Posts Tagged ‘seeking’

ICC moves forward in seeking arrests of Netanyahu, Hamas leaders

(NaturalNews) As promised, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is moving forward with plans to arrest not just Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but… Source

Pfizer Is Seeking FDA Approval For RSV Vaccine For Young Adults

Pfizer is planning on using data from a clinical trial it concluded last month to ask regulators to expand approval of its respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine, Abrysvo. In a press release Tuesday, the big pharma giant said the vaccine was for all adults aged 18 and over. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get […]

Peaceful ‘rescuers’ seeking to stop abortions found guilty by jury, face up to 11 years in prison

(Breitbart) — Six pro-life activists were found guilty on Tuesday for “conspiracy against rights” and violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) in relation to a peaceful protest outside of a Tennessee abortion facility in 2021. President Joe Biden’s pro-abortion administration announced in October 2022 that it had charged 11 activists… Source

Peaceful ‘rescuers’ seeking to stop abortions face federal prosecution, may receive up to 11 years in prison

Jury selection is set to commence this week in Nashville, Tennessee for six individuals in relationship to a “rescue” they took part in inside an abortion facility in Tennessee as they sought to save babies from being murdered at the hands of an abortionist. Some of the individuals charged in the federal case are potentially […]

Palestinian Soccer Team Is Seeking A Historic Win — While Losing Loved Ones At Home

In the days leading up to the Asian Cup, a major international soccer tournament, Mohammed Saleh of the Palestinian national soccer team learned that his uncle, his aunt and their children had all been killed during Israel’s bombardment of Gaza. “Today my family is subjected to a war of extermination,” Saleh — not to be […]

Seeking Green Utopia, The US And EU Are Quietly Killing Vital Industries

Authored by Mike Shedlock via, German CO₂ emissions are the lowest since the 1950s. Is this a success or a failure? Agora Energiewend reports Germany’s CO₂ Emissions Drop to Record Low. The details and results are interesting, emphasis mine. Last year, Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions fell to 673 million tonnes of CO₂. Emissions thus fell by […]

Fact Check: Ron DeSantis Bashes Joe Biden for Seeking Billions to Bus Illegal Aliens into U.S.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said Joe Biden’s recent budget request for the border includes billions to bus illegal aliens into the U.S. Source

US Government Lies About Seeking Ceasefire As World Calls Out Israel & More Zionist Propaganda

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/7/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Texas State Rep. Matt Schaefer Says Those Seeking Office Must ‘Really Understand What the Bible Says’

Last week, the Christian nationalist organization Christians Engaged broadcast a panel from its 2022 conference featuring several elected officials discussing how their Christian faith shapes their work in office. The panel was moderated by Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer, who revealed that when he speaks to young people who are interested in politics, he advises […]

DARPA/ARPA-H REACT Program Seeking To Make Your Body A Bio-Factory & Most Dangerous Nobel Prize

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/3/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Supreme Court Declines to Hear Landlords’ Case Seeking to End Rent Control

The Supreme Court will not take up the latest attempt by landlord lobbyists to upend New York City’s 50-year-old rent control laws. But two other related cases may yet make it to the highest court. The court denied the petition for writ of certiorari—a formal request to review a lower court decision—on Monday morning. The […]

Sam Husseini Interview – Seeking Truth During An Exercise In Spin & Obfuscation (State Dept Briefings)

Joining me today is Sam Husseini, here to discuss his work as a journalist at the State Department, and how impossibly difficult it must be to seek truth from those whose core mandate appears to be anything but divulging truth. In fact, it seems their job is to do all within their power to hide […]

Retired General Explains Why Putin Is Reportedly Seeking Closer Ties To Kim Jong Un

The New York Times on Monday reported that Kim is planning to travel to Russia, likely using an armored train, this month to hold talks with the Russian president. Source

Armenia: Canada to Send Two Experts for EU Mission Seeking Peace in Nagorno-Karabakh

Canada is sending two officials to support a European mission that is aiming to prevent another war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The unarmed European Union mission in Armenia is a project involving a hundred civilian monitors who keep tabs on the security situation at the border with Azerbaijan. Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly has announced […]

UN: Over 19,000 Sudanese seeking refuge in South Sudan as conflict persists

Violent clashes which erupted between the Sudanese army and the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) have forced over 19,000 refugees to relocate to neighboring South Sudan, the UN said in a report, says Anadolu Agency. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in South Sudan said over the weekend that the number […]

Iran still seeking to Justifiably Execute IsraHell’s Bit#h Trump For the International War Crime of Murdering an Iranian Diplomat on a Posted Mission in Iraq

Well, why the hell not??? Iran was kicking IsraHell’s proxy terrorist organization ISIS’s ass in Iraq. Murderuing a diplomate on a posted diplomatic mission, especially in another country without that countries permission, is an INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIME. International war crimes are hanging offenses. As the Rothschild’s children raping 30 shekel political whores in Sodom […]

These are the settler groups seeking to take over the Aqsa Mosque compound

Temple Movement activists are trying to enter the Aqsa compound to slaughter goats and challenge the Muslim presence in the holy site. Palestinian worshippers remaining in the mosque during Ramadan are resisting. Source

US Meddling in Thai Elections: Seeking to Create an Anti-China Proxy

The Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand is slated to hold general elections in May of this year. Thailand, with the second largest economy in ASEAN and with a population of nearly 70 million people, has grown far too close to China for Washington’s liking. Because of this, Washington sees the elections as an opportunity to […]

Oregon state lawmakers pass bill seeking to provide $1K per month to homeless and low-income people

(Natural News) State lawmakers in Oregon passed a bill in January providing $1,000 per month to homeless and low-income people. It would set the stage for the Beaver State’s first foray into universal basic income (UBI) should it become law. SB 603 would establish the People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to be administered by […]

‘Many careers are destroyed by those seeking to silence any criticism of Israel’s brutality’: Ken Roth’s case is just the tip of iceberg

Harvard reversed its Ken Roth decisions, but the academic careers of Israel critics are still being consistently threatened. The latest case is Dr. Lara Sheehi at George Washington University. Source

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