Posts Tagged ‘summit’

Biden mixes up names of world leaders during NATO Summit in Washington

(NaturalNews) President Joe Biden mixing up the names of officials during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) Summit in Washington, D.C. highlights his… Source

Our Summit For Our Future – #SolutionsWatch

Today we talk to Dan Astin-Gregory about Our Summit For Our Future, the UK edition of The People’s Reset that will be taking place in Bath, England from September 27 to 29, 2024.  Source

Derrick Broze Interview – The Summit Of The Future & The Shell Game Of Authoritarian Control

Joining me today is TLAV writer Derrick Broze, here to discuss the Summit Of The Future, why this is important, and how it might be an alternative pathway for the Pandemic Accord, that is far more subtle and surreptitious, while we are being told it has stalled. We also discuss his recent article on Bethany […]

Tucker Carlson Tells World Government Summit: ‘The President Is Senile, Everyone Knows It’

Tucker Carlson told attendees at the World Government Summit in Dubai that “the current administration is very obviously incompetent and the president is senile, that’s not an attack, everyone knows it.” Carlson made the comments […] The post Tucker Carlson Tells World Government Summit: ‘The President Is Senile, Everyone Knows It’ appeared first on The […]

Bizarre Satanic Tapestry Displayed at WEF Davos Summit

A curious and disturbing work of “art” has gone viral in the wake of the globalists’ recent annual Davos summit in Switzerland. It began when journalist Larry Alex Taunton went undercover to the annual globalist confab and infiltrated a conference room full of elites talking about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. During their discussion, Taunton’s […]

Head Of Global Climate Summit Manages To Deny Science In Pro-Science Comment

Sultan Al Jaber says his statement on fossil fuels was “taken out of context,” but a full, unedited video of his comments suggests otherwise. Source

Ex-Marshall Islands President Resigns From Climate Summit Post Over Oil Scandal

Hilda Heine, a former president of the Marshall Islands, on Friday resigned from the main advisory committee of this year’s United Nations climate summit, citing allegations that the conference president tried to use the international talks to strike oil and gas deals. Heine’s resignation, first reported by Reuters, came just one day after the summit […]

Biden And Xi Jinping Are Set To Meet Next Week At Summit In S.F. Bay Area

WASHINGTON (AP) — When President Joe Biden meets Chinese leader Xi Jinping on Wednesday, there will be no such thing as a small detail. How they greet? If they eat? Where they sit? Will there be flowers? Bottled water or in a glass? “Pretty intense,” senior administration officials say of navigating delicate protocols. Advertisement Any […]

Meet the Champions of Medical Freedom: The Summit for Truth and Wellness

Just two years ago, it feels surreal to recall the oppressive climate we endured. We faced an ultimatum: accept an experimental injection of questionable safety or risk societal ostracization, joblessness, fractured friendships, and the looming dread of being unable to provide for our families. Such was the weight of the choices before us. So, how […]

Assad and Xi Summit Heralds a New Dawn in East and West Asia Relations

SEPTEMBER 27, 2023 Posted by INTERNATIONALIST 360°  Vanessa BeeleyThe two Presidents sign multiple memorandums of understanding in Guangzhou and Beijing. On Thursday 21st September President Assad and the First Lady, Asma Al Assad arrived at the Chinese city of Ghuangzhou as honoured guests of President Xi Jinping. The Chinese President had chartered a private plane to […]

Xi, Assad Announce Strategic Partnership in China Summit

September 22, 2023 Source: Agencies Chinese President Xi Jinping and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad held Friday a summit meeting in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, wherein the two leaders announced strategic partnership between the two sides. Three partnership documents were signed in the summit. The first document was an economic cooperation agreement, while the second was a joint memorandum […]

Might Syria Become a Gateway of the New Silk Road with Assad-Xi Summit?

This week, President Bashar al Assad will be visiting Beijing on the direct invitation of President Xi Jinping and will be accompanied by a large economic delegation where the discussion of Syrian re-construction and integration into the Belt and Road initiative will be high on the agenda. Ever since President Bashar al-Assad first announced the […]

Donald Trump Dominates Family Research Council Summit’s Straw Poll at 63.9% 

Former President Donald Trump earned a commanding victory in the Family Research Council’s Pray Vote Stand summit straw poll in Washington, DC, on Saturday, receiving 69.3 percent support from the attendees who voted.  Source

Watch Live: Donald Trump Speaks at the Pray Vote Stand Summit

Former President Donald Trump will speak at the Pray, Vote, Stand Summit on Friday, September 15. Source

ANC on G77 Summit: Resounding win for Cuba to end blockade, sanctions

 September 15, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English Explore in detail the remarks made by the Arab intellectuals of the Arab National Congress ahead of the G77+China Summit to be held in Havana, Cuba. The Arab National Congress (ANC) sees the G77+China Summit held in Cuba as a confirmation of the world’s transition […]

Erdogan meets with Saudi Crown Prince MBS at the G20 summit

OPINION: G20 summit wraps up in New Delhi; Modi calls for a virtual meet in November Source

G20 summit wraps up in New Delhi; Modi calls for a virtual meet in November

The G20 summit in New Delhi ended on Sunday as India handed over the bloc presidency to Brazil, while both the US and Russia praised a consensus that did not condemn Moscow for the war in Ukraine but called on members to shun the use of force. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the group’s […]

Turkish, Egyptian presidents hold talks on sidelines of G-20 summit in India

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday met with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in India for talks, reports Anadolu Agency. The closed-door meeting came on the sidelines of the final day of the G-20 summit in the capital New Delhi. “The meeting addressed bilateral relations between Turkiye-Egypt, efforts to increase trade volume, new […]

Our “Leaders” Ceded National Sovereignty at 1992 “Earth Summit” Like the COVID hoax, climate change is a flimsy pretext to impose a globalist communist tyranny. At the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, almost 200 countries worldwide agreed to disenfranchise their citizens and join the climate change psy op designed to enslave, rob and cull humanity. “The First Global Revolution: A Report to the […]

Biden ‘disappointed’ about reports Xi isn’t likely to attend G20 summit 

President Biden said Sunday he is “disappointed” about the reports that Chinese President Xi Jinping will likely skip this week’s G20 summit in India.  “I am disappointed, but I am going to see him,” Biden told reporters in Rehoboth Beach, Del., when asked about Xi not attending the G20 summit.  Biden did not expand upon where he… […]

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