Posts Tagged ‘policies’

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada

Trudeau plans to continue immigration policies despite admitting they have caused decline in wages, housing crisis in Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that his government will continue bringing in up to 500,000 permanent immigrants to Canada annually, despite openly admitting that his immigration policies have contributed to declining wages and housing crisis. In a […]

Biden administration’s strict anti-migrant policies spark outcry

“Within a badly broken immigration system, the humanitarian assistance provided by Annunciation House is one of the few things that works well. We in El Paso stand with the faith leaders and volunteers who lead this work and make us proud to call this border community our home.” Source

KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies

Three KFC locations have joined the mass exodus of businesses leaving Chicago due to rampant crime caused by leftist policies making it increasingly difficult to earn an honest living in the city. Residents of Chicago […] The post KFC Abandoning Chicago Due To ‘Rampant Crime’ Caused By Leftist Policies appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

How Progressive Policies are Designed for Civilizational Suicide

In accordance, it is understandable that many are inclined to believe that our country’s current serious problems are, once again, merely the failed result of well-intentioned policies. But what if, we ask, seemingly fumbled programs were intended to be the initial throes of civilizational suicide? What if apparent missteps were actually directed at the purposeful destruction of […]

MEP Warns Climate Change Policies Will Lead to a “New Form of Communism”

Feb 10 2024 “If you want to control the people, you have to control the CO2,” says MEP @Rob_Roos. “It’s taking away your freedom,” he added. “And if you then have the digital identity connected to the central bank digital currency, which they say, ‘We will not connect that.’ No, not in the first year, […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Dark Skin And Dark Policies

Randall Terry is running for president so that networks will be forced to air graphic anti-abortion ads, as he has done in the past. Trump cultist Shane Vaughn reports that he will be at Mar-a-Lago on Friday. Whenever you hear white nationalist Nick Fuentes and his followers insist that “We’re so back” and “America First […]

Bugs On The Menu? Biden’s Climate And ESG Policies Threaten Food Supply, Think-Tank Warns

Bugs On The Menu? Biden’s Climate And ESG Policies Threaten Food Supply, Think-Tank Warns Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A new report from the right-leaning think-tank The Buckeye Institute sounded the alarm on the Biden administration’s net-zero climate-control policies and that agenda items threaten U.S. food production. A group of […]

Spanish Farmers Join EU wide protests against agricultural policies

Agricultural unrest reached Spain on Tuesday as farmers staged protests, blocking major highways across the country. This wave of demonstrations mirrors similar actions by agricultural workers in various European Union (EU) nations, including Germany, France, and Belgium. The farmers voice concerns over escalating costs, taxes, and what they perceive as stifling EU bureaucracy. The primary […]

MEP Christine Anderson Torches “Climate Emergency” Policies In Fiery Two-Minute Address

The highly unpopular Green Deal championed by President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, involving overregulation, tax hikes, subsidy cuts, and environmental reforms, has sparked widespread protests, especially among farmers in Germany. In response to the protests, the German government has recently called protestors “extremists” and “enemies of the Consitution” However, German Member […]

Cheap grain from Ukraine and Green policies are destroying Europe’s food producers

Germany, France, Romania, Poland, Lithuania… Farmers All Over Europe Take a Stand Against Crippling ‘Green’ Policies By Paul Serran Jan. 24, 2024 11:20 am214 Comments   The European continent is in turmoil, plagued by a multitude of self-inflicted maladies coming from the insane, failed globalist policies pushed by the EU: unchecked mass migration, unemployment, economic stagnation, LGBTQ […]

Silent War Ep. 6358: Trump is BACK (Uho) FBI Entraps Autistic Kid “Terrorists” – War Policies

In this episode of The Silent War: President Trump Speaks in Indianola, Iowa Ahead of Caucus: Promises “Largest Deportation in American History.” BREAKING: ALREADY CALLED! Trump Wins Iowa Caucuses in MASSIVE Landslide. Air Travel Just Got Worse: People with ‘Complete Paralysis, Epilepsy, Severe Intellectual Disability, Psychiatric Disability’ to Lead Air Travel Operations in Pursuit of […]

Tragedy at the border: The fatal consequences of Texas’ immigration policies

Exploring the controversial operations of Texas National Guard and the heartbreaking drowning of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border. Source

Taliban education policies hurting boys too: Human Rights Watch

Human Rights Watch (HRW) claimed Wednesday that the education policies implemented by the Taliban in Afghanistan are harming boys as well as girls. “Human Rights Watch interviewed boys and parents of boys across 8 of Afghanistan’s 34 provinces and found an alarming deterioration in boys’ access to education and the quality of their education,” the… […]

Americans Divided On Native American Policies

Americans on both sides of the aisle are in agreement over several policies that would work towards safeguarding the rights of Native American people living in the United States, but they remain divided over a few key areas, among them: reparations, monuments and sports mascots. The following chart, based on a survey by YouGov which asked 1,000 U.S. […]

Black Chicagoans Rally Against Sanctuary Policies, Promise to Vote for Republicans, Independents Over Democrats

A group of black Chicago residents rallied on the city’s South Side to warn City Hall and the City Council that they are organizing to defeat any official that supports Mayor Brandon Johnson’s fealty to sanctuary city policies and the continued spending of millions on illegal aliens, even to the extent of voting for Republicans […]

Senate Approves Jack Lew, Who Backed Obama’s Anti-Israel Policies, as Israel Ambassador

The Senate confirmed former treasury secretary Jack Lew as the new U.S. Ambassador to Israel on Tuesday, filling the position with an argumentative partisan who backed President Barack Obama’s anti-Israel policies to the hilt. Source

US Congresswoman Tlaib slams US for ‘funding’ Israel’s policies of apartheid

Member of the US House of Representatives Rashida Tlaib has criticised the US’ unconditional financial support of Israel’s policies of apartheid which, she said, contribute to the continuation of the cycle of violence between Israelis and Palestinians. “I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today and every day,” Tlaib, who is of Palestinian […]


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AG Garland Invokes Holocaust to ‘Defend His Policies of Persecuting, Indicting and Imprisoning His Political Opponents’

By Chris Menahan Attorney General Merrick Garland on Wednesday invoked the Holocaust during testimony before Congress to defend Source

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: A UAW Strike Will Be Biden’s Fault Because His Policies Have Destroyed Autoworkers’ Wages

President Joe Biden’s inflationary economic policies and green electric vehicle agenda is to blame if the United Auto Workers (UAW) union decides to strike, Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow. Source

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