Posts Tagged ‘healthcare’

Pandemics: The Healthcare Dilemma of Our Time

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Humans have always faced disease outbreaks, sometimes spreading widely as pandemics. Dealing with these, reducing their frequency, and reducing harm when they occur are important reasons why we now live longer than our ancestors. As human society has progressed, we have become very good at managing risk and harm. A […]

To rebuild Gaza’s healthcare system, medical students from Gaza need support

Samah Hararah’s fate is uncertain. “I aspired to graduate from medical school. But our university has been destroyed — its president and teachers martyred. Who will restore our dreams?” His story is a regrettably familiar one. For months, Israel has bombarded Gaza — killing more than 32,600, the vast majority being women and children. Part […]

A Retired Physician’s View of American Healthcare

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In my opinion, the healthcare system in this country is currently on life support. The level of trust is lower than it’s been in at least 50 years and deservedly so. While many probably believe that the negative impact on the healthcare system’s reputation is based on the nation’s Covid […]

Hackers target Change Healthcare, which handles 15 BILLION health records annually

Hackers target Change Healthcare, which handles 15 BILLION health records annually The federal government is freaking out after hackers broke into a major corporate service that processes some 15 billion health-related transactions every single year. The incident occurred at Change Healthcare, a property of UnitedHealth Group, and resulted in United States health officials urging all […]

Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines

Almost four years after the start of the Covid pandemic, and healthcare students are still subject to some of the most oppressive and coercive vaccine mandates ever declared. Despite the fact that there has not been one documented Covid case on college campuses in the last four years that led to either an outbreak of […]

US Healthcare Facilities Reinstate Mask Mandates

Health officials will use any excuse to bring back the oppressive and ineffective Covid mandates. Hospitals are reinstating face mask mandates in California, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, and other states, citing the mild JN.1 covid […] The post US Healthcare Facilities Reinstate Mask Mandates appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

THE CYBORG WILL SEE YOU NOW: Tech company launches self-serve “CarePod” healthcare booths that use AI instead of doctors

THE CYBORG WILL SEE YOU NOW: Tech company launches self-serve “CarePod” healthcare booths that use AI instead of doctors AI has already taken over the jobs of many professionals, from writers and coders to graphic designers. Now, however, it is poised to take on the role of doctor through technologies like Forward Health’s CarePod, a […]

Healthcare workers stand in solidarity with Gaza and the people of Palestine

Editor’s Note: The following open letter was issued by the Campaign Against Racism, Georgia Human Rights Clinic, Kindred Southern Healing Justice Collective, and Jewish Voice for Peace- Atlanta chapter on November 16, 2023. To add your name, sign here. As we witness the horrific scenes of the destruction of life particularly in Gaza and elsewhere […]

Women in Gaza are facing a healthcare catastrophe under Israeli bombardment

At least 50,000 pregnant women in Gaza are currently unable to access essential healthcare, as other women struggle to find basic menstrual hygiene products. The women’s healthcare crisis in Gaza is nearly catastrophe. Source

More on the Secret Exemptions for Mandated Healthcare Workers in NZ


Largest healthcare worker strike in US history set to kick off on Oct. 4

More than 75,000 Kaiser Permanente employees in six states and Washington, D.C. are set to stop working for three days starting Wednesday to protest unfair working conditions and unsafe staffing levels. Source

Emory U. Healthcare System Replaces Christmas Eve with Juneteenth as Paid Holiday

By The College Fix ‘We hope this will allow more opportunities for celebration, reflection, and education’ A hospital Source

Eugenics Rebranded As Healthcare & Revisiting: “Is There Graphene Oxide In The COVID-19 Injections?”

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/16/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Kiwi government moves whites to back of healthcare line

Exposing the lies and abuses of the pharma-funded Public Health™ technocracy. Kiwi government moves whites to back of healthcare line The whites of New Zealand are getting treated to the medical version of the Rosa Parks treatment. Via New Zealand Herald: “Auckland surgeons are now required to consider a patient’s ethnicity alongside other factors when deciding […]

The Future of Traditional Farming and Healthcare in the Netherlands

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The Netherlands has been chosen as a pilot area in the EU to be climate neutral with a transition in protein food and a transformation of healthcare into a telemedicine, data, and AI-driven connected system approach led by Public Private Partnerships. A closure of 55-70 percent of traditional farming is […]

Sanders, Jayapal lan town hall on healthcare as human right to promote Medicare for All bill

“There are millions of people who would like to go to a doctor but cannot afford to do so,” said Sanders. “This is an outrage. In America, your health and your longevity should not be dependent on your wealth.” Source

MN Gov. Walz: Being an ‘Island’ on Abortion ‘Will Strain’ Healthcare Resources

On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN News Central,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) stated that new Minnesota law on abortion will make the state an “island” on the issue and “will strain” healthcare resources as more people come into the state Source

Healthcare Job-Cuts Up 65% From Q1 2022-Hospitals Going Bankrupt

I read the other day where many high end hospitals are going bankrupt. Now I see an article talking about the bloodbath in healthcare jobs. Well, when an industry turns on the public they are supposed to serve, takes “government” funds to mass murder folks with killer jabs for a mythical illness, 213 health/science institutions […]

GoldCare healthcare

March 12 2023, GoldCare™ is the replacement for the current mainstream healthcare system. We remove conflicts of interest from government & insurance We provide a path to wellness, not managed sickness We place you in charge of your health The healthcare industry has become incredibly corrupt. The government, insurance companies, and corporate healthcare systems see sickness as a sales opportunity. That […]

Biotechnology saves $1.8b in healthcare sector

TEHRAN – The secretary general of the Biotechnology Development Headquarters has said about $1.8 billion have been saved as a result of biotechnological activities in the field of medicine. Source

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