Posts Tagged ‘Crime’

Australia’s skyrocketing house prices fuelled by crime syndicates

Briefly: The Australian governments, both federal and state have allowed internal and external to the colony, criminal organisations to inflate the cost of housing (sales and rentals), where after all it’s a win-win for the governments. In many countries around the world one cannot purchase real estate, even if one is that country’s national unless […]

Rigged court convicts Trump of ginned-up “crime” that’s nothing more than a common non-disclosure arrangement

(NaturalNews) Donald Trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records with the intention to influence the 2016 election, marking the first time a former… Source

NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANS for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ!

 NOW THE GOVERNMENT CAN LEGALLY KILL CHRISTIANSby Bill Dannemeyer (husband of Dr. Lorraine Day)U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992 Your U.S. government can now legally kill Christians for the “crime” of worshipping Jesus Christ! A diabolic deception has been perpetrated on the American people by their OWN leaders, Senators and Congressmen, who have sold their soul to the devil. On March […]

The Medal of Honor, A Satanic Decoration Of A Satanic Crime Cabal

The Medal of Honor was introduced for the Naval Service in 1861 soon followed by the Army’s version in 1862. This was at a time when US/DC (Godless witch burning control freak little children, pregnant women & minister’s daughters gang raping often til death yankees) had illegally invaded the Confederacy and were doing satanic war […]

Hezbollah Responds to Israeli Crime in Mais Al-Jabal: Dozens of Missiles Hit Israeli Settlements (Video)

May 5, 2024  Lebanon – Live News – News – Story of the day – Top In response to the Israeli crime of raiding a residential area in Mais Al-Jabal and killing four civilians, Hezbollah fired dozens of missiles at Kiryat Shmona settlement. Hezbollah military media issued a statement which affirmed that, in response to the heinous crime committed by the “Israeli” enemy […]

Europe’s New Reality: The Link between Migration and Crime

Beautiful Dutch activist, Eva Vlaardingerbroek lays out the undeniable connection between mass migration and rising crime rates. Don’t miss this eye-opening discussion on the future of Europe. Contributed by Alexandra Bruce Contact The post Europe’s New Reality: The Link between Migration and Crime first appeared on Forbidden Knowledge TV. Source

Should harming mother Earth be a crime? The case for ecocide

The destruction of nature might one day become a criminal offense adjudicated by the International Criminal Court. Source

Radical new hate crime law in Scotland means people could go to jail if their words offend someone

In Scotland, a new hate crime law means that people will have to be a lot more careful about artistic expression and the things they say moving forward as police target podcasts, blog posts, social media posts and other expressions of opinion. In a scary new development that sounds more like communist China than anything […]

Highlights from Explosive Biden Crime Family Testimony with Witnesses and Evidence

Owen Shroyer shows us the most stunning moments in yesterday’s Impeachment Inquiry hearings at the House Oversight Committee, including the star turns by Hunter Biden’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene and Rep Byron Donalds. Tony Bobulinski knocked it out of the park with his opening statements, accusing Hunter and his uncle, […]

New York City natives are FLEEING due to illegal immigration and surging crime

(NaturalNews) New Yorkers are reportedly leaving the Big Apple in massive numbers as the surge in illegal immigrants continues to strain city resources, according… Source

Voting is Participating in Organised Crime.

You do know the government has been murdering Irish people in their thousands using poison vaccines. You know it is killing the elderly every day in nursing homes with ‘Death Row’ sedatives. You know it is ripping unborn babies to pieces in the womb in its hospitals. You know it is sexualising Irish children in […]

Gov. Kristi Noem Signs Unconstitutional ‘Hate Crime’ Bill To Stomp Out Criticism of Israel

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem on Thursday boasted that she signed an unconstitutional hate crime bill to stomp out criticism of Israel and “ensure the security of God’s chosen people.” South Dakota has passed legislation to stop antisemitism. This will be model legislation that other states can implement to stand with our Jewish brothers and […]

Trudeau Regime Lays Groundwork To Imprison Citizens Who Have Not Committed a Crime

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seeking the power to imprison Canadians who the government suspect “might” commit a “hate crime” in the future. The Daily Telegraph reports that the policy will form part of the Trudeau’s dystopian ‘Online Harms Bill,’ which cracks down on any opposition to the regime’s far-left authoritarian agenda. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up […]

The Full Charles Murray: Race and IQ Government Welfare and Crime – John Stossel

See interview with the author: Source

It Is Now A CRIME To Refuse The mRNA Injection In France

ian.  They did the same during the “covid”, scamdemic. Countries were targeted one at a time to test the water for the self appointed in charge. This is a trial for the WHO WEF World government vermin eradication programme. France will be a good choice for them, as the cops have no qualms about shooting […]

KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies

Three KFC locations have joined the mass exodus of businesses leaving Chicago due to rampant crime caused by leftist policies making it increasingly difficult to earn an honest living in the city. Residents of Chicago […] The post KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Total outrage. No charge. No crime alleged. In Britsh jail for five years. In solitary.

Tucker Reacts to Meeting Julian Assange ( Yet more evidence that UK no longer exists.  No legal system.   Just do what Hillary Clinton tells UK to do. Source

Techno-Hell: Germany Announces ‘Pre-Crime’ Police Unit to Target ‘Far-Right’


Illinois Lawmaker Wants To Make It A Crime For Parents To Prevent Their Children Having Sex Changes

Illinois State Rep. Anne Stava-Murray has proposed House Bill 4876 to amend the Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act. The Democratic lawmaker is pushing for a bill that would amend the definition of child abuse […] The post Illinois Lawmaker Wants To Make It A Crime For Parents To Prevent Their Children Having Sex Changes […]

Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation

If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish.  Some of the numbers that I am about to share with you are just mind blowing.  For example, I had no idea that police in New York City were injured by criminals thousands of times last […]

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