Posts Tagged ‘email’

Get The Tap Headlines by Email

You can now sign up for the Tap newsletter and get the latest headlines sent direct to your email inbox. It’s great to visit the Tap and browse but if you’re busy or just want to keep in touch the … Read the rest Source

‘Microsoft’ Remains (By Far) The Most Impersonated Brand In Email Scams

We all know the emails: “Dear user, please click the following link to update your credentials. Otherwise your Office 365 account will be disabled.” “Please sign the attached document” or “Please review your payment information.” And while many of those emails look legitimate at first glance, it’s always worth taking a closer look, because more often […]

India bans ‘private’ email service under false pretences?

Worldwide, governments hate the general population/serfs/plebs having ‘private’ communications, citing the obvious excuse, that being not crime but this next level thing called ‘terrorism’, where some nation’s governments are the very definition of terrorists. End-to-end encrypted services such as Proton Mail, Signal, Telegram et al, are under attack by governments where in the colony called […]

Email Reveals Why CDC Didn’t Issue Alert On COVID Vaccines And Myocarditis

Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), The nation’s top public health agency did not send an alert on COVID-19 vaccines and heart inflammation because officials were concerned they would cause panic, according to an email obtained by The Epoch Times. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2021 […]

Leaked Canadian Broadcasting Corporation email orders reporters NOT to refer to anybody in Israel-Palestine conflict as “terrorists”

(NaturalNews) According to a leaked email allegedly written by George Achi, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s (CBC) director of journalistic… Source

Here’s the Email Amazon Sent Sellers It’s Allegedly Screwing Over After FTC Filed Antitrust Lawsuit

One day after the Federal Trade Commission and 17 states sued Amazon for “illegally maintaining monopoly power,” the company sent its online sellers an email about the lawsuit. The email, which was obtained by Motherboard, was sent late Wednesday evening with the subject line, “The FTC’s complaint and what it means for you.” The email […]

TGA funding enquiry email

In case you were wondering why the TGA always sides with the drug manufacturers, who they call SPONSORS.  BREAKING-The TGA disputed @SenatorAntic’s claim that 96% of their funding comes from industry, in Senate hearings last week. They’re splitting hairs over 2%. Here is a TGA staffer stating that 94% of their $210 million annual budget […]

Fauci Knew Chinese Lab Was Conducting Risky Experiments: Email

Dr. Anthony Fauci knew that researchers at a U.S.-funded laboratory in China were conducting risky experiments, according to a newly disclosed email. Dr. Fauci, at the time the head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, joined a call on Feb. 1, 2020, with scientists around the world to discuss the possibility that […]

Ex-OceanGate Employee’s Ominous 2018 Email About Titan Sub Revealed In New Report

A former OceanGate employee reportedly emailed a colleague years ago sounding the alarm that the company’s CEO might get himself and others killed due to safety issues with the Titan submersible. “There’s no way on earth you could have paid me to dive the thing,” David Lochridge wrote in a 2018 email about the Titan […]

DARPA Email Confirms, Franco Vitaliano Also Helped Invent the Internet!

In this DARPA email, dated September 15, 1987, Major Doug Hardie is praising Franco Vitaliano’s work with Software Robot Fixes while designing the internet. On-line Robotic Repair of Software“Maj. Doug Hardie” [email protected], 15 Sep 87 12:27 EDTThe following is taken from Business Week, Sep 7, 87 page 113.THIS SOFTWARE ROBOT FIXES SYSTEMS – WHILE THEY’RE […]

Jamie Dimon’s Deposition in Epstein Case Reveals Email Stating that Dimon Was to Be Treated to “Heavy Snacks” at Epstein’s Home

After much delay and legal protests by JPMorgan Chase, its Chairman and CEO, Jamie Dimon, was forced by a Manhattan federal court to testify under oath in a deposition about what he personally knew about the bank’s long-term customer relationship with child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. (Epstein died in a Manhattan jail on August 10, […]

Why Kim Dotcom Connects The DNC Email Leak To The Murder Of Seth Rich (Updated)

The murder of Seth Rich occurred on July 10, 2016, at 4:20 a.m. in the Bloomingdale neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Rich died about an hour and a half after being shot twice in the back. The perpetrators were never apprehended; police suspected he had been the victim of an attempted robbery. Source

YIKES! THIRD Hunter Biden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered – Classified WH Conference Call Shared with Hunter’s Ukrainian Business Partners – And SEVERAL More Are Coming

EXCLUSIVE: THIRD Hunter Biden Email from Laptop with Classified Information Uncovered – Classified WH Conference Call Shared with Hunter’s Ukrainian Business Partners – And SEVERAL More Are Coming Source

Twitter Leak Exposes 235 Million Email Addresses From Hack

Personal emails linked to 235 million Twitter accounts hacked some time ago have been exposed according to Israeli security researcher Alon Gal—making millions vulnerable to having their accounts compromised or identities exposed if they have used the site anonymously to criticize oppressive governments, for instance. Gal, who is the co-founder and chief technology officer at […]

My latest email to the CDC notifying them about the billboards

Is there a single honest employee who works at the CDC? I seriously doubt it. Steve Kirsch Nov 11 2022 To: CDC staff involved in vaccinesSubject: Our two CDC billboards are up. Please let me know what you think! Hi, We just paid for a couple of billboards right outside CDC headquarters that I wanted to […]

New Email Exposes Deep State Plot To Topple Trump Via FBI Corruption

READ HERE: An FBI email previously not known to the public has revealed that the bureau planned to make Igor Danchenko—the primary source for British former spy Christopher Steele’s Trump dossier—a confidential human source (CHS) before it had even interviewed him.    Source

Man Texts Coworker To See If He Got Slack Message Telling Him To Check His Email

NEW YORK, NY — Local pipe fitting outside salesman Jason Quintana emailed his coworker Carl today to see if he’d been able to work up the most recent quarterly sales report for the big Etherton Pipeline account. But a few hours went by, and Quintana began to worry that Carl doesn’t check his email as […]

US military bought mass monitoring tool that includes email and browsing data

Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has revealed that the US Naval Investigative Service (NCIS) has a contract for “Augury” – a mass monitoring tool that reportedly covers 93% of the world’s internet traffic and provides access to petabytes of current and historical data. Wyden made the revelation in a recent letter that urged officials at the […]

Email – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 09/01/2022 • 0 Comments Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with […]

Email – #SolutionsWatch

Corbett • 09/01/2022 • 0 Comments Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Did you sign up for The Corbett Report email update list? Are you still receiving emails? If not, why not? Today on #SolutionsWatch, James takes a look at one of the simple, oft-neglected ways of staying in touch with […]

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