Posts Tagged ‘divest’

Princeton Alumni call on university to divest and end complicity in genocide

We stand alongside Princeton University students in demanding divestment, boycott, and an end to the university’s silence over the genocide in Gaza. Source

Open letter to University heads: Listen to your courageous students and divest from Israel

As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.  Source

United Methodist Church votes to divest from Israel bonds

In the first such divestment action by a major Christian denomination, the General Conference of The United Methodist Church has voted to divest from Israel bonds, and those of other countries carrying out prolonged military occupations. Source

Rutgers profits from Boeing airstrikes launched on Gaza. Vote ‘Yes’ to divest!

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, must divest its endowment fund from companies and organizations that profit from, engage in, or contribute to the government of Israel’s human rights violations. An excellent example of this is that Rutgers profits off of Boeing airstrikes launched at Palestinians.  Boeing is the 3rd largest military company. Likewise, […]

Columbia University Apartheid Divest coalition statement on chemical skunk attack

On January 19, a protest against the Israeli genocide in Gaza was attacked by counter-protesters using the chemical agent, known as “Skunk.” The university bears full responsibility for all violence against the pro-Palestine movement on campus.  Source

The key to protecting students? Divest from genocide and uphold free speech. 

Our collective voices and financial influence are crucial in holding our institutions accountable. We call on fellow alumni to join us in supporting Palestinian, Arab, Muslim, and pro-Palestinian students and activists on campus and beyond. Source

Divest, decarbonize and disassociate — inside the bold new push to get fossil fuels off campus

As pandemic restrictions fade, students are finding innovative ways to end higher ed’s many ties to the fossil fuel industry. Source

Illumina Will Have to Divest Grail After EU Blocks Takeover

BRUSSELS—U.S. life sciences firm Illumina will have to divest biotechnology company Grail after an EU veto of the $7.1 billion acquisition over concerns it would hurt competition and stifle innovation. The European Commission, which acts as the competition enforcer in the 27-country bloc, said on Tuesday that Illumina’s remedies did not adequately address its concerns. […]

 Imprudent for govt to divest its residual equity share of 29.5% in HZL

To Shri Rajiv Gauba Union Cabinet Secretary Dear Shri Gauba, In the past, I had written to your predecessors and the Ministry of Mines not to divest the government’s share of equity in Hindustan Zinc Ltd. (HZL), keeping in view the strategic nature of Zinc as a scarce mineral. I understand from recent news reports […]

Cambridge students calls for university to divest from apartheid Israel

Members of Cambridge Palestine Solidarity Society (PalSoc) joined with students across the country on Monday to call on all UK universities to “end their complicity in Israeli apartheid”. Students demonstrated to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people and demand the university review its ties “with all corporations implicated in illegal Israeli policies” and “immediately […]

Harvard To Divest Fossil Fuels, Sets Example For Other Institutions

Above Photo: Joseph Williams/Wikimedia Commons Climate activists are hailing Harvard University’s move to divest from fossil fuels as a profound shift in the status quo and a model for other institutions. The iconic and wealthy university’s decision to go fossil-free comes after years of resisting calls to divest, writes The Washington Post, citing Harvard President Larry S. […]

Oxford University Has Pledged To Divest From Fossil Fuels

Above photo: Radcliffe Camera library, University of Oxford. SJPrice/Pixabay. Now it Needs to Sever All Ties to the Industry. However impressive Oxford’s environmental credentials may be, it cannot achieve climate justice while retaining its close links with fossil fuel companies, argues Brigitte Wear from the Oxford Climate Justice Campaign. There are signs Oxford University is […]

Rutgers University makes ‘powerful decision’ to divest from fossil fuel

Image Credit: depthandtime/flickr/cc Rutgers University announced a commitment to fossil fuel divestment after the university’s Board of Governors and Board of Trustees approval. The University is the latest U.S. academic institute to make the transition. According to a press release, the “decision follows the recommendation of an ad hoc committee of faculty, students and staff […]

New York state’s pension fund will divest from fossil fuel

In the next five years, New York state’s pension fund will divest from fossil fuel. Thomas DiNapoli, the state comptroller, announced that the state will sell all its fossil fuel stocks along with all shares from climate change contributors by 2040. This is being hailed as “the most aggressive divestment target set by any U.S. […]

BDS Victory, Manchester university divest from Caterpillar

By Elfalasteen -August 5, 2020 MANCHESTER, PALESTINOW.COM — Students across the UK have called on universities to end their complicity in Israeli apartheid. ‘Apartheid off Campus’ actions were held at over 30 universities this week. Stop Arming Colonialism The protests are part of the annual Israeli Apartheid Week, an international series of events that “seeks to raise awareness about Israel’s apartheid regime over the Palestinian […]

50 NYU student groups endorse BDS, call on university to divest from companies complicit in Israeli occupation

Internal resolution for student groups endorsing BDS: WHEREAS settler colonialism and structural racism work across the world, including in the United States, to disenfranchise, dispossess, and inflict violence upon specific groups of people for the benefit of others; WHEREAS the unceasing military occupation and colonization of Palestine by the Israeli state is a manifestation of […]

Students from across the Universities of California call on regents to divest from Israeli human rights abuses

Yesterday, students, campus workers, and allies from across the University of California system were in Los Angeles to call on the UC Regents to listen to student voices and divest university funds from corporations that profit from human rights abuses against the Palestinian people. Following the UC Regents’ signing of the United Nations’ Principles for Responsible Investments […]

Join CODEPINK’s Week of Action To Divest From War Machine February 5-11, 2018

Join CODEPINK’s Week of Action To Divest From War Machine February 5-11, 2018 Above Photo: ccchristineeee/ Flickr UFPJ along with many of our members groups have joined the Coalition to Divest from the War Machine and are preparing to be part of CODEPINK’s week of action, February 5-11. The War Machine prioritizes “defense” and corporate interests over human […]

Reasons To Divest From The War Machine And Week Of Action

Reasons To Divest From The War Machine And Week Of Action NOTE: Popular Resistance is a member of the Divest from the War Machine coalition. There will be a national week of action from February 5 to 11, 2018. Click here for more information about organzing an action. If you plan an event, send the […]

Divest Black Friday


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