Posts Tagged ‘brics’

Thailand announces intention to join BRICS, accelerating dollar’s demise

(NaturalNews) Thailand has announced its intention to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc in a move that could accelerate the demise of the U.S…. Source

Iran’s President Raisi joined BRICS, called to drop US dollar, pushed for multipolar world

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash, sought to unite the Global South against Western imperialism. He joined BRICS, advocated de-dollarization, supported Palestine, promoted a “Look East” strategy toward China and Russia, and allied with Africa and Latin America. Source

USA Loosing Allies as Saudi Arabia Joins Russia’s BRICS

In a significant geopolitical development, Saudi Arabia has officially declared its membership in the BRICS+ group, a move formally announced via state TV. Riyadh had been engaged in negotiations regarding its accession to the group for several months. Last August, Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan affirmed that the details of the move would be […]

Russia’s friendliest bank will help BRICS implement the “climate agenda”

From Edward Slavsquat @ substack The 28th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, better known as COP28, is heating up in Dubai. As expected, the conferencegoers are in unanimous agreement that renewable energy scams are very good and carbon is very, very bad. Sorry for stating […]

Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei says country won’t join BRICS group… instead, he will embrace the collapsing DOLLAR

Argentina’s President-elect Javier Milei says country won’t join BRICS group… instead, he will embrace the collapsing DOLLAR Argentinian President-elect Javier Milei has done a complete 180 on Buenos Aires joining BRICS, saying the South American nation won’t be joining the five-nation group. Diana Mondino, senior economic adviser to Milei, confirmed this development to Sputnik Brazil […]

U.S. Wants to Go to War With IRAN Which Means Taking on Russia, China & BRICs Nations

Ep. 33  Looks like we’re actually going to war with Iran. Are we ready for this? — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) October 23, 2023 Comment:  What the Rothschild’s want they get as they are the U.S. OWNERS or British Empire to be put more accurately.  If everybody in America gets bombed to death like the […]

BRICS Nations Are Dropping the Dollar & Ushering In “Sustainable Development”

BRICS: A Window to the Light? Or the Latest Make-Believe Deception? “Multipolar Nonsense”. Is De-dollarization a Pipe Dream? By Peter Koenig Global Research, September 26, 2023 Theme: Global Economy Translate WebsiteShqipአማርኛالعربيةՀայերենAzərbaycan diliEuskaraБеларуская моваবাংলাBosanskiБългарскиCatalàCebuanoChichewa简体中文繁體中文CorsuHrvatskiČeština‎DanskNederlandsEnglishEestiFilipinoSuomiFrançaisქართულიDeutschΕλληνικάગુજરાતીKreyol ayisyenHarshen Hausaעִבְרִיתहिन्दीHmongMagyarÍslenskaIgboBahasa IndonesiaItaliano日本語Basa Jawaಕನ್ನಡҚазақ тіліភាសាខ្មែរ한국어كوردی‎КыргызчаພາສາລາວLatviešu valodaLietuvių kalbaМакедонски јазикMalagasyBahasa MelayuമലയാളംMalteseTe Reo MāoriमराठीМонголဗမာစာनेपालीNorsk bokmålپښتوفارسیPolskiPortuguêsਪੰਜਾਬੀRomânăРусскийSamoanСрпски језикSesothoShonaسنڌيසිංහලSlovenčinaSlovenščinaAfsoomaaliEspañolBasa SundaKiswahiliSvenskaТоҷикӣதமிழ்తెలుగుไทยTürkçeУкраїнськаاردوO‘zbekchaTiếng ViệtCymraegisiXhosaיידישYorùbáZulu  60  25 47  138 All Global Research articles can be read […]

It’s All Over For the Empire of LIES With the Rise of the BRICS Nations; Everybody Likes Russia/China and No One Likes the U.S. Thanks to Victoria Nuland

That’s precisely what the ZOG-controlled West is. Nearly every statement you see from a Western political leader is some sort of lie or obfuscation to advance some demonic Jewish agenda designed to dominate the world. Lavrov described a number of historical examples showing how Russia and the former Soviet Union has been lied to repeatedly […]

BRICS Will Change The World… Slowly

BRICS Will Change The World… Slowly Via, BRICS, the organization that is hardly noticed in the West, more than doubled its membership at the end of August – something is happening. Introduction It seems to be more a rule than an exception that the most important changes in the history of financial systems either […]

BRICS is part of the plan to reshape the world economy; it was launched decades ago by Goldman Sachs

From “On the Unchartered Territory Podcast, Dan Astin-Gregory and Sam X discussed globalisation, deglobalisation, centralisation, decentralisation and localisation.” “….the term “BRICS” was coined a couple of decades ago by Jim O’Neill who was the Chief Economist at Goldman Sachs”. They talked about a move away from the dominance of America, Sam said, “They even […]

Lies & Censorship (By U.S. News Media Will NOT Stop the BRICS)

8 Sep 2023 Lies and Censorship Will Not Stop the BRICS By Harley Schlanger Leading DevelopmentsHarley Schlanger If you reside in the Global North, it is likely that you know almost nothing truthful about the BRICS summit, which took place in Johannesburg, South Africa, from August 22 to 24. The summit is part of a tectonic […]

Economic growth in G7 versus BRICS: a reality check

Like rose-colored glasses, anti-systemic glasses make economic problems appear less dangerous, narrower, and more limited in effects than they actually are. Source

Iran is important for BRICS and BRICS is important for Iran

In a commentary, Kayhan addressed the importance of Iran’s membership in BRICS and quoted Bijan Khajepour as saying: “It is true that due to the U.S. sanctions, Iran cannot fully benefit from bodies like the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and BRICS. Source


SEPTEMBER 5TH, 2023 Source Ramzy Baroud & Romana Rubeo At the zenith of the mass protests in Egypt on January 25, 2011, Twitter, Facebook and other Western-based social media platforms appeared to be the most essential tools for the Egyptian Revolution. Though some observers later contested the use of the terms ‘Twitter Revolution’ or ‘Social Media Revolution,’ one cannot […]

Egypt and its BRICS membership

With the end of World War II, the eras of conflicting multipolarities over colonial supremacy ended in the traditional form, and the occupation took on a more elegant appearance represented in economic domination, in an attempt to avoid falling into the bottomless well of a third world war. Political domination developed into two global blocs, […]

Iran’s entry into BRICS: The end of economic and political isolation?

AUG 31, 2023 Tehran’s diplomatic persistence has yielded a second major breakthrough this year: Securing full BRICS membership to dismantle isolation, navigate sanctions, and bolster political and economic influence with Eurasian power centers. Zafar Mehdi In his address at the 15th BRICS summit in Johannesburg on 24 August, Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi highlighted his country’s unwavering […]

The Ever Growing BRICS Coalition; 40 NATIONS Lined Up to Join; Why the U.S. MUST Join the BRICS

Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, AUG 26, 2023 – 07:45 AM BRICS is an association of five major countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Distinguished by their emerging economies, the group has sought to improve diplomatic coordination, reform global financial institutions, and ultimately serve as a counterbalance to Western hegemony. On […]

Colonel Maness Discusses BRICS De-Dollarization & Digital Tyranny Plan

SEP 1 Digital Currency Tyranny And The De-Dollarization Of International Trade | Training Tuesday | The Rob Maness Show EP235 COL. ROB MANESS RET.   Share The American currency is losing its foothold on the world stage and several foreign nations are waiting in the wings to take its place. On August 1, 2023, Fitch […]

BRICS Doesn’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: we need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

Anthony Migchels – BRICS Don’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: We need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

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