Posts Tagged ‘streets’

Eritrean Gangs Wage War on the Streets of Hague, Netherlands

In a disconcerting turn of events, The Hague became the scene of violent clashes between two rival groups of Eritreans, prompting the deployment of police in riot gear to restore order. The confrontation unfolded at the Opera conference hall on Fruitweg Street, where two factions clashed, leading to scenes of chaos and mayhem. After an […]

Chaos Reigns In The Streets Of America As An Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes The Nation

If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish.  Some of the numbers that I am about to share with you are just mind blowing.  For example, I had no idea that police in New York City were injured by criminals thousands of times last […]

Protest wave sweeps the nation: Illinois streets and Capitol Hill erupt in demands for Palestinian solidarity

Activists in Illinois and Washington D.C. stand in defiance, calling for an end to the siege on Gaza and urging U.S. officials to back a ceasefire. Source

The largest Palestine protest in U.S. history shut down the streets of D.C.

An estimated 300,000 demonstrators shut down the streets of D.C. in the largest Palestine protest in United States history, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the genocide in Gaza. Source

Israel At War: Quiet Streets, Men at the Front

The streets of Israel’s capital city were eerily quiet on Friday afternoon — not just because of the approaching Sabbath, but because of the war that has seen soldiers and reservists called to the Gaza and Lebanon borders. Source

Weary Families Trudge Through Gaza Streets, Trying To Flee The North Before Israel’s Invasion

Some left home with suitcases jammed with clothes. Source

Hate against Muslims in India, whether on the streets or in Parliament, is the same

Hate is the chief ingredient of everyday discourse on the streets and the country’s socio-political system to allow the Hindutva forces to continue to control the harvest. In a historic moment, the new Parliament held its first session, debating the success of India’s moon mission, when a senior lawmaker from the Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) […]

Demanding an end to ‘deadly fossil fuels,’ tens of thousands take the streets in NYC

“It’s time for Biden to declare a climate emergency and phase out the fossil fuels killing people and wildlife around the world.” Source

As 2024 Looms, Neo-Nazis Are Returning to the Streets

On a recent overcast afternoon in Orlando, Florida, 10 neo-Nazis gathered outside the entrance to Disney World. Some wore skull masks, and their T-shirts were emblazoned with the letters OBS—Order of the Black Sun—the name of their group. One held a sign containing names of convicted white supremacist mass murderers, including Dylann Roof and Anders […]

Streets Engulfed In Flash Flood Of Red Wine

More than half a million gallons cascaded down a hill in São Lourenço do Bairro, Portugal. Source

Moroccans Sleep In Streets For 3rd Night Following Earthquake That Killed More Than 2,100

People in Morocco are sleeping in the streets of Marrakech as aid teams begin to fan into remote mountain towns hit hardest by a historic earthquake. Source

Move Over, Pigeons: The Birdie Helps Me Feel Safe on NYC Streets

Being a woman in New York City is not always easy. The Citizen app terrifies me on a daily basis to such a powerful extent that I’ve contemplated deleting it (do I really need to know that three neighborhoods away, someone got flashed?). If you live in the tri-state area, you’ve surely caught wind of […]

Arab shouts on Sweden streets: I WILL RAPE JESUS, smashes Catholic church windows

The benefits of multiculturalism and bringing in these 3rd world people into Europe…. here they are, right in front of you…. so many benefits…. Not only the Arab did what he did but he proudly posted his deed on TikTok too to brag about it. A migrant in Sweden filmed himself smashing windows of a […]

Great Evil Is Roaming The Streets Of America

Great Evil Is Roaming The Streets Of America Posted by Lou on August 4, 2023 According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, there are 917,771 registered sex offenders in the United States and its territories. by Michael Snyder Aug 3, 2023 America’s societal decline appears to be accelerating.  Hordes of …Source

Watch: Migrants Awaiting Shelter Sleep on Streets of ‘Big Apple’ Sanctuary City

Officials cordoned off a Manhattan sidewalk to accommodate dozens of mostly Venezuelan migrants outside the Roosevelt Hotel. The video shows more than 50 migrants sleeping on cardboard outside the hotel after standing in line hoping to receive more permanent shelter. Source

Video Of Deserted Mall And Streets In Downtown San Fran Reveals Democrats Destroyed City

A recent poll commissioned by Probolsky Research found 60% of voters in San Francisco “disapprove” of Mayor London Breed’s performance, and only 22% believe she deserves re-election. There’s plunging confidence among the business community that progressive leadership in the crime-ridden metro can revive the poop-infested downtown area. Businesses are closing up shops in droves, while some building […]

Iran’s morality police return to the streets

The Iranian authorities announced yesterday a new campaign to force women to respect the country's strict "dress code" in public places with the so-called morality police returning to the streets. The morality police had significantly withdrawn after widespread protests erupted following the death in police custody of Mahsa Amini in September. Protests have now largely died down, but […]

Tens of thousands of Israelis take to streets for 28th straight week to protest judicial overhaul

Tens of thousands of Israelis on Saturday took to the streets across the country for a 28th straight week to protest a bill that would curb the powers of the Supreme Court, reports Anadolu Agency. The protests have drawn huge crowds in many Israeli cities, including Tel Aviv, West Jerusalem, Haifa, Beersheba, Rehovot, and Hod […]

WEF Declares Martial Law in America As Biden Deploys Military to U.S. Streets

Hundreds of military tanks have been deployed across the United States after the unelected globalist despot Klaus Schwab ordered Biden to “declare martial law” in order to “repair our global architecture and our global system” […] The post WEF Declares Martial Law in America As Biden Deploys Military to U.S. Streets appeared first on The […]

San Francisco Announces Plan To Release Monkeys Onto The Streets To Fling Away All The Poo

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — In an effort to finally clean up the streets, San Francisco announced they will release several packs of monkeys into the city to help fling away all the poo. Source

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