Posts Tagged ‘inject’

Healthcare Students Still Forced to Inject Vaccines

Almost four years after the start of the Covid pandemic, and healthcare students are still subject to some of the most oppressive and coercive vaccine mandates ever declared. Despite the fact that there has not been one documented Covid case on college campuses in the last four years that led to either an outbreak of […]

Education International, ITUC and the Global Push to Inject the 4IR and Transhumanism into Schools

Ever wonder why the United States of America’s largest teachers’ unions, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), have been pushing for the privatization of public schools? or why they have also been pushing through ed-tech contracts with Big Tech corporations, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, and IBM? While the […]

Twitter Bans mRNA Vax Inventor Dr. Malone, After Warning Parents Not to Inject Children with COVID Vaccines

Dr. Robert Malone burst upon the scene when he warned that something was going badly wrong with a technology he helped invent. He said the mRNA injections by Pfizer and Moderna, the technology for which ha had helped to invent, were not staying “stuck” at the injection site like they were supposed to. He said […]

As America rushes to mass inject children with COVID vaccines, other countries exercise sensible caution

As America rushes to mass inject children with COVID vaccines, other countries exercise sensible caution Date: November 17, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:(Natural News) You have probably heard of the arms race, but have you heard of the “vaccines” race? There is one taking place right this moment, and the United States is desperately trying to […]

Tony Blair: Govt Should Forcibly Inject Nursery-Age Children

Former British Prime Minister and Iraq war architect Tony Blair has urged the government to begin forcibly vaccinating nursery age children and impose vaccine passports in order to avoid another lockdown this winter. In written comments in the foreword to a coronavirus report from the Tony Blair Institute, Blair baselessly claimed that children are becoming […]

NHS document shows GP’s to be paid an additional £10 for every child they inject with a Covid-19 Vaccine on top of the £12.58 already received – & Google are trying to hide it

BY DAILY EXPOSE ON SEPTEMBER 4, 2021 • Listen Now  The Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection is now being given to children over the age of 12 who are classed as vulnerable or live with others classed as vulnerable, and a Daily Expose Investigation can reveal that all GP’s are to be paid £22.58 for every dose given to a […]

Former Pfizer VP: ‘The gloves are off,’ UK govt to inject all 12-15-year-olds without parental consent

‘KNOWING WHAT I KNOW FROM 40 years TRAINING & PRACTISE IN TOXICOLOGY, BIOCHEMISTRY & PHARMACOLOGY, to participate in this extraordinary abuse of innocent children in our care can be classified in no other way than MURDER.’ Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer vice president and chief scientist for allergy and respiratory, issued a warning to parents in the U.K. with school […]

As the NZ govt is poised to inject our 12-15 YOs, note well that a 13-year-old Michigan boy develops myocarditis then dies, 3 days after second experimental Pfizer shot

Note to NZers: myocarditis features on the FDA’s list of possible side effects. The NZ government is not telling you this. See info below the article… EWR ZILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN — A 13-year-old boy who loved Pokémon and playing video games is dead in yet another tragic, unnecessary death. Young Jacob Clynick received his first experimental […]

Russia to Mandatorily Inject Public Workers in Moscow Against the Boogeyman 2019

Home » Breaking News, Europe, Health » Russia to Mandatorily Inject Public Workers in Moscow Against the Boogeyman 2019     Moscow has become the first city in the world to make vaccination against coronavirus compulsory not just for healthcare workers, but for employees in a range of public-facing industries, including catering, transport and museums. […]

MSM Was Wrong (Or Lied) On All Things COVID & The Desperate Push To Experimentally Inject Your Child

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/20/21). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

UAE scientists inject immune camels with Covid-19 in search of clues to beat the pandemic

A group of scientists from the United Arab Emirates have injected camels with dead samples of Covid-19, hoping that the antibodies produced by the animals – which are immune to the virus – can someday be used to cure humans. The Arabs have relied on camels for millennia and continue to do so in the […]

Oh la la! French medics inject 140 patients with normal saline instead of Pfizer vaccine ‘by mistake’

Dozens of people due to be vaccinated against Covid-19 using the Pfizer-BioNtTech jab were injected with normal saline instead as the result of an unexplained blunder by French medical workers. Some 140 people who attended the vaccination center at Reims University Hospital in the town of Epernay, 130km northeast of Paris, erroneously received injections on […]

Bill Gates wants to deploy genetically modified mosquitoes to inject vaccines

How much sicker could this get? … what could go wrong? © blogfactory Microsoft founder Bill Gates is mulling the use of genetically modified mosquitoes to “vaccinate” people. The technology bigwig and vaccine advocate brings his jab obsession a notch higher with the “flying syringes” project. To make this idea a reality, Gates has provided funding to […]

Bill Gates Wants to Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Inject You With Vaccines

Bill Gates Wants to Release Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Inject You With Vaccines Humans Are Free » / HAF Flying Syringes is a phrase that is used to refer to a proposed project funded by Bill Gates to create genetically modified mosquitoes that inject vaccines into people when they bite them. In 2008, the Bill […]

They Don’t Need to Inject You with a Vaccine, A Test is Enough to Poison You

This is a hugely important documentary I wanted to share, and I hope you’ll do your best to spread it as much as possible. Bitchute link

The New mRNA COVID Vaccines Inject an Operating System into Your Body – Not a Conspiracy Theory, Moderna Admits It

New Human New Earth Communities Comments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News Our first article of 2021 featured a video of an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts, titled:Catherine Austin Fitts Explains how the Globalist Billionaires and Technocrats are Planning on Taking Over the Planet, and How We can Stop It. In this interview, Catherine compared […]

How The FDA Responds When Asked To Prove That It’s Safe To Inject Mercury (Thimerosal) Into Babies

Next Story By Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN, Executive Director, World Mercury Project  Background: Peter Patriarca, an FDA employee, admitted back in 1999, in a confidential e-mail obtained through FOIA, that, “… the greatest point of vulnerability on this issue is that the systematic review of thimerosal in vaccines by the FDA could have been done years ago and on […]

Police Arrest 8 Year Old Boy Put Him In Restraints & Inject Him With Sedatives On First Day of School

A Toronto-area mother is searching for answers after she says her son was taken to a hospital alone in the back of a police car, placed in restraints and injected with a sedative because he was acting out on the first day of school. Debbie Kiroff says her eight-year-old, who loves cooking, Lego and swimming, […]

Left-wing publisher Mother Jones wants you to eat more toxic GMOs, inject your children with more vaccines and hate Donald Trump

(Natural News) Meandering through the latest mainstream media headlines these days, one is hard-pressed to find even a semblance of objective truth on virtually any topic. It’s all anti-Trump, pro-G.M.O., and pro-vaccine propaganda, it seems, including at the left-leaning news publication Mother Jones where such positions are regularly brow-beaten into readers at an excruciating pace. […]

CCTV captures bloodbath on Turkey’s Bosphorus Bridge during coup attempt (GRAPHIC)

#TurkeyPurge LIVE UPDATES: Post-coup crackdown As tanks rolled onto the streets of Istanbul on Friday night, by 7:30pm GMT, uniformed soldiers from the breakaway army units proceeded to block two major bridges – Bosphorus Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge. Erdogan to eradicate ‘separatist & terrorist’ infiltrators, inject army with ‘fresh blood’ After gunfire and […]

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