Posts Tagged ‘murderers’

April 26 – Zionist Murderers Have Co Opted the West

Please send links and comments to [email protected]  If Westerners don’t realize they are governed by traitors, they deserve their fate. —– $95 BILLION Aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan READY WITHIN HOURS, Lawmakers’ Personal Visit to Kiev “A good day for peace” he said on the day a 95 B military aid package was approved. […]

Feb 18 – “Criminals, Murderers & Freaks” Control the West – Gerald Celente

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Market Distortions, Out-of-Control Debt and Geopolitical Chaos: Gerald Celente “Gerald Celente doesn’t have anything nice to say about the state of financial markets, government debt, or the geopolitical landscape but he does want to wake people up to the fact that sociopaths with a mean streak are in […]

Oct 18 – Zionists are Barefaced Liars & Murderers

“Non-Jews are in a human form so that Jews would not be served by beasts. Non-Jew is an animal in human form to serve the Jew day and night.”  (Midrasch Talpioth p225L) Please send links and comments to [email protected] Zionist racism does not end with Palestinians. All non-Satanist Jews and Gentiles are “infidels” to be […]

Being Against Rapists & Murderers (Terrorists) Is NOT Anti-Semitic

If Americans Knew (About Israel) with Alison Weir (SOAPBOX PODCAST 10/11/15) By Cindy Sheehan’s Soapbox – October 11, 2015 CINDY SHEEHAN’S SOAPBOX OCTOBER 11, 2015 GUEST: Alison Weir TOPIC: Being against the policies Israel is not being anti-Semitic  Alison Weir  As a long time Palestinian rights advocate, Alison Weir was getting accustomed to being tarred with the slander […]

MURDERERS are receiving lighter prison sentences than Proud Boys “rioters” caught at January 6 “insurrection”

(NaturalNews) The self-proclaimed ringleader of the January 6 “insurrection” has received a sentence of 22 years in prison, even though he was nowhere near the… Source

Mike Stone – Striking Hollywood Actors and Writers are Vax Murderers

(left, Jewish strike leader Fran Drescher makes the Commie raised fist sign) “How many people do you suppose are now dead, because they saw some Hollywood shill like Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, or Tom Cruise telling them the “vaccine” was safe and effective, and then decided to take it themselves? Seriously, it’s a question worth […]

IRGC Says Revenge on Gen. Soleimani’s Murderers is “Definite”

January 2, 2023 In a statement commemorating the third anniversary of Martyr Soleimani, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) considered revenge against the perpetrators and murders of Martyr Soleimani as certain. The statement said that the three years since the martyrdom of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani the discourse of Resistance and anti-Arrogance around the world […]

Are The Kids Ok?-When Do We Start Hanging Mass Murderers Of Children?

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Admitting They Are Lying Full of S#it Mass Murderers, One Baby Step At A Time-CDC no longer recommends universal masking in health facilities

The CDC (Criminal Division of Child Mass Murder) Is admitting one baby step at a time the evil child mass murdering lying demonically possessed degenerate sons of bitches and bitches taking bribes to mass murder Americans are full of shit, completely wrong about everything, and in dire need of hanging. No one anywhere in the […]

THE PURGE? Illinois eliminating bail requirement for murderers starting in 2023

(Natural News) Politicians in the state of Illinois passed a new law that will do away with cash bail for 12 non-detainable offenses, including second-degree murder. The so-called SAFE-T Act (Safety Accountability and Fairness Equity Today Act) will also eliminate the bail requirement for aggravated battery and arson, drug-induced homicide, kidnapping, burglary, robbery, intimidation, aggravated […]


Jewish Collaborators With Bolshevik Mass Murderers To Receive ‘Good Will’ Holocaust Reparations From Latvia

Latvians rounded up on trains destined for Bolshevik killing fields (JTA) Despite the fact that Latvia’s Jews betrayed the Latvian people to the Soviet invaders in 1940 — leading to untold cruelty, butchery, and mass murder — the Latvian parliament nevertheless has voted to pay $46 million to the country’s Jewish community for property that […]

‘Don’t give murderers a free pass’: Outrage as Biden refuses to sanction MBS

Activists and lawmakers say Saudi crown prince must face consequences after US intelligence report confirmed he was responsible for Khashoggi murder US intelligence assessment revealed Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman authorised the assassination (AFP/File photo) By Ali Harb, Umar A Farooq in Washington Published date: 27 February 2021 00:06 UTC | The virtual ink on a US intelligence report blaming Mohammed […]

Insane White Woman Executed While Two Black Mass Murderers Given Reprieves After Testing Positive For COVID

Gisella, We will be judged, after we die. What happens between people in life should always be between them, not them and a third party (the state).So the woman killed someone and she’s going to be executed by a man, who doesn’t know her and whom she hasn’t wronged. So, technically, on your premise – […]

Genocidal Jews Bring Rapist Brown Murderers to Europe

Action in Sweden – Nest 2 of the Swedish branch of The National Socialist Nordic Resistance Movement execute symbolic hanging of Moslem Iraqi Tishko Ahmed. He raped, murdered and then chopped up 17 year old Aryan girl Wilma Andersson. Wilma could have lived a happy long life and given birth to countless Aryan babies if […]

Pope Francis: Pedophiles & Murderers Go To Heaven

Pope Francis has stunned Italian reporters after claiming that ‘evil’ people such as pedophiles and murderers do not go to Hell “because no such place exists.” In an interview with his longtime atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, Pope Francis claims that Hell is an invention by the Church to scare Christians into being “do-gooders.” reports: This […]

Cleric calls on judiciary to punish murderers of 5 security forces

A couple of days ago 3 policemen and 2 Basijis were violently run over and killed by members of Dervish cult in protests in the north of Tehran. Ayatollah Mohammad Movahhedi Kermani said in this week’s Friday prayers that nobody is allowed to cross security redlines, praising the Iranian police’s prudence and showing restraint in dealing […]

NYPD Refused To Detain 1,526 Immigrant Pedophiles And Murderers

The NYPD denied requests by the Trump administration to detain 1,526 potential pedophiles and murderers – because they were immigrants. The whopping number of detainer requests from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), working under Trump’s orders, were gleefully ignored by the police department according to NYPD legislative affairs director Oleg Chernyavsky. reports: New York law says the […]

YNET Israeli News: Stalin’s Jews — We Mustn’t Forget that Some of Greatest Murderers of modern times were jewish

YNET Israeli News: Stalin’s Jews — We Mustn’t Forget that Some of Greatest Murderers of modern times were jewish… YNET Israeli News: Stalin’s Jews — We Mustn’t Forget that Some of Greatest Murderers of Modern Times Were Jewish! Click on image for article. Revelation 2:9 – …. and I know the blasphemy of those who say […]

God’s chosen murderers–New York Hassid faces prison in murder for hire plot

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