Posts Tagged ‘private’

Day before Trump assassination attempt, Austin Private Wealth reported MASSIVE short bets on $DJT and $RUM stocks – similar to stock bets placed right before 9/11

(NaturalNews) Just like what happened before the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 9/11, an asset manager – in this case Austin Private Wealth LLC – took out massive… Source

The Medicare Advantage Paradox: How private insurers cost taxpayers billions

Recent studies and reports from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) reveal that MA overpayments have significantly burdened taxpayers. Source

Rafah border crossing to be managed by private contractor: Haaretz

 May 8, 2024 Source: Israeli Media + Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English A new report by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz underscored a plot to take the Rafah border crossing away from Palestinian control in favor of giving it to a US security private contractor that would do “Israel’s” bidding. In an exclusive for Israeli […]

VIP Elite Panic As Feds Prepare To Subpoena Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ Private Jet Logs

Some of the world’s most well-connected and powerful industry pedophiles are panicking following news that federal agents are preparing to subpoena Sean “Diddy” Comb’s private jet manifests. More than 100 high-profile names are expected to be questioned regarding the nature of their close ties to Combs, who is being investigated as part of a major […]

People protesting Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom in Occupied Palestine Holocausting Tens of Thousands of Children, Damage Portrait Of Evil Man Who Helped Make Possible The Illegal Occupation

Humans fighting the evil of Rothschild’s illegal occupation of Palestine attacked a painting of Lord Arthur James Balfour, the British foreign secretary whose 1917 declaration was a promise to steal Palestine for the Rothschilds in exchange for the Rothschilds using a False Flag to drag Americans who wanted nothing to do with Rothschild’s pre-planned WW1, […]

ANYONE Supporting the Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom in Illegally Occupied Palestine is Demonically Possessed, Therefore a Soul-less Animal

In 0740 AD a kingdom in the steppes of modern day Ukraine and Russia peopled by a Turkmen Mongolian mongrel mix called the Khazarians mass infected with the Zionist Zombie Virus of the Babylonian Talmud inspired Pedophile’s End of Times Death Cult Virus. “This book traces the history of the ancient Khazar Empire, a major […]

Living in the Private

Living In The Private Educate Yourself, Ask Questions, Verify Everything HOME DEAD OR ALIVE YOUR SOVEREIGNTY YOUR CONSENT YOUR CREDIT THE COURTS “IN THE PRIVATE” EVERY natural man and woman is born “in the private”. Whereas the State is public, and therefore its Public Servants, and its legal fiction creations are “in the public”, including its artificial legal […]

India bans ‘private’ email service under false pretences?

Worldwide, governments hate the general population/serfs/plebs having ‘private’ communications, citing the obvious excuse, that being not crime but this next level thing called ‘terrorism’, where some nation’s governments are the very definition of terrorists. End-to-end encrypted services such as Proton Mail, Signal, Telegram et al, are under attack by governments where in the colony called […]

Second Launch Attempt For America’s Private Moon Lander Scheduled For Early Thursday After Initial Glitch

Just over a month following the incident where America’s first commercial moon lander in half a century experienced a catastrophic fuel leak hours after United Launch Alliance’s new Vulcan booster blasted the spacecraft into orbit, a second US company is gearing up to send a robotic lander to the lunar surface aboard a SpaceX rocket.  Elon Musk’s […]

How CIA Foists Military Equipment Through Private War Companies

We tend to believe that the Noetic International Inc. is a vivid example of the Continental Hotel from the John Wick franchise, where you can get any service at any time anywhere on Earth. Submitted by CIAGATE Analyzing the CIA’s records, we’ve noticed that there were many references to the Noetic International Inc., a company […]

LEAK: Biden’s Private Profanity-Laced Rant Over Special Counsel Report’s Comments on His Poor Memory

LEAK: Biden’s Private Profanity-Laced Rant Over Special Counsel Report’s Comments on His Poor Memory Source

Noetic Continental | Part I: How CIA Foists Military Equipment Through Private War Companies

Analyzing the CIA’s records, we’ve noticed that there were many references to the Noetic International Inc., a company with a questionable origin and sort of activity. According to its website, the enterprise specializes in “delivering products and services including assessments, operations and finance to clients in the energy, telecom, space, cybersecurity and intelligence sectors.” Source

Government-Funded Entities Build Network to Flag “Misinformation” In Private Messages

And then use AI to analyze “emerging trends” about this so-called misinformation. Source

New Biden gun rule will BAN private firearms sales, ATF whistleblowers warn

(NaturalNews) The rumor mill is speculating that the Biden regime is about to ban all private gun sales in America, meaning gun enthusiasts would need to make all… Source

Woke Maryland Private School Questions Young Boys About “Gender” & “Sexuality”

Reversing the “woke” takeover of America’s education system will require a concerted effort from concerned parents who don’t want their children infected by the woke mind virus.  The latest example of parents becoming infuriated with diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI being injected into the education curriculum, comes from an elite private school in Baltimore County, […]

IMF Praises Argentina’s Economic Reforms as ‘Bold, Should Help Private Sector Growth’

In response to the recent protests against Argentina’s economic reforms led by President Javier Milei, the new government has declared that organisers of the demonstrations will be held financially accountable for the associated security costs. The security expenses, totaling 60 million pesos, will be invoiced to the social movements responsible for orchestrating the protests, according […]

‘They Were Traumatized’: How a Private Equity-Associated Lender Helped Precipitate a Nursing-Home Implosion

The day Charlie Kukuczka’s 94-year-old mother, Agnes, was abruptly uprooted from the Atrium Health and Senior Living facility outside Weston, Wisconsin, nobody from the nursing home contacted his family. “A lot of people were shoved around like old shoes,” recalled Kukuczka. “They were traumatized. They didn’t tell them where they were going. They just woke […]

Majority Of Americans Believe Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom In Illegally, Militarily & Criminally Occupied Palestine “Is Trying To Avoid Civilian Casualties” Despite Recent Holocaust of Tens of Thousands of Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants Of Biblical Judians & Even Khazarian Jew Occupier’s Children Singing Songs of Compleatly Genociding All Palestinians

It is beyond debate at this point the Invasive Species Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Pedophile’s End of Times Death Jew Cult Members are in NO WAY or FASION descended from either Biblical Israelites or Judians. It is provable by modern DNA techniques as well as historical documents and writings their ancestors […]

US Wants Rothschild’s Private Fiefdom Located In Occupied Palestine to Finish Holocausting All Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians By Years End

Washington has called on the Khazariann Mafia to speed up its Holocaust of the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians in the Semitic Indigenous Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians Own Ancestral Home Land as international condemnation over its War Crime Slaughter rises. Rothschild’s private Fiefdom must speed up its war crimes against […]

Toxic ‘Forever Chemicals’ Found in Thousands of Private Wells Near U.S. Military Bases

12/01/23 Nearly 3,000 private wells located near 63 U.S. military bases are contaminated with PFAS “forever chemicals” at levels higher than what federal regulators consider safe for drinking, according to an Environmental Working Group analysis of U.S. Department of Defense data. By  KFF Health News Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender’s Top […]

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