Posts Tagged ‘executed’

Israeli source of “executed children” lie admits story was untrue

First published by The Electronic Intifada, 27 March. The Jewish extremist responsible for concocting some of Israel’s worst atrocity propaganda about 7 October has admitted that one of his stories about Hamas executing children was untrue. Yossi Landau of the group ZAKA concedes in a new interview with Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit that dead bodies […]

Executed in their sleep: How Israeli forces assassinated three Palestinians in a raid on a West Bank hospital

Israeli forces disguised as hospital workers and civilians entered Jenin’s Ibn Sina Hospital and assassinated three Palestinians as they slept. The brazen killing marks an unprecedented escalation in Israel’s war on Palestinians in the West Bank. Source

Meet Ted Hall – The Jew Who Believed He Should Have Been Executed For Giving U.S. Atomic Secrets To Judeo-Soviets

(Times Of Israel) Intended to coincide with the Hollywood movie based on James Oppenheimer, a new documentary film “A Compassionate Spy” has been released, based on the life of Ted Hall — Jewish-born Theodore Alvin Holtzberg — who despite being only 18 years old, was assigned to work on the Manhattan Project to develop the […]

PA: Israel executed more than 52 children in 2022

Israeli occupation forces have "executed" more than 52 children since the start of the year, Wafa news agency reported the Palestinian Authority (PA) saying. This came in a report submitted by the PA Minister of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs, Riyad Al-Malki, to the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia […]

Palestinian executed at point-blank range by Israeli border police

The harrowing video capturing the Israeli border police officer shooting a Palestinian in Huwwara has circulated widely on social media and sparked outrage among Palestinians, who are calling it an “execution.” Source

King Charles I: The Only English Monarch Executed for Treason

Quite a few European monarchs met their fates at the end of an executioner’s axe. One of the most famous examples is King Charles I of England, sentenced to death for treason. Unlike many executions of the time, Charles’s execution went smoothly. Most interestingly, Charles’ execution bolstered rather than damaged his reputation because of the […]

17 Year Old Killer Jabbed Rahway football Player Dies (Is Executed) In His Sleep

If “Dr. F##ki and the Mass Murdering witch from CDC had snuck into this kid’s bedroom, stabbed him to death with a knife while he slept, even the sheep would be calling for them to be hanged. They suck into his bedroom while he slept and stabbed him to death with a loaded syringe.Murder is […]

Medieval Justice: Pig Was Tried in Court, Sentenced and Executed for Murder

In the Middle Ages, animals were put on trial just like human beings. A wide range of crimes could be committed by these animals including murder, being an accomplice in bestiality, Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Organized Crime Syndicate in U.S. Gov’t: Biden, O’Bama, Hillary Clinton Executed Seal Team 6-AUDIO PROOF!

Comment: All these people are MOLESTORS who like to have sex with drugged, forced children. That is how mafia controls these degenerates by supplying children and blackmailing these creeps.  [NOTE: This post has been backdated from 10/13 to 10/9  due to technical difficulty.] Please visit: By The Next News Network Anna Khait joins Gary […]

Right-Wing Broadcaster Stew Peters Again Says Dr. Fauci Should Be Executed

When QAnon conspiracy theorist DeAnna Lorraine teams up with radical right-wing broadcaster Stew Peters for an appearance on his “Stew Peters Show,” it usually results in a segment filled with unhinged rhetoric and wild conspiracy theories. Lorraine’s most recent appearance on Tuesday’s program provided both in droves. Lorraine and Peters were outraged by the American […]

Get Ready for the ‘Plate Reset’ – Planned by the Rockefeller Foundation and Executed by the World Economic Forum

by Blake Lovewell The oft-overlooked ‘Food Security’ pillar of the Davos mafia’s ‘Great Reset’ agenda. Imagine with me: a plate of food that fulfills all your nutritional needs, that is provided to you for free, that has a whole host of fancy labels declaring it, for example, carbon neutral and ‘fair trade.’ It is produced […]

Obama’s ISIS Returns: Christian Executed on Video

ISIS have made a mysterious reappearance after being absent for the last four year’s of Donald Trump’s presidency. In a video released last Saturday, ISIS militants executed a Copitc Christian man in Sinai, Egypt. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. The victim was identified as 62-year-old Nabil […]

The British hangman who executed Belsen’s most sadistic Nazi women

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

The British hangman who executed Belsen’s most sadistic Nazis

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

White Mother of Six Executed in ‘Road Rage’ Incident by Black Male

    A black male suspect has been arrested in the brutal murder of a 47-year-old white woman on a highway in North Carolina on Thursday, according to reports. Dejywan R. Floyd, 29, of Lumberton, NC, has been charged with first-degree murder and discharging a weapon into an occupied property following the death of Julie […]

Insane White Woman Executed While Two Black Mass Murderers Given Reprieves After Testing Positive For COVID

Gisella, We will be judged, after we die. What happens between people in life should always be between them, not them and a third party (the state).So the woman killed someone and she’s going to be executed by a man, who doesn’t know her and whom she hasn’t wronged. So, technically, on your premise – […]

Instead Of Being Executed For Espionage, Jewish Spy Jonathan Pollard Receives ‘Hero’s Welcome’ In Israel

Some 35 years after his arrest and conviction for spying for Israel, Texas-born Jew Jonathan Pollard has made aliyah to Israel with the intention of staying — where he is considered a ‘hero’ rather than a criminal who betrayed America’s military secrets to a foreign — and hostile — nation: Pollard and his wife Esther […]

Iranian-Swedish academic will likely be executed by Iran on Wednesday, wife says

Imprisoned Iranian-Swedish academic Ahmadreza Djalali, accused by Iran of spying for Israel, could be executed in Iran as soon as Wednesday, rights groups and his wife said. Djalali, formerly based in Stockholm where he worked at the Karolinska Institute, a medical university, was arrested during a visit to Iran in April 2016 and sentenced to […]

The Zionist activists who collaborated with Nazis, and were executed by Jewish partisans

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Seal Team 6 Executed: 17 Families Say Crash Was An Inside Job By OBAMA & HILLARY

 Back in August 2013, I told you that Extortion 17, the downing of a Chinook helicopter with members of SEAL team 6 onboard (those that allegedly carried out the raid on Osama bin Laden), could be Barack Obama’s biggest scandal and one of his administration’s biggest acts of treason. That report came after an interview […]

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