Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

The FDA’s Disastrous War Against Sleep

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The Miracle Sleep Drug You Never Heard of

If you thought what they did to ivermectin was bad, wait till you hear what they did to this drug. It turns out that there’s a cure for insomnia, but the drug is so remarkably effective for a variety of conditions that the FDA colluded with the media to take it down. The drug is […]

The Miracle Sleep Drug You Never Heard of

If you thought what they did to ivermectin was bad, wait till you hear what they did to this drug. It turns out that there’s a cure for insomnia, but the drug is so remarkably effective for a variety of conditions that the FDA colluded with the media to take it down. The drug is […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Geniuses Don’t Need Sleep

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

French Man Pretended to be Alien Prophet to Sleep with THOUSANDS of Women in the 90s

A French sports-car journalist promised ‘out of this world’ ecstasy and enlightenment to anyone (particularly women) who followed the teachings that he claimed to have learned via his alien abduction. Now Claude Vorilhon — who adopted the name ‘Raël’ as his UFO ministry began in the 1970s — is under scrutiny again in a four-part […]

Executed in their sleep: How Israeli forces assassinated three Palestinians in a raid on a West Bank hospital

Israeli forces disguised as hospital workers and civilians entered Jenin’s Ibn Sina Hospital and assassinated three Palestinians as they slept. The brazen killing marks an unprecedented escalation in Israel’s war on Palestinians in the West Bank. Source

Cherries: Nature’s Anti-inflammatory Sleep Aid

By Case Adams, Naturopath Several studies have now confirmed that cherries not only increase sleep duration and sleep Source

Moroccans Sleep In Streets For 3rd Night Following Earthquake That Killed More Than 2,100

People in Morocco are sleeping in the streets of Marrakech as aid teams begin to fan into remote mountain towns hit hardest by a historic earthquake. Source

Morocco Earthquake Kills More Than 2,000 People, Survivors Sleep Rough

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake had a magnitude of 6.8 with an epicenter some 45 miles southwest of Marrakech. Source

Sleep Syncing: The Latest Health Trend For Optimal Well-being

In an era where health-conscious individuals seek innovative ways to enhance their well-being, a new trend has emerged that promises to revolutionize our approach to sleep and overall health: Sleep Syncing. This cutting-edge practice combines technology, mindfulness, and personalized sleep strategies to help individuals achieve better sleep, improved mental clarity, and enhanced physical performance. In […]

Sleep deprivation linked to health issues like obesity and cognitive decline

(NaturalNews) It’s normal to sometimes have trouble falling asleep at night, but if you can’t sleep well three days a week or your sleep problems persist for one… Source

Watch: Migrants Awaiting Shelter Sleep on Streets of ‘Big Apple’ Sanctuary City

Officials cordoned off a Manhattan sidewalk to accommodate dozens of mostly Venezuelan migrants outside the Roosevelt Hotel. The video shows more than 50 migrants sleeping on cardboard outside the hotel after standing in line hoping to receive more permanent shelter. Source

Biggest Banks Pass “Stress Test” So We Can All Go Back to Sleep ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

Feds Say Biggest US Banks Passed “Stress Test” By infostormer  – June 29, 2023 2 So the Federal Reserve said the banking system is just fine because a bunch of banks passed their stress test.   How much do you want to bet that at least one of these banks that passed this so-called stress […]

Junk Food for Dinner causes Bad Sleep according to Research

Home » Europe, Health, Social » Junk Food for Dinner causes Bad Sleep according to Research     In a new study, researchers at Uppsala University have investigated how unhealthy food affects sleep. Healthy participants were randomly assigned to eat both a more unhealthy and a more healthy diet. After the unhealthier diet, the participants’ […]

Cancer ‘Awakens’ and Spreads While People Sleep

The spread of cancer cells follows a distinct time pattern. At what time of day do cancer cells spread the fastest? Scientists have found the answer: It is when people are sound asleep at night. A Major Culprit of Cancer Metastasis Over the past decade, cancer metastasis has been a major focus of clinical cancer […]

3 Reasons why Americans suffer from sleep disorders

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A study by the American College of Cardiology has found that up to eight percent of deaths from any cause could be attributed to poor sleep patterns. Those with healthier sleep habits, meanwhile, are less likely to die prematurely.Sadly, many Americans have poor sleep patterns. In fact, a recent survey conducted by … […]

Sleep Week’s Almost Over, But You Can Still Save 15% on Buffy’s Bedding

You may be good in bed—but this stuff will make you (sleep) even better. Hey, insomniacs—how are you managing the havoc of daily life with all those sleepless nights? You need some shuteye (and maybe a white noise machine). After all, it’s Sleep Week, and it’s time to make a change. Step one: find good […]

“While Mortals Sleep” at Iranian bookstores

TEHRAN – “While Mortals Sleep: Unpublished Short Fiction” by Kurt Vonnegut has been published in Persian. Source

Popular Sleep Aids Increase Dementia Risk, Study Finds

Recent data (pdf) show that nearly one-third of Americans have insomnia, and about one-third may be self-medicating to treat the condition. New research finds the price they pay for a good night’s sleep might be very high. Sleep Aids Linked to an 80 Percent Increased Risk of Dementia The study followed approximately 3,000 older white and black […]

US VP’s own party questions her Ability to Sleep Her Way To The Top Slot

Let’s face it. When she was a young whore Legs straight up in the air under a married politician 40 years older than her young ass Harris could “sleep” her way up the political ladder. Anyone who has ever watched her embarrass herself trying to cobble together a coherent sentence knows it was her female […]

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