Posts Tagged ‘corporation’

UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s Congresscritters declares Semitic Palestinian’s slogan ‘anti-Semitic’

Mossad Jeffery’s customers in the UNITED STATES CORPORATION’s House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to condemn the chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” as “hate speech”. The slogan calls for a Palestinian state between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Israel has argued that this implicitly denies its right […]

A “state” Can Not Secede From The US Corporation When They Have Never Legally Been Part of Lincoln’s Marxist Military Mandatory Dictatorship

Sovereign country-Date of SecessionSouth Carolina December 20, 1860Mississippi January 9, 1861Florida January 10, 1861Alabama January 11, 1861Georgia January 19, 1861Louisiana January 26, 1861Texas February 1, 1861Virginia April 17, 1861Arkansas May 6, 1861North Carolina May 20, 1861Tennessee June 8, 1861 The American revolutionaries understood the individual colonies called sates after the revolution statrted were individual sovereign […]

Musk building huge spy satellite network -“no one can hide” from the US Corporation

SpaceX reportedly signed a $1.8 billion contract with US intelligence services back in 2021 Elon Musk’s secretive Starshield project will allow the US military to track targets and support American and allied ground forces in real time almost anywhere on Earth, Reuters has reported, sharing new details of the billionaire’s dealings with the Pentagon. SpaceX […]

KHAZARIAN CABAL: The Fake JEWS have infiltrated every government, corporation, NGO and other institutions that wield any degree of real power and/or influence.


The Illusion of Secession By the US Corporation’s Sub Corporation “State” “Governments” Would Leave The Slave Chains On & Power Held By The Same Evil F##kers Who Run US/DC

The ‘UNITED STATES’ is a Corporation owned and operated to Farm Americans like cattle for profit and use American children as cannon fodder in Rothschild pre-planned usury banker wars by the Rothschilds. Every single “state” “government” is a sub corporation of Rothschild’s US Corporation. The purpose of the “state” “governments” are to farm the Americans […]

Most people DO NOT REALIZE that Google is a corporation that’s controlling, censoring and warping vital information

(NaturalNews) Most people think Google is some kind of public library of information available at one’s fingertips, providing straight facts about anything under… Source

Here’s how the Khazarian banksters are systematically bankrupting the US Corporation.

The 2024 Debt Spiral: How $1 Trillion in Interest Is Breaking the Federal Budget by Nick Giambruno INTERNATIONAL MAN Contrary to conventional wisdom, higher interest rates mean more inflation in the environment today. That’s because the federal interest expense increases as interest rates rise. As the federal interest expense rises, so does the budget deficit. […]

Corporation Buying U.S. Homes Makes Cringey Taylor Swift-Inspired Music Video

One of the largest private equity firms in the world released a truly (and hopefully intentionally) awful new holiday video this week, apparently inspired by Taylor Swift’s “Eras” Tour. The cringe-inducing video released by Blackstone on Thursday almost immediately led to widespread roasting online. “holy shit what the hell was Blackstone thinking,” one person wrote. […]

Leaked Canadian Broadcasting Corporation email orders reporters NOT to refer to anybody in Israel-Palestine conflict as “terrorists”

(NaturalNews) According to a leaked email allegedly written by George Achi, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation’s (CBC) director of journalistic… Source

Exposed! New South Wales Forestry Corporation and corrupt police

Mark Graham is a victim of a vicious attack by the Forestry Corporation of New South Wales, in a cospiracy of flase charges and charge stacking by NSW police. See this short 12min video documenting false accusations by both parties against Mr. Graham. No ‘inquiry’ into this? That’s life in a (penal) colony! Source

The Illegally Militarily Occupied By the US CORPORATION For 158 Years and Counting, Republic of Texas Is Not A Party To ANY WHO, UN, WEF, NATO Treaties

‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS is an illegal occupation Sub Corporation Administration of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. There has NEVER been an American Civil War. Legal Axiom: “THE FRUIT OF THE POISON TREE IS POISON”. This simply means the US can not in a war crime, illegally invade another country or […]

MGM Resorts cyberattack exposed the corporation’s greed, incompetence and corruption

Since details have emerged on the dark web about the operations of MGM Resorts, it is concering to ANY person who hase their personal details with this corporation to belive that it is not in their best interest to conduct business with this gambling giant. The real question is, will the U.S. authorities do a […]

ANOTHER ONE? American Plant Food Corporation fertilizer plant in Texas BURNS to the ground

(NaturalNews) A fertilizer plant that local media reports state is “vital to the local community” in and around Austin, Tex., has burned to the ground, making it… Source

US Corporation is 33 TRILLION PLUS Fiat $$ in Debt, So Here’s What Americans Do

Anyone who is or ever has served in elected or appointed position in Washington DC, has all their real estate, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, vehicles, airplanes, all private property and any gold fillings in their teeth, seized, sold and proceeds to be payed against the US Corporation’s debts. Anyone holding stocks in war weapons corporations, […]

Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce, Former Trump Transition Team: US Corporation is Bankrupt

Jan Halper-Hayes, DoD TaskForce, Former Trump Transition Team: US Corporation is Bankrupt This clip from a British morning show is going viral because of the fact that such words were actually aired on the mainstream media – and in the UK, of all places, the home of the Deep State. It’s almost like a petite […]

How the modern corporation was invented in England – a power grab to this day

From The joint-stock corporation is an economic instrument which, in its modern form, was established in England—and it was here, too, that the company became unleashed from the state and began a power grab which continues to this day. During a period of rapid commercial growth in 16th century England, the Muscovy Company was granted […]

USA Corporation’s 2024 “elections” Embrace The Rainbow

Both the Demophiles and the Republiphiles are trying to outdo each other embracing trannism, perversions, pedophilia, and Sodom and Gomorrah styled pissing in God’s face. A political whore will do absolutely anything for a vote, Including turning the military into a Gay Caballero orgey which gives the ole military term “NUT TO BUTT”, brand new […]

The dark history of the Monsanto Corporation Part 2 (think ‘Roundup’)

Part 1 go here. I’m reviewing all the old archives I’ve saved over the past 10 years. So many now have gone from the internet, some found again after a bit of searching. Some very interesting reads along the way too, in light of what has happened over the past three years. I’ll be posting […]

The dark history of the Monsanto Corporation Part 1 (think ‘Roundup’)

I’m reviewing all the old archives I’ve saved over the past 10 years. So many now have gone from the internet, some found again after a bit of searching. Some very interesting reads along the way too, in light of what has happened over the past three years. I’ll be posting more … and in […]

The War Criminals in the USA/DC CORPORATION “congress” Refuse To Remove Their Invading/Occupying Terrorist Troops From Syria

The evil War Criminal 30 shekel Ratschild’s Whores in the USA/DC CORPORATION’s “congress” who are committing treason against America/Americans as well as perpetrating war crimes against Humanity world wide, have REFUSED to stop their WAR CRIME in Syria. The lie the USA/DC whores are using to try to justify, they can not justify their war […]

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