Posts Tagged ‘crews’

International Crews In Morocco To Recover Bodies Days After Deadly 6.8 Quake Earthquake Struck

Moroccan rescue crews have been joined by international crews from Spain, U.K., UAE and Qatar, who sent emergency responders into the mountains where bodies remain buried under dust and rubble. Source

4 Die in Upstate NY House Fire as Crews Respond to Woman’s Desperate Call

NEW SCOTLAND, N.Y.—Four people died, including a 5-year-old girl, when a fire swept through a house west of Albany, New York, just before sunrise Saturday. Fire crews rushed to the home after a desperate call from a woman, who told a 911 dispatcher that she was trapped in a room with a child and unable […]

Crews Search for Missing Migrant After Rescuing 28 in Rough Seas Off Florida Coast

Coast Guard crews continue searching for a migrant who went missing after falling off a makeshift boat near the Florida Keys. Crews received information regarding migrants in the water and rescued 28 from the sea and a, un-seaworthy vessel. Source

Qantas flight crews warn of radio interference and GPS jamming from Chinese warships

Iconic Australian airline Qantas has warned its pilots of communication interference from people claiming to be the GPS jamming from the Chinese warships, Sky News Australia reported. In the note issued by Qantas, the aircraft company said that the pilots were warned of the interferences, which were detected in the western Pacific and South China… […]

Fire crews fight chemical blaze on Milan outskirts

At least six people were injured in a chemical fire at a plastic factory on the outskirts of the Italian city of Milan.

Filming for Apple TV’s ‘Lady in the Lake’ Halted after Crews Threatened with Extortion and Shooting in Baltimore

Filming for Apple TV’s “Lady in the Lake,” starring Natalie Portman, was shut down on Friday after thugs threatened members of the production crew with extortion and violence unless they paid a protection fee.

Crews search for the missing after devastating tornadoes

“It’ll be a miracle if we pull anybody else out of that. It’s now 15 feet deep of steel and cars on top of where the roof was,” the governor said on CNN. “Just tough.” Jeremy Creason, Mayfield’s fire chief and emergency services director, said rescuers had to crawl over the dead to get to […]

Western wildfires: Crews make progress on huge Oregon blaze

The nation’s largest wildfire raged through southern Oregon on Friday but crews were scaling back some night operations as hard work and weaker winds helped reduce the spread of flames even as wildfires continued to threaten homes in neighboring California The Bootleg Fire, which has destroyed an area half the size of Rhode Island was […]

Crews spend 5th day atop shaky pile of collapsed concrete

“Every time there’s an action, there’s a reaction,” Miami-Dade Assistant Fire Chief Raide Jadallah said during a news conference. “It’s not an issue of we could just attach a couple of cords to a concrete boulder and lift it and call it a day.” Some of the concrete pieces are smaller, the size of basketballs […]

Los Angeles ambulance crews told not to transport patients with little chance of survival

The Los Angeles Times reports that health officials say they need to “focus on patients with a greater chance of surviving” as COVID-19 cases are expected to grow in the coming weeks following the Christmas holiday. READ MORE Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Share this: Like this: Like Loading…

Watch: Protesters Destroy Media Crews’ Camera Equipment

Protesters destroyed media outlets’ camera equipment following the “Save America” rally in Washington, DC, while others stormed the United States Capitol building. In video footage posted to Twitter, protesters can be seen knocking down equipment from various media outlets in attendance at the rally where President Trump spoke on Wednesday morning. JUST NOW: protestors charging […]

Cold War fun: Pilot reveals Soviet bomber crews asked US jets to barrel-roll & took pics (PHOTO)

The picture was published by the popular military aviation blog The Aviationist on December 4 as an illustration of how the definition of recklessness has changed since the Cold War. Maneuvers like barrel rolls or aggressive turns during interception missions are now usually branded by the Pentagon as “unprofessional” or “unsafe” if performed by Russian […]

Crews find mysterious ‘void’ where San Francisco street caved – NOT water-related

     Crews found a 3-foot-deep void where a San Francisco street caved under a heavy big-rig truck on Friday, but they are stumped as to what caused the hole. Water is usually to blame, but crews could not find any water leaks, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission spokeswoman Betsy Rhodes said. “The culprit to create […]

Liberté d’expression? RT and Ruptly crews barred from Macron HQ

     RT and Ruptly were not allowed into the headquarters of French presidential candidate Emmanuel Macron, despite earlier being promised accreditation by his team. Producers from RT contacted Macron’s press team earlier in April and were promised accreditation for the evening of the first round of the French presidential elections. However, despite repeated requests accreditation […]

‘Working to get money out of politics worth arrest’: Ben & Jerry’s co-founders standing up against corruption of US politics

     Standing up against the corruption of US politics by corporate money is worth being arrested for, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, told RT after being detained at the Capitol with a group of 300 protesters. Monday’s mass arrest of hundreds of people in the US capital […]

1882 Dresden "Anti-Jewish" Manifesto Explains NWO

Unable to stop criminals, Texas cops now pull you over for "driving safely" to "reward" you

     Police in Lakeview, Texas are routinely conducting traffic stops without probable cause that a violation has occurred – and have packaged these unlawful detentions in a way that has earned media approval. The pretext offered by the department is its “Doing it Right Safe Driving Campaign,” through which officers who lurk in the shadows […]

Less oil dependency chance for knowledge-based economy

TEHRAN, Dec. 20 (Shana) – The vice-president for science and technology has said that less oil revenue is a “valuable opportunity” for realization of knowledge-based economy in Iran. Sorena Sattari said on Saturday that the unprecedented downfall in the price of oil in international markets is an opportunity for Iran to move its economy from […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

Hackers may hit home for the holidays

Credit: Public Domain It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market. Security experts say the vulnerabilities of “Internet of Things” devices such as fitness bands, smartwatches, drones and connected appliances could be exploited as consumers adopt these products for the holiday season. […]

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