Posts Tagged ‘legally’

NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ!

 NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANSby Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992 Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people by their OWN leaders, Senators and Congressmen, who have sold their soul to the devil. On March […]

Germany’s AfD party just lost a major court case that makes it legally vulnerable to mass surveillance by spy agencies

(NaturalNews) Freedom is fast disappearing in Germany where a high court judge just ruled that the Alternative for Germany (AfD) political party constitutes a… Source

The word “shall” is a legally binding command; the WHO making itself the final authority; unthinkable power

The word “shall” is a legally binding command; the WHO making itself the final authority; unthinkable power  Thu 5:09 pm +01:00, 4 Apr 2024  1 posted by danceaway Advancing Liberty Through Action Apr 4, 2024 In the new Pandemic Treaty (“Agreement”), the World Health Organization (WHO) dictates that nations “shall” comply with a long […]

A “state” Can Not Secede From The US Corporation When They Have Never Legally Been Part of Lincoln’s Marxist Military Mandatory Dictatorship

Sovereign country-Date of SecessionSouth Carolina December 20, 1860Mississippi January 9, 1861Florida January 10, 1861Alabama January 11, 1861Georgia January 19, 1861Louisiana January 26, 1861Texas February 1, 1861Virginia April 17, 1861Arkansas May 6, 1861North Carolina May 20, 1861Tennessee June 8, 1861 The American revolutionaries understood the individual colonies called sates after the revolution statrted were individual sovereign […]

PCR Test Legally Ruled Useless

Tim From Fair Play Now, March 17th 2024 PCR Test Legally Ruled Useless Of course we in the Freedom movement knew the PCR was useless as a test for Convid since day 1. But it seems the wider world is finally waking up to this fact too. Back in November, 4 Germans won a case […]

Bearded Spanish Army corporal “equipped with male organs” legally changes gender identity to unlock better military pay package, private rooms

(NaturalNews) In Ceuta, Spain, around 40 men have declared gender change (from male to female) but maintained their name, and marital status, thus continuing… Source

Constitutionally speaking, Texas is legally allowed to wage war against the federal government to protect itself from imminent, open-border invasions

(NaturalNews) In a move that shocked many, the typically conservative-leaning Supreme Court has sided with the Biden regime in allowing federal agents to dismantle… Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 41: Israel ignores legally binding UNSC resolution, saying ‘it will not happen.’

Casualties 11,255 killed*, including 4,630 children, and 29,000 wounded in Gaza 196 Palestinians killed in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem Israel revises its estimated October 7 death toll down from 1,400 to 1,200 *This figure covers the casualties from October 7 to November 14. Key Developments  Israeli airstrikes have targeted the perimeter of […]

Russia Can Legally Give Iran Hypersonic Missiles

Russia is Now Free to Give Iran Hypersonic Missiles By infostormer  – October 19, 2023 3 A United Nations Security Council resolution on Iran’s missile program recently expired and this gives Russia the freedom to provide them with hypersonic weapons.     These hypersonic missiles make American naval power largely obsolete. There is no defense […]

SILENCE! EU’s censorship law is now legally enforceable across social media platforms and search engines

(NaturalNews) The Draconian Digital Services Act (DSA) has just been rolled out, forcing more than 40 online giants including Facebook, X, Google, and TikTok to… Source

US approves lab-grown CHICKEN: Stores and restaurants can now legally sell man-made poultry

NO thanks! Note we weren’t asked. Foisted on us. Why ever would we eat fake ‘food’ from the fake 1%? Lab-grown chicken can be legally sold in restaurants and stores across the US for the first time, regulators say. The Department of Agriculture gave the green light to the sales on Wednesday after reviewing the […]

175 nations start negotiations for legally binding international treaty on plastic pollution

Negotiators from 175 nations will create a team of scientists to address the plastic pollution crisis worldwide. Source

Russophobic EU leadership determined to ‘legally’ steal all frozen Russian assets

Seize, not freeze: EU outlines plans for Russian assets READ HERE: The EU seeks to outright confiscate Russian assets rather than just freeze them, but the bloc has yet to lay the legal groundwork for doing so, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Tuesday.   Source

Even Artwork About Abortion Is Legally Risky Now

Visitors to an installation at a reproductive justice conference last weekend were greeted by a warning. “If you live in a state where self-managed abortion is illegal, be aware of criminalization risks,” read a sign, its warnings rendered in orange against a blue background and beneath a pair of ominous eyes. “The information in this […]

Pfizer Jab 13x Less Effective Than Nat. Immunity & WHO Agrees on “Legally Binding” Pandemic Treaty

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/21/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

DA: Legally Armed Citizen Opened Fire on Walmart Parking Lot Gunman

Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, district attorney Sam Sanguedolce said an armed citizen opened fire on a man who allegedly shot a woman in a Walmart parking lot on June 1, 2022.

New York City Subway Shooting Suspect Bought Handgun Legally in 2011

ABC News reports that law enforcement sources indicate New York City subway shooting suspect Frank James bought his handgun “legally” in 2011.

WHO Calls for ‘New Global Public Health World Order’ to Legally Bind 194 Nations to Medical Martial Law in Case of a Future Pandemic

In order to prevent another plandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO) wants to create an international “pandemic treaty” that would restrict and legally bind its 194 member nations to medical martial law. The United States would need to give up its national sovereignty under the plan, including all civil and health rights. Every other country […]

Foreign Ministry promises to legally pursue cyberwar against Iran 

TEHRAN – The Iranian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday that it will legally pursue cyberattacks against the Islamic Republic at international bodies. The promise by the Foreign Ministry to sue those behind cyberwar was made during a meeting between Foreign Hossein Amir Abdollahian and General Gholamreza Jalali, the chief of Iran’s Civil Defense Organization. The […]

The Only Legally Recognized Fast Food Union Reaches Tentative Agreement

Upon Ratification Workers At Burgerville Will Become The Only Fast Food Workforce Covered By A Collective Agreement. Portland, OR — The Burgerville Workers Union – Industrial Workers of the World (BVWU) has reached a tentative agreement with Burgerville on a historic contract to be ratified by a vote of workers in represented shops. Upon ratification, workers at […]

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