Posts Tagged ‘catastrophic’

Dr. Greer DROPS Bombshell Information! Catastrophic Disclosure!

The Disclosure Project Intelligence Archive is available NOW for FREE. Support our Archive Crowdfunding Site to KEEP the archive FREE and available to ALL. The archive is still a work in progress. There is much work to be done in terms of refinement, categorization, labeling etc., but we felt it was important to get the […]

The Rafah invasion will be catastrophic

The impending Rafah invasion will be even worse than anything we’ve seen so far. And the U.S. is just going to watch it happen. Source

UN says 70% of Gaza’s population faces Catastrophic Hunger

A dire warning emerged from a UN monitoring group on Monday, signaling famine conditions in the northern region of Gaza. With approximately 300,000 individuals trapped in the aftermath of prolonged Israeli bombardment, casualties have soared, surpassing 31,000 fatalities. The UN-backed report paints a grim picture, highlighting that over 70% of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents face […]

Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger

A UN monitor group has warned that “famine is imminent” in northern Gaza, where an estimated 70% of the population face “catastrophic hunger“. Around 300,000 people remain trapped in the area, after months of Israeli bombardment […] The post Global Watchdog Warns Gaza Is Facing ‘Catastrophic’ Hunger appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Report Criticizes ‘Catastrophic Errors’ Of COVID Lockdowns, Warns Of Repeat

Authored by Kevin Stocklin via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), It was four years ago, in March 2020, that health officials declared COVID-19 a pandemic and America began shutting down schools, closing small businesses, restricting gatherings and travel, and other lockdown measures to “slow the spread” of the virus. UNICEF unveiled its “Pandemic Classroom,” a […]

The W.E.F predicted a “catastrophic cyber event likely in the next 2 years” at a 2023 meeting but the outage today was just a test according to a lot of X users!

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The Super Bowl Massacre: Israel’s Invasion Of Rafah Will Be Catastrophic

For weeks the Israeli leadership has threatened to invade the southern most city in Gaza, Rafah, where some 1.4 million Palestinians are crammed in tents and crude shelters along the Egyptian border. The Sunday night series of airstrikes on Rafah, which caused another civilian massacre during the American Super Bowl, is only a taste of […]

Catastrophic Humanitarian Crisis Unfolds as Israeli Occupation Forces Persist in Gaza Genocide for 116th Day

January 30, 2024 The Israeli occupation forces in the Gaza Strip have embarked on yet another day of relentless airstrikes, artillery shelling, and fire belts, perpetrating horrifying acts of violence against innocent civilians. The Palestinian Information Center confirmed that this marks the 116th consecutive day of the genocide inflicted upon the region, resulting in numerous […]

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 84: Gaza at ‘catastrophic threshold’ of famine, West Bank marks ‘deadliest year on record’ for Palestinian children 

Israel faces growing tensions between the war cabinet and the far-right coalition government as Egypt presents a ceasefire proposal. Meanwhile, Israeli forces kill at least three Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Source

Joe Biden Schedules Virgin Islands Vacation During Catastrophic And Rapid Decline of America

Last Updated on December 26, 2023 Joe Biden is taking a vacation to the U.S. Virgin Islands, a lavish perk for a man whose time in the White House has been marked by inflation, migrant invaders, and the general sense that America is rapidly deteriorating before our very eyes as the globalists push for a […]

“Catastrophic Drop in U.S. Life Expectancy”


Israel’s ‘catastrophic’ intel failure leads to Hamas offensive

OCT 7, 2023 Source Israel’s sophisticated surveillance and spying networks make scenes of Hamas fighters moving through the streets of southern Israeli cities all the more impressive News Desk Former Israeli officials are calling the massive Hamas military offensive against Israel a “catastrophic” intelligence failure that will have immense and swift political ramifications. On 7 […]


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How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities

23 may 2023 Simpsonwood Scandal: How an ‘Absolutely Catastrophic’ Autism Link Was Covered Up by Health Authorities “Simpsonwood was effectively a highly-secret meeting between representatives of federal agencies and vaccine experts to cover up the fact that they had discovered a highly-significant link between exposure to thimerosal in the hepatitis b vaccine and autism,” shared […]

The Final Hours: Witness Pompeii’s Catastrophic Demise (Video)

As Mount Vesuvius erupted violently in 79 AD, the skies above Pompeii turned dark and ominous. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Video History Important Events Read Later  Source

23 Yr Old Died Unexpectedly After ‘Catastrophic Reaction’ To Covid Jab, Inquiry Told

A 23 year old woman with an unknown neurological condition died ‘suddenly and unexpectedly’ in her sleep after two doses of the Covid vaccine, an inquiry heard on Friday. The standing Committee on Health, Aged […] The post 23 Yr Old Died Unexpectedly After ‘Catastrophic Reaction’ To Covid Jab, Inquiry Told appeared first on News […]

World faces Catastrophic Famine that could see Tens of Millions Starve

    Tens of millions of people face the worst famine in centuries unless Vladimir Putin signs a new deal to allow ships carrying grain safe passage to leave Ukraine, a UN official warned last night. World Food Programme director David Beasley issued a dire warning to the Kremlin amid growing fears that Moscow will […]

*ZOG Earthquake Weaponry Strategically Inflicts Overwhelming Catastrophic Damage Across South-Central Turkey—Whodunit & Why?

*ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government such as those which currently rule the United States, United Kingdom and the State of Israel SOTN Editor’s Note: The videos in the following post reveal the sheer enormity and gravity of the immense back-to-back earthquake and aftershock that just struck Turkey and Syria in the red areas shown above. […]

“Catastrophic Outcomes”: Davos Elite Worried About Global Volatility, Cost-Of-Living Crisis

What happens when plebs can’t afford bread, and the circuses aren’t that entertaining? Nothing good. Which is why the cost-of-living crisis is the #1 problem, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report – an annual poll of 1,200 government, business and civil society professionals. According to the poll, there will be little respite from […]

Bill Gates planning on “catastrophic contagion” capable of killing young adults and children

(Natural News) On Oct. 23, 2022, unbeknownst to many, billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates held another pandemic exercise called “Catastrophic Contagion” announcing future plans for another deadly disease that specifically targets young people and children. In partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, the Bill & Melinda Gates… […]

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