Posts Tagged ‘demise’

Thailand announces intention to join BRICS, accelerating dollar’s demise

(NaturalNews) Thailand has announced its intention to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc in a move that could accelerate the demise of the U.S…. Source

DOLLAR DEMISE: Shift from dollar-based financial world to CBDC-focused system is IMMINENT

DOLLAR DEMISE: Shift from dollar-based financial world to CBDC-focused system is IMMINENT The Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944, which involved representatives from 44 nations, established a system through which a fixed currency exchange rate could be created using gold as the universal standard. It made the dollar a superpower. Its two major accomplishments were the […]

Did Jamal Khashoggi Do Something That Warranted His Brutal Demise? Source

The Devaluation of Rome: Roman Inflation and the Demise of the Empire

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that can have a significant impact on the stability of a country’s economy and social structures. Read more Section:  News History Important Events Read Later  Source

The Final Hours: Witness Pompeii’s Catastrophic Demise (Video)

As Mount Vesuvius erupted violently in 79 AD, the skies above Pompeii turned dark and ominous. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Video History Important Events Read Later  Source

from TUT: Kristol Clear Judah-ism– ‘We shall soon witness the demise of our enemies and miracles far surpassing those of the exodus from Egypt’

Kristol Clear Judah-ism– ‘We shall soon witness the demise of our enemies and miracles far surpassing those of the exodus from Egypt’ July 28, 2022tuteditor The three stages of the Redemption–Standing at the borders of the Holy Land, then and now. ed note–again, one of the most important–IN AN APOCALYPTIC WAY–OpEds flitting about the internet […]

On The Predictable Demise Of RT America

Above Photo:An RT app is seen on a smartphone in front of an RT and Sputnik logo. Dado Ruvic/Reuters. A Chance For Grassroots Global Media? The closure of RT America follows effective censorship of the channel. The ultimate decision to close was made following a cut off of service by DirecTV and Roku. Big Tech firms […]

‘The State of Israel vs the Jews’ — important new book chronicles Israel’s spiritual demise

THE STATE OF ISRAEL VS. THE JEWSby Sylvain Cypel360 pp. Other Press. $27.99 In 2014, in the wake of Operation Protective Edge that devastated Gaza and killed 2,000 Palestinians, including more than 500 children, the cognitive dissonance between Jewish moral and religious values and Israeli anti-Palestinian apartheid – and American Jewish support for it all […]

Yemen FM calls for Saudi-Emirati accountability on ambassador demise

Yemen FM calls for Saudi-Emirati accountability on ambassador demise – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Yemeni Foreign Minister Hisham Sharaf called for holding the Suadi-Emirati alliance accountable for the passing away of Iran’s ambassador to Yemen, Hassan Erlu. The Yemeni foreign minister considered not allowing the Iranian ambassador to Yemen to receive treatment abroad as a humanitarian […]

The Demise of the Heroin Trade a Major Benefit of the US Defeat in Afghanistan

After 40 years the United States occupation of Afghanistan has finally ended. I say 40 years because their involvement in the country began in response to the Soviet occupation which began in 1980. The United States supported the mujahedin fighters who opposed the Soviet occupation and never really stopped, even after the Soviets withdrew in […]

Khamenei on Demise of Jebril: He Spent his Life Fighting for His People

July 8, 2021 Source: Al Mayadeen Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei offers his condolences on the demise of Palestinian freedom fighter Ahmad Jebril. Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei and Ahmad Jibril Iranian Leader Sayyed Ali Khamenei has offered his condolences on the demise of Palestinian freedom fighter Ahmad Jebril. He called the leader of the […]

Nasrallah: Israel’s demise is imminent

Date: 9 May 2021 Author: lecridespeuples Address of Hezbollah Secretary General, Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, on May 5, 2021, as part of the joint speech of the leaders of the Axis of Resistance, in anticipation of the International Day of Al-Quds (Jerusalem) celebrated on May 7 2021. This International Day was inaugurated by Imam Khomeini in 1979, the […]

The Mummified Miner: Fet Mats Israelsson and His Unfortunate Demise

Mining is an industry that really doesn’t sound all that entertaining or enigmatic. Rocks, drills, and pickaxes – not much happens in the world of a miner. But when it  does – it tends to be spectacular! When a group of Swedish miners got to work in a mine in 1719, they quickly discovered that mining […]

Unique Late Scythian Necropolis Tells of Demise and Transition

Russian archaeologists have spent the last several months thoroughly exploring an ancient Scythian necropolis discovered in 2018 in southwestern Crimea, near Sevastopol. This Scythian necropolis, which has been dubbed Kiel-Dere 1, has been dated to the Late Scythian period (approximately 200 BC to 375 AD). This was the time when the last remnants of the […]

Birka: The Mysterious Demise of a Majestic Viking Trading Center

The Viking Age in Europe brought a lot of key events and innovations, and greatly shaped the future of things that were to come. But there is a popular misconception that the Vikings were all about raiding and pillaging as they sailed to the West and the East. While they did sail all over and […]

The Strange Demise of the American Herald Tribune

Another independent news source is suppressed By Philip Giraldi Source Many observers would agree that the biggest loser in the recent U.S. presidential election was not Donald Trump, it was the media. The news that was presented to the American public amounted to a tsunami of negative reporting on Donald Trump buttressed by opinion polls […]

True Prophet Predicted USA 2020 Demise Back in 2009

For before these days there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast; neither was there any peace to him that went out or came in because of the affliction: for I set all men every one against his neighbour. (Zechariah 8:10) John ‘Jack’ Johnston is the real deal. A reformed Satanist, his […]

‘Hold my beer and watch this!’ – Russiagate and the demise of western culture

The Saker Rattlesnakes have a terrible reputation.  Here were I live, in Florida, we have the biggest rattlesnakes on the planet, the Eastern Diamondback (Crotalus adamanteus).  They are huge and can reach well over 2m (6ft) in length and weigh up to 15kg (30lbs).  The Eastern Diamondback’s venom is not the most potent out there, […]

At Last! Iran ‘Celebrates’ Purim by Announcing Festival to Inaugurate Israel’s Demise

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English speaking pilgrims mourn on Prophet’s demise at Imam Reza Shrine

AhlulBayt News Agency – Concurrent with 28th of Safar and demise anniversary of Islam Prophet (S.A.W.) and his older grandson Imam Hasan (A.S.), English speaking pilgrims from different countries attended Razavi Holy Shrine and mourn. These days, holy city of Mashhad is replete with numerous mournful people who, by attending Razavi Shrine, mourn in the […]

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