Posts Tagged ‘students’

Morehouse says it will shut down commencement if students protest Biden speech

When President Joe Biden gives the commencement speech at Morehouse College this weekend, it might be a short one. Administrators at the historically black college have warned the event will be stopped if there are protests over Gaza. Source

Jewish students endangered not because of anti-Israel protests, but because of police involvement and third-party doxing of participants

(NaturalNews) Contrary to mainstream media, the government and other Israeli violence sympathizers’ narrative that the Gaza solidarity protests are antisemitic,… Source

The students did not invent the encampments. We inherited them.

The student intifada draws its conviction from Palestinian and anticolonial resistance. Source

Gazans salute university students’ uprising for Palestine

As Israel’s invasion of Rafah begins, people in Gaza are holding out hope that international pressure will force Israel to stand down. Part of that hope is tied to the heroic actions of students across the U.S. rising up for Palestine.  Source

Open letter to University heads: Listen to your courageous students and divest from Israel

As people of faith we believe in a better way. It is not too late for you to change course and rid yourself of deadly investments in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. Join your courageous students and divest now.  Source

Sanaa offers to accommodate students expelled from US universities

May 4, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English The Sanaa University announces that students expelled from US universities over pro-Palestinian protests could continue pursuing their degrees at the Yemeni institute. A Yemeni university is offering a place for students expelled from universities in the United States for staging on-campus pro-Palestinian protests against the US-backed […]

Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests

Two Iranian universities have offered scholarships to students in the US and Europe student who have been expelled for taking part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Mohammad Moazzeni, who runs Shiraz University in the Fars province offered […] The post Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests appeared first on The People's […]

University students on hunger strike in Sciences Po, protests continue

May 3, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Student protests in support of Palestine have erupted at universities across the Americas and Europe, with actions ranging from tent camps and hall occupations to demands for academic boycotts and diplomatic actions against “Israel”. Student protests have been escalating and expanding over the past few weeks […]

Large police force invades Columbia University, as students ‘stay put’

July 01, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Police have deployed to multiple universities in New York after pro-Palestine protesters occupied buildings. Police were heavily deployed at Columbia University, New York, on Tuesday and eventually crackdown on protesters participating in the pro-Palestine encampment.  Moreover, local organizers have said that New York police arrived at […]

Michelle Obama surprises high school students in DC on College Signing Day

Former First Lady Michelle Obama surprised high school students from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia to celebrate College Signing Day and their decision to pursue higher education. “Look, on a day when so much is about looking ahead, I just want to take a little moment to look back with you all,” she said. “Because… […]

CULTURAL MARXISM RUN AMOK! Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event

Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event Source

Youth, students, and university workers in Palestine: we stand with our comrades in the campus movement!

Together, we are collectively making history as we fortify our long tradition of resistance against injustice and fight for a liberated future in Palestine and beyond. Source

Humboldt faculty condemn police violence against students, join demands for boycott and divestment from Israel

As faculty at Cal Poly Humboldt, we deplore the use of physical violence by police and the deployment of extreme tactics to surveil students, escalate tensions, and criminalize free speech exercised by students calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Source

Rice Univesity: Let students vote on divesting from Israeli apartheid

Alumni of Rice University Students for Justice in Palestine are condemning the university for suppressing a campus vote on divesting from the Gaza genocide. Source

Students across Philadelphia launch Gaza solidarity encampment at UPenn

Students from UPenn, Drexel, and Temple at the encampment are demanding that UPenn discloses its investments, divests from corporations that profit from Israel’s genocide, and defends Palestinians students and their allies. Source

Yale students launch hunger strike over school’s connection to Gaza assault

Fourteen students at Yale University are on a hunger strike over the school’s connection to arms manufacturers currently supplying Israel with weaponry. The group sent Yale University Peter Salovey a letter declaring that their strike would begin if the school did not take immediate action on the issue. “We here at Yale University have witnessed […]

To rebuild Gaza’s healthcare system, medical students from Gaza need support

Samah Hararah’s fate is uncertain. “I aspired to graduate from medical school. But our university has been destroyed — its president and teachers martyred. Who will restore our dreams?” His story is a regrettably familiar one. For months, Israel has bombarded Gaza — killing more than 32,600, the vast majority being women and children. Part […]

Turkish students film themselves beating and torturing 12-year-old German child

A disturbing video has emerged depicting a group of Turkish-speaking students subjecting a 12-year-old victim to torture, including physical assaults and verbal abuse. Filmed in the city of Uetersen in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein, the footage captures the victim, identified as Patrick, enduring repeated beatings, forced kneeling, and insults from his attackers. Despite the […]

UC Berkeley students and faculty reject university condemnation of protest of anti-Palestinian speaker

The UC Berkeley chapters of Graduate Students for Justice in Palestine, and Faculty and Staff for Justice In Palestine respond to the university’s condemnation of a protest of an event featuring Israeli genocide apologist Ran Bar-Yoshafat. Source

Why high school students need ethnic studies  

Ethnic studies is not just an academic abstraction; it helps dismantle the racial hierarchies that inform social inequality within the U.S. and beyond, and thus hold us all back. Source

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