Posts Tagged ‘stop’

Iran highest ranked Asian volleyball team in FIVB rankings

The Iranian men’s national volleyball team has maintained its position as the best Asian squad in the latest edition of the FIVB rankings, nestling in the 10th spot in the world table. According to the latest monthly rankings released by the international governing body for the sports of indoor, beach and grass volleyball on Monday, […]

Man stabs mom & 3 daughters at French holiday center over shorts and T-shirts

The man attacked the woman and her daughters – aged 8, 12 and 14 – in the resort town of Laragne-Monteglin in the Hautes-Alpes region, outraged at the fact that they were wearing shorts and T-shirts, local Deputy Mayor Jean-Marc Duprat said, according to AP. Horrifying moment when Nice killer truck hits unsuspecting people filmed […]

How ‘Institutionalized Science’ Can Be Easily Fabricated

Science, just like religion, has become a loaded term with all sorts of half-truth connotations connected to it in today’s society. When people say that “Science can’t be wrong,” what they really me is “Empiricism can’t be wrong,” and even this isn’t entirely true. Science is a school of thought that focuses on applying modern […]

Cop Who Shot Philando Had ‘Bulletproof Warrior’ Training

Print Friendly Above: Officer Jeronimo Yanez , the cop who shot Philando Castile during a traffic stop, has claimed he was reacting to the man’s gun – not his race. Calibre’s“Bulletproof” lectures are jointly taught by Glennon and David Grossman, a retired Army Lt. Colonel and former Army Ranger who originated the now-common conceit that police […]

israel has killed 218 Palestinians & wounded 17,072 since October 2015

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation forces killed 218 Palestinians and wounded 17,072 other since the start of current Intifada in October 2015. Tens of the Palestinians, who were killed during this period, were executed with a cold blood or were liquidated with premeditation. Several of them were shot from a zero distance while […]

Global economy continues to lose momentum after Brexit

     Apparently the world economy continues to lose momentum. Exports from German companies in May went down significantly. Meanwhile first observers are mentioning the possibility that the German gross domestic product could even have shrunken during the second quarter. German exports fell in May due to the weak global economy. They went down 1.8 percent […]

Congress To Ask FBI To Investigate Hillary For Lying Under Oath

Rep. Jason Chaffetz said on Thursday that he would ask the FBI to investigate Hillary Clinton’s sworn testimony before Congress in which she falsely said that she did not send or received classified information via email. During tense questioning, the chair of the House Oversight Committee asked Comey, “Did Hillary Clinton lie?” […]

"Senior" Mourns Canada’s Bicultural Heritage

  July 6, 2016 left.  CBC-TV’s Toronto news team. Visible minorities are only 20% of the Canadian population but whites watching TV already feel like a minority. Indeed Toronto is already 50% coloured. by Joe I am so fed-up having to face such obvious race mixing and migrant/refugee propaganda. It also seems that practically every […]

US to leave 8,400 troops in Afghanistan into 2017, 35 percent more than expected

The United States will leave more troops in Afghanistan at the end of the year than previously announced, President Barack Obama said. America’s combat mission in Afghanistan “came to a responsible end” a year and a half ago, Obama said. Forces there are now focused on “two narrow missions”: training and terrorism prevention. “But […]

Free Trade Agreements Have Worsened Humanitarian Crisis in Central America

Eco-Consciousness and the Power of Green Anarchy

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, StaffWaking Times “For thousands of years we’ve been ruled by kings and emperors… ideological demagogues like Hitler, Mao and Stalin… lately by bureaucratic elites, financial engineers and omnipotent corporations… now we’re going to start calling the shots from below.” Like Pavlov’s dogs salivating at the sound of a […]

Japan’s Supreme Court Upholds Mass Surveillance Of Muslims

Tokyo Camii Japan’s Supreme Court gives the green light to the government’s blanket surveillance of Muslims living in the country. A legal challenge to police profiling of the country’s Islamic population was dismissed, giving the government the right to continue the mass surveillance of Muslim residents, places of worship, halal restaurants, and other related institutions. […]

The Elites Have Lost the Right to Rule – Part 2

In the end, the elites will be overthrown and a power vacuum will form.  The transition period will be extremely difficult as the elites will fight their demise to the end.  For you see, they care nothing for you they care about their power and control.  Nevertheless, rulers have always only ruled by the […]

If We Are Going to Take Down the Establishment, Progressives, Libertarians, Anarchists and Non-Voters Need to Unite

30th June 2016 By Tim Bryant Guest writer for Wake Up World Anyone paying even the slightest attention to the 2016 Presidential Election can see that this election cycle has been marred and corrupted up on a variety of fronts. On one hand, you have Hillary Clinton, a notorious insider and lifelong crook that is […]

At least 36 killed in terror attack on Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport

At least 36 people were killed and many others were wounded in a suicide bomb and gun attack on Istanbul’s Atatürk Airport late on June 28, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım said in a press briefing at the crime scene, adding that findings suggested that Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) was responsible. […]


Ladies and gentlemen, there is something that I been meaning to talk about for quite sometime now, and that something is extinction. First let’s take a look at some of the animals that have become extinct. Although I don’t like to quote Wikipedia because of its oh-so-evident bias, occasionally it gets things right. The people […]

AI Fighter Pilot Wins in Combat Simulation

AI Fighter Pilot Wins in Combat Simulation June 28th, 2016 Via: BBC: An artificially intelligent fighter pilot system has defeated two attacking jets in a combat simulation. The AI, known as Alpha, used four virtual jets to successfully defend a coastline against two attacking […]

Mexico: Police, Troops ‘Routinely’ Rape Arrested Women

Mexico: Police, Troops ‘Routinely’ Rape Arrested Women June 28th, 2016 Via: AFP: Mexico’s police and armed forces routinely torture and mistreat women, sometimes using sexual violence during arrest and interrogation, Amnesty International wrote in a damning report released on Tuesday. The rights group interviewed […]

The Illusion of Power

We live in such an uncertain world that it is understandable that many people feel helpless. The political elite, police and media have sleepless nights too. You cannot blame them for they know how vulnerable they are. Former British Prime Minister Harold Wilson expressed the view that ‘a week is a long time in politics.’ […]

Death of Orlando Gay Bar Shooting Victim Akyra Murray is Fake – Proof

Death of Orlando Gay Bar Shooting Victim Akyra Murray is Fake – Proof Make no mistake about it the supposedly horrific Orlando ‘gay’ Pulse Nightclub shooting has no basis whatsoever. Nor was it a false flag. Nor was it a real event. Rather, it was merely a hoax and contrary to disinformation otherwise this is […]

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