistleblower has claimed that the wife of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is operating a sex trafficking network where displaced Ukrainian children are offered to known pedophiles worldwide. In a report published by The Intel Drop, the former employee of Olena Zelenska’s non profit, provided Foundation documents along with his own personal […]

Ex-Illuminati Member Exposes the Occult Rituals Behind the Entertainment Industry w/ Leo Zagami

Italo-British aristocrat, Leo Zagami joins Seth Holehouse to talk about the the occult programming that was deployed aginst the Western masses during the post-World War Two Era, primarily through the entertainment industry and especially through the pop music industry. The goal was to destabilize the strong, orderly culture that existed at the time and to […]

Man Who Destroyed Satanic Shrine In Iowa Capitol Charged With Hate Crime

Michael Cassidy, a Christian veteran who decapitated a Satanic shrine on display in the Iowa State Capitol building, has been charged with a ‘hate crime’. Yes, really. If you object to literal Satanic displays in public buildings you are now hateful. Back in December, Cassidy, beheaded the caped figure placed in the building by The […]

Bizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit

A curious and disturbing work of “art” has gone viral in the wake of the globalists’ recent annual Davos summit in Switzerland. It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. During their discussion, Taunton’s […]

Pope Francis Authorizes Rewritten ‘Fact Checked’ Holy Bible

The World Economic Forum has been granted authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, according to a WEF insider who reveals the pope wants the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be far more political, with a central place for the primacy of nature, and far less about God. Pope Francis has […]

Remember What Exactly?

That Weapons of Mass Destruction liar Tony Bliar is now a ‘knighted’ member of The Order of The Garter? That my MP Herr Gruppenführer Matt Midazolam Morphine ‘good death’ Hancock, who ate animal penis in the jungle for £300K, probably sits on a £multi-million nest egg for profiting from covid1984 after instructing my village to […]

Renown American Satanist Marina Abramovic Appointed Leader of Children in Ukraine

Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky has appointed Satanic pedophile Marina Abramović to serve as ambassador to Ukraine and help rebuild the country’s schools for children. The so-called “performance artist” is infamous for being part of the Wikileaks document dump that revealed she sent an email to Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and his brother Tony inviting them […]

Report: Zelensky Asks ‘Spirit Cooking’ Occult Artist Marina Abramovic to Be Ambassador for Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked occult “Spirit Cooking” artist Marina Abramović to serve as an ambassador, according to The Telegraph. Source

The AntiChrist

The AntiChrist DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: “The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, […]

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