Posts Tagged ‘partnership’

(Trump Shot) Elon Supporters Blatantly Ignore Twitter’s Partnership With #GARM & Israel Bombs “Safe” Zones Again

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Superman’s Partnership with the Feds

When I was a kid growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, the same thing was going on with respect to the Cold War racket. Back then, the big scary thing was communists rather than terrorists. The federal government’s Cold War propaganda convinced most everyone that the Reds were coming to get us, either from […]

New Rumble Partnership Promises a Caffeine-Infused Boost for Freedom of Speech

Coffee with the secret ingredient of free speech is the latest edition to the parallel economy. Rumble, the high-growth video platform and cloud services provider, often known as the biggest anti-censorship alternative to YouTube, has announced a major partnership with 1775 Coffee to bring an exclusive Rumble-branded product. This new collaboration with 1775 Coffee, which […]

Could the war in Palestine potentially undermine the U.S.-Israeli strategic partnership?

Israel had convinced the U.S. that Palestine issue was no longer an obstacle to normalization. But October 7 shattered Israel’s image of military might, raising doubts about its abilities to protect U.S. strategic interests. Source

Xi, Assad Announce Strategic Partnership in China Summit

September 22, 2023 Source: Agencies Chinese President Xi Jinping and Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad held Friday a summit meeting in the Chinese city of Hangzhou, wherein the two leaders announced strategic partnership between the two sides. Three partnership documents were signed in the summit. The first document was an economic cooperation agreement, while the second was a joint memorandum […]

Xi, Al-Assad announce milestone China-Syria ‘strategic partnership’

Sep 22, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English China’s president Xi says this move is a “milestone” in the history of relations between the two countries. China and Syria announced the establishment of a strategic partnership, Chinese President Xi Jinping revealed on Friday, just one day after China’s Foreign Ministry stated that this week […]

The Rise of the Public-Private Partnership in Tyranny

The slogan cuius regio, eius religio (whose the reign/realm, his the religion) was adopted in Europe in the mid-16th century to end the religious wars. It was an agreement among the monarchs that he who governs the territory decides its religion. Faith therefore was not a matter of individual choice of beliefs, values, morality, and […]

14 US Cities Initiate New Globalist Climate Plan In Partnership With Soros & The Clintons

BY TYLER DURDEN TUESDAY, AUG 22, 2023 – 02:05 PM Authored by Jack Hellner via, The C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group is a globalist enterprise with at least 14 partners right here in the U.S., and, they have set an “ambitious target” to convince the masses to give up meat, dairy, and private car […]

Mongolia and India – an unusual but ambitious partnership

Mongolia is currently putting the finishing touches to its preparations for a visit by the Speaker of the House of the People, the lower house of India’s Parliament, which will take place from July 6-9 this year. The visit was announced in a meeting between India’s ambassador to Mongolia and the speaker of the State […]

Moscow-Algeria: on the way to deepening a partnership

“Moscow-Algeria: closer than ever before,” “Algerian-Russian Axis: New Prospects for Cooperation,” “Summit of Friends.” These and similar headlines in Algerian media reflect the reaction to President Abdelmadjid Tebboune’s recent state visit to Russia. During the visit, the Russian Federation and the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria signed an in-depth strategic partnership declaration, as well as […]

Russia-China Partnership: What is the use of it for Africa?

President Xi Jinping undertook a landmark visit to the Russian Federation from March 20 to 23. It was full of events and symbolism, which will be analyzed by political scientists for a long time to come. It is now clear nonetheless that this visit signaled the beginning of a profound transformation of the entire international […]

World Bank agrees $7bn, 5-year partnership with Egypt

The World Bank said, on Wednesday, it had approved a new $7 billion partnership agreement with Egypt for 2023-2027 with a focus on boosting private sector jobs, provision of better health and education services, and adaptation to climate change, Reuters reports. The Country Partnership Agreement (CPF) will entail $1 billion per year from the International […]

Turkey applauds Iran-Saudi partnership

TEHRAN – The recent agreement between Iran and Saudi Arabia to repair their ties after seven years of estrangement, according to the Turkish foreign minister, would bolster the Muslim world and enhance cooperation among Muslim governments to assist tackle regional issues. Mevlut Cavusoglu appreciated the deal between Tehran and Riyadh in a telephone call with […]

China’s Top Diplomat Meets Putin, Vows to ‘Deepen’ Partnership With Russia

Communist China is pledging to deepen its cooperation with Russia, further cementing the ties between the authoritarian powers. China’s top diplomat Wang Yi met with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on Feb. 21, where the two expressed a desire to evolve the nations’ strategic partnership. Wang told Putin that the myriad crises of the current era […]

Malaysian exhibitors in Tehran to foster partnership

TEHRAN – Following years of coronavirus-related restrictions, Malaysian travel insiders and exhibitors seek to promote partnership with Iranian counterparts at the 16th Tehran International Tourism Exhibition, which runs from February 7 to 10. Tourism Malaysia, which operates under the Ministry of Tourism, Arts & Culture Malaysia, is set to provide an avenue for Malaysia tourism […]

UK, Greece Seek Strengthened Defence Partnership

 Greece and the United Kingdom on Tuesday signed a new defence and security agreement, targeting closer collaboration to benefit each countryآ’s military, Britain’s Defense Ministry said. Greeceآ’s Minister for National Defence, Nikos Panagiotopoulos, signed the Joint Vision Statement (JVS) with UK Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, on a visit to the UK, which included a Guard… […]

Iran and Saudi Arabia – rivalry or partnership?

Iran and Saudi Arabia stand out among many Middle Eastern states in terms of their status, historical content, natural resources, and scale. The regional security of the Middle East is also affected by the state of relations between Tehran and Riyadh, because each of them represents one of the Islamic world’s currents (Shiism and Sunnism), […]

Russian-Turkish partnership in the area of another Turkish-Syrian crisis

In today’s geopolitical dynamics, Russia and Turkey maintain a relevant regional presence in strategically important regions of the Near and Middle East, where the interests of the two powers can combine and diverge. However, the ruling elites have a high sense of maintaining a balance of power, respecting national interests, avoiding the prospect of radicalization […]

South Korea and Saudi Arabia open up a new level of economic partnership

South Korea and Saudi Arabia have had diplomatic relations for more than 60 years, but since 2015, when Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman became actively involved in state affairs, relations between the two countries have received a new impetus for cooperation, expanding from the traditional sectors of oil trading and construction to developing alternative energy […]

Beyond the Trump Dinner: Dangers of the Ye-Fuentes Partnership  

Analysis At the beginning of 2022, white nationalist youth leader Nick Fuentes declared that he had no time for intimate relationships because he had chosen to be “an historical figure” leading “an historical right-wing movement.” It seemed like a ridiculous level of hubris coming from a then-23-year-old who had been kicked off both mainstream and conservative social […]

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