Posts Tagged ‘coalition’

Progressive coalition proposes 10-point agenda to counter fascism in 2024 election

Image Credit: Zach D. Roberts/NurPhoto via Getty Images) As the 2024 presidential election horizon draws near, a chorus of progressive voices has coalesced to confront what they perceive as an unprecedented threat to American democracy. Spearheaded by a coalition of national advocacy groups, including Our Revolution, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), and the State Democratic […]

Lockdowns are ‘colonialist’: Coalition of African scientists accuse WHO of ‘classical western imperialism through the backdoor’ with sweeping new pandemic treaty

The group argued lockdowns were a ‘class-based and unscientific instrument’ READ MORE: Ex-Covid chief warns another pandemic will ‘definitely happen’  By EMILY STEARN, HEALTH REPORTER FOR MAILONLINE PUBLISHED: 11:58 EDT, 7 March 2024 | UPDATED: 16:21 EDT, 7 March 2024 The World Health Organization (WHO) has been accused of being ‘colonialist’ over plans for a new pandemic treaty. A coalition of Africa scientists […]

Yemenis ditch UAE–Saudi coalition for Gaza

FEB 1, 2024 The Gaza war and renewed US–UK strikes on Yemen are shattering what remains of the UAE–Saudi-led coalition. Now Yemenis of all stripes are flocking to embrace the Sanaa government and its resistance stance. Mohammed Moqeibel While the Red Sea military operations of Yemeni resistance movement Ansarallah have shaken up geopolitical calculations of Israel’s war […]

Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition statement on chemical skunk attack

On January 19, a protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza was attacked by counter-protesters using the chemical agent, known as “Skunk.” The university bears full responsibility for all violence against the pro-Palestine movement on campus.  Source

Hardline Minister Threatens To Collapse Israel’s Coalition Govt If Gaza War Stops

Much of the international community has seen the ongoing temporary truce and accompanying hostage/prisoner swap in Gaza as a good and welcome development. The UN and even regional Arab countries have urged for the ceasefire to become permanent, but hardliners in the Israeli government are growing impatient concerning Israel’s stated aim of wiping out Hamas. […]

Columbia student groups form coalition to counter crackdown on Palestine activism, demand divestment from Israel

More than 40 Columbia University student groups have formed a coalition to demand that the school divest from Israeli apartheid. The launch of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) comes shortly after the administration suspended the groups Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) from campus. The coalition was announced on […]

Coalition implores Biden: Reject ‘inhumane’ program cuts amid fiscal negotiations

An unyielding stance against austerity measures as government shutdown approaches. Source

Republican Jewish Coalition to Obama: You Are ‘Complicit in the Death and Suffering … in Israel and in Gaza’

It is Barack Obama who is complicit in the death and suffering over the last month in Israel and in Gaza. His policies and those of President Joe Biden put billions of dollars into Iranian coffers. Source

Growing Coalition of Republicans Oppose Importing Palestinians to U.S.

A fast-growing coalition of Republican lawmakers is drawing a hard line over the war in Israel, declaring that they will oppose any attempts by President Joe Biden to resettle Palestinians across the United States. Source

Watch live: Nikki Haley speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall

Republican Presidential Candidate and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley gives remarks at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall. The annual event will tout several GOP luminaries as speakers, including Republican Presidential Candidates Gov. Ron DeSantis (Fla.), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), former Vice President Mike Pence, former Rep. Will Hurd… […]

Watch live: Vivek Ramaswamy speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall

Republican presidential candidate and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy gives remarks at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall. Watch the live video above. Source

Watch live: Mike Pence speaks at Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall

Republican Presidential Candidate and former Vice President Mike Pence gives remarks at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition Town Hall. The annual event will tout several GOP luminaries as speakers, including Republican Presidential Candidates Gov. Ron DeSantis (Fla.), entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, former Rep. Will Hurd… […]

Netanyahu Coalition Goes Full Provocation — As the US Escalates in Syria

9 Sep 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English Alastair Crooke The security anxieties amongst “Israel’s” professional military caste are very real. There is tension in the north with Lebanon, rising tensions with the Palestinians, and Syria is edging towards major ruption. “Israel’s” governing coalition, led by Netanyahu, is moving aggressively to establish political and security structures […]

The Ever Growing BRICS Coalition; 40 NATIONS Lined Up to Join; Why the U.S. MUST Join the BRICS

Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts BY TYLER DURDEN SATURDAY, AUG 26, 2023 – 07:45 AM BRICS is an association of five major countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Distinguished by their emerging economies, the group has sought to improve diplomatic coordination, reform global financial institutions, and ultimately serve as a counterbalance to Western hegemony. On […]

Rev. Jesse Jackson to retire from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition

“He didn’t give up when there were forces against the Voting Rights Act, or forces against the Equal Rights Amendment or addressing priorities at home or peace abroad,” said the younger Jackson of his father. Rev. Jackson, who founded the organization in 1996 to pursue social justice and civil rights issues. Over the years, Rev. […]

Iran, S. Arabia to form naval coalition in northern Indian Ocean: Navy chief

TEHRAN – Iran’s Navy commander has announced that a naval coalition will be formed in the northern Indian Ocean with the involvement of Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan and India, Tasnim reported on Saturday. “Today regional countries have reached the conclusion that if there is going to be security in the […]

Appendix 189: Cyber-Torture; EU-Coalition Against Cybertorture Homepage (Cybertorture = organized stalking-electronic torture; the targeted individual program)

We are a non profit EU-COALITION AGAINST CYBERTORTURE and Task Force established to create awareness and more of Cybernetic Technology and electronic abuse, such as the illegal data collection and manipulation of humans via brain – machine – interfaces. Coined “Cybertorture” by the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. How do we protect people that by […]

The Religious-Right Coalition Behind Kansas’ Slew of Anti-Trans Bills

Kansas legislators passed sweeping anti-trans legislation this week that has a religious-right coalition’s fingerprints all over it. On Tuesday, the Republican-led Kansas legislature passed Senate Bill 180—which would make it illegal for trans people to use the bathroom corresponding with their gender identity and illegal to change their name or gender identity on drivers’ licenses—sending […]

Who is the Better Identity Coalition?

The Better Identity Coalition has issued two reports aimed at guiding state and federal lawmakers in the United States. Who is guiding the hand of the BIC? In December 2022, the Better Identity Coalition released a set of policy recommendations for all 50 U.S. state government officials focused on “ways governments can improve the privacy […]

Israel demonstrations: Protesters call for an end to ruling coalition amid plans to reform judiciary

Israel demonstrations: Protesters call for an end to ruling coalition amid plans to reform judiciary Source

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