Posts Tagged ‘desperate’

Desperate Zelensky Drafts Prisoners To Join Military As Ukraine Suffers Heavy Losses Against Russia

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has begun drafting prisoners in the country to join the military as Ukraine sustains heavy losses in its war against Russia. Ukraine’s parliament passed an emergency bill last week allowing prisoners […] The post Desperate Zelensky Drafts Prisoners To Join Military As Ukraine Suffers Heavy Losses Against Russia appeared first on […]

Israel’s desperate fan club attempt to redefine ‘Extremism’

March 16, 2024 Well, they are the experts. By  Stuart Littlewood Michael Gove is the UK’s Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, and he’s been tinkering with the meaning of ‘extremism’ to see if he can squeeze political advantage out of it for his doomed party and his own misguided ideology. He […]

Jamie Dimon Is Desperate to Pin the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal on Jes Staley; Bloomberg News Is Carrying His Water — Again


The Desperate Failing Plan for a New American Century

feb 7 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, […]

Another Variant, Another Desperate Cry for Masks

For those of us on the side of sanity, reason, and data-driven evidence, the refusal of Covid extremist “experts” to admit mistakes has been a constant, oppressive source of frustration. The names of those involved in creating a false consensus based on inaccurate information have become an infamous reminder of the dangers of excessive reliance […]

China “Unexpectedly” Cuts Required Reserve Ratio In Desperate Bid To Contain Market Collapse

In a move many said was very long overdue, this morning China which has paradoxically waited too long until deflation reigns across the country, said it will cut the required reserve ratio (RRR) by 50bps within two weeks and hinted at more support measures to come, which while coming largely in time with the easing […]

DESPERATE MOVE: Zelensky BEGS Western allies for more money, promises to pay back all loans after the war

(NaturalNews) In a recent interview with MSNBC, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky made a plea to his country’s Western allies for urgent financial… Source

GUN CONTROL PSYOP: The Uniparty is this desperate to cancel the Second Amendment anyway they can. (No more guns in D.C. up next?)

READ HERE: Male, Black, Arrested with AR-15 near US Capital   Source


Gaza’s Desperate Civilians Flee Or Huddle In Hopes Of Safety, As Warnings Of Israeli Offensive Mount

The Israeli military said it was preparing a coordinated offensive in Gaza using air, ground and naval forces. Israel has not said when the offensive will begin. Source

BLM tweeted, deleted, then DOUBLED DOWN on calling Hamas attack “a desperate act of self-defense”

(NaturalNews) The world is having a tough time figuring out how it feels about the Hamas attack and the situation Palestinians face living in the “open-air… Source

SCOTUS Rejects ‘Desperate’ Effort To Block Trump From Running For President

The United States Supreme Court has thrown out a case that sought to block President Donald Trump from running in the 2024 presidential election. The decision by SCOTUS to dismiss the case comes as Trump […] The post SCOTUS Rejects ‘Desperate’ Effort To Block Trump From Running For President appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Scientist Warns Omicron Synthetic, modRNA Food/Experiment & CDC Desperate To Jab Kids/Pregnant Women

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/28/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Inside the Subreddit for Guys Desperate to Enlarge Their Penises

It’s just after lunch on Wednesday afternoon, and it’s time for your first spring compression session of the day. You take your plastic vacuum cup and place it around the end of your penis. You hook the ring at the end of the cup to a metal frame that’s pressed against your pelvis. Slowly, you […]

Neocon dark money front launches desperate ad blitz as support for Ukraine forever war craters

A PR offensive to inundate the American public with pro-Ukraine war advertisements during the 2024 election is the latest initiative of neocon chickenhawk Bill Kristol. While targeted at GOP voters, the campaign appears to be another Democratic Party front. Source

4 Die in Upstate NY House Fire as Crews Respond to Woman’s Desperate Call

NEW SCOTLAND, N.Y.—Four people died, including a 5-year-old girl, when a fire swept through a house west of Albany, New York, just before sunrise Saturday. Fire crews rushed to the home after a desperate call from a woman, who told a 911 dispatcher that she was trapped in a room with a child and unable […]

MSM Halfheartedly Admits “Scientific Community” Wrong On COVID In Desperate Effort To Regain Control

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/31/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Why’s the West Desperate to Win in Ukraine?

Some powerful people – especially, the Neo-conservatives (Neocons) – in the US are getting desperate to defeat Russia in Ukraine. They think the US and NATO are not doing enough, leading Russia to win in Ukraine. Their basic premise is that the US must do much more than it has been doing i.e., providing weapons […]

US Patriot Missiles in Ukraine: A Desperate & Dangerous Escalation

US appears to be in the process of transferring its Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine. CNN in its article, “Exclusive: US finalizing plans to send Patriot missile defense system to Ukraine,” claims the US will approve and then quickly ship the system or systems into Ukraine in just days after the decision is […]

They’re Getting DESPERATE as Mass Awakening Accelerates — Todd Callender Interview

They’re Getting DESPERATE as Mass Awakening Accelerates — Todd Callender Interview Attorney Todd Callender joins Man in America’s Seth Holehouse and says, “Let’s talk about the good news…For the first time in a few years, I have confidence that our species will survive this. We have to confront that this is a genocide. It’s been […]

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