Posts Tagged ‘admitting’

White House considers admitting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees

The Biden administration is considering admitting certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a report by CBS News found. Senior officials in several U.S. agencies have discussed the idea of resettling Palestinians from Gaza who have immediate family who are American citizens. One of the ideas proposed would be to use the United States Refugee… […]

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that his government will continue bringing in up to 500,000 permanent immigrants to Canada annually, despite openly admitting that his immigration policies have contributed to declining wages and housing crisis. In a […]

After admitting FAILURE of 2014 plastic bag ban, California legislators now want to ban all kinds of plastic shopping bags by 2026

(NaturalNews) California legislators recently introduced a bill that seeks to ban the use of all kinds of plastic shopping bags by 2026.While… Source

Palestinian Americans sue the US for admitting Israel into visa waiver programme

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) has filed a lawsuit against the US government for allegedly endorsing discrimination against American Palestinians in the controversial Visa Waiver Programme (VWP). Israel was admitted to the programme yesterday despite strong protests from American Arab and Palestinian citizens who have long complained about discrimination faced when travelling to occupied Palestine. […]

American Library Association President Stands By Tweet Admitting She Is a ‘Marxist Lesbian,’ States Look to Cut Ties

After being elected ALA president in April of 2022, Emily Drabinski posted a now-deleted tweet saying: “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary. I am so excited for what we will do together. […]

American Library Association President Stands By Tweet Admitting She Is a ‘Marxist Lesbian,’ States Look to Cut Ties

After being elected ALA president in April of 2022, Emily Drabinski posted a now-deleted tweet saying: “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary. I am so excited for what we will do together. […]

Science ministry to facilitate admitting foreign students

TEHRAN – The minister of science, research, and technology has said the situation will be facilitated for foreign nationals to study in the country’s universities. Source

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful?

Why Are They FINALLY “Admitting” the Covid Vax Could Be Harmful? by Kit Knightly, OffGuardian January 19, 2023   The mainstream narrative spinners – from politicians to the CDC to the media – have started reporting “possible harms” due to Covid “vaccines”. This is a potentially seismic shift in the narrative, but as usual we […]

Admitting They Are Lying Full of S#it Mass Murderers, One Baby Step At A Time-CDC no longer recommends universal masking in health facilities

The CDC (Criminal Division of Child Mass Murder) Is admitting one baby step at a time the evil child mass murdering lying demonically possessed degenerate sons of bitches and bitches taking bribes to mass murder Americans are full of shit, completely wrong about everything, and in dire need of hanging. No one anywhere in the […]

CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting Climate Change is ‘Next Pandemic’ To Control the Masses

A CNN director has been caught on hidden camera admitting the network has decided “climate change” will be the “next pandemic” because, in his words, “fear sells.” According to CNN technical director Charlie Chester, the […] The post CNN Director Caught on Hidden Camera Admitting Climate Change is ‘Next Pandemic’ To Control the Masses appeared […]

George Bush Caught in Slip Admitting the Invasion of IRAQ Was A Cruel War Crime: ‘Brutal & Unjustified’

Watch Ex-POTUS George W. Bush Admit ‘Brutal & Wholly Unjustified’ Invasion of Iraq in Freudian Slip 5 hours ago © AP Photo / Gerald HerbertSubscribe Svetlana EkimenkoAll materialsWrite to the authorIn footage that has since gone viral, the ex-POTUS made a verbal slip-up, confusing countries and tried to save face by jokingly referencing his own […]

Despite Admitting Jabs Don’t Stop Infections, Pfizer CEO Pushes Fourth Booster

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla has been pushing a fourth experimental vaccine dose despite acknowledging the jab’s short-lived “protection” and its inability to fight infection. During an appearance on Sunday’s CBS Face the Nation, Bourla, whose […] The post Despite Admitting Jabs Don’t Stop Infections, Pfizer CEO Pushes Fourth Booster appeared first on News Punch. Source

Barrister Speaks On Boris Johnson Admitting The Vaxx Don’t Work

11-11-21 1 min video:’tWork:0 _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, maybe this could help you:HERE If you like our work please consider to donate : Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Source

Newsom Faces Criticism After Admitting 12-Year-Old Daughter Not Jabbed Amid Own Push for Vaccine Mandate for Kids

Newsom Faces Criticism After Admitting 12-Year-Old Daughter Not Jabbed Amid Own Push for Vaccine Mandate for KidsDate: 10 Oct 2021Author: cloudhedges  by RTO ‘How is this not the biggest story in America right now?’ California Governor Gavin Newsom has come under fire for delaying his own teenage daugher’s Covid-19 vaccination while fuming at the lagging vaccination rate […]

Pfizer Scientists Caught Undercover Admitting Pfizer is Evil and that Natural Immunity is Better than the COVID-19 Vaccine

Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Project Veritas released their fourth video in its COVID-19 vaccine investigative series today which exposed three Pfizer scientists saying that antibodies lead to equal, if not better, protection against the virus compared to the vaccine. These scientists talk about the kind of culture they have to work in with […]

White House: ‘We Must Continue Admitting Unvaccinated Immigrants To Replace All The Workers Who Got Fired For Being Unvaccinated’

White House: ‘We Must Continue Admitting Unvaccinated Immigrants To Replace All The Workers Who Got Fired For Being Unvaccinated’ WASHINGTON, D.C.—Speaking on behalf of President Biden, Jen Psaki claimed today that we should keep letting unvaccinated immigrants into the country, since we need to fill all the roles of unvaccinated workers who got fired. Psaki […]

The Holocaust in Israel Exposed in Leaked Zoom Call with Pfizer Scientist Admitting that Israelis are Laboratory for Pfizer COVID Shot

by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Israeli TV recently exposed a leaked Zoom call with Pfizer Vice President and Chief Scientist, Dr. Philip Dormitzer, who stated that because Pfizer had an exclusive agreement with the Israeli Minister of Health to use only Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines exclusively, Israel was the laboratory of the world and that by […]

Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion

Unaware that he was on a hot mic and being broadcast live on a TV station, Israeli health minister Nitzan Horowitz admitted that vaccine passports were primarily about coercing skeptical people to get the vaccine. “Imposing “green pass” rules on certain venues is needed only to pressure members of the public to get vaccinated, and […]

Dublin Hospital Is Admitting A “Worrying” Number Of Double-Jabbed Patients With Covid

St Vincent’s hospital in Dublin, Ireland is admitting a “worrying” number of double-vaccinated patients for covid-19 treatment, the head of the emergency department Professor John Ryan has said. He emphasised that just because people are double-jabbed does not mean they are immune to the virus. “Right now, we’re seeing a significant number of breakthrough cases,” […]

CDC admits that the “vaccines” don’t work, but won’t admit admitting it

via From Lila York: On Thursday, an internal CDC slide deck was “leaked”. On Friday, an “official” document was presented. The first is more interesting, because it contains things that are ostensibly not meant for public consumption (how to present…). The second is made up of a lot of official looking terminology. What else? […]

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