Posts Tagged ‘peaceful’

Ivan Raiklin Tells NPR Producer of the “Patriotic & Peaceful” Retribution that’s Coming

Zoe Chace is a producer for a radio show called This American Life that airs on public radio stations, like NPR. She bumped into Ivan Raiklin at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday and wanted to do an impromptu interview with him, noting that he calls himself the “Future Secretary of Retribution” on his Twitter profile. […]

Peaceful ‘rescuers’ seeking to stop abortions found guilty by jury, face up to 11 years in prison

(Breitbart) — Six pro-life activists were found guilty on Tuesday for “conspiracy against rights” and violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) in relation to a peaceful protest outside of a Tennessee abortion facility in 2021. President Joe Biden’s pro-abortion administration announced in October 2022 that it had charged 11 activists… Source

Peaceful ‘rescuers’ seeking to stop abortions face federal prosecution, may receive up to 11 years in prison

Jury selection is set to commence this week in Nashville, Tennessee for six individuals in relationship to a “rescue” they took part in inside an abortion facility in Tennessee as they sought to save babies from being murdered at the hands of an abortionist. Some of the individuals charged in the federal case are potentially […]

Trump vows a peaceful transfer of power if reelected

If reelected president in 2024, Donald Trump vowed Friday that he would turn over power peacefully to the next president after him. In a wide-ranging interview on Friday with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt, Trump said he would peacefully transfer power to the next president if reelected, despite insisting in the same interview that he […]

Capitol police INCITED January 6 riot by firing munition into peaceful crowd, new footage shows

Capitol police INCITED January 6 riot by firing munition into peaceful crowd, new footage shows In the interest of transparency, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has released more than 40,000 hours of January 6 “insurrection” footage showing that what the media reported and what actually happened are two entirely different things. Those few short minutes […]

‘Insurrection’: MTG Melts Down Over Peaceful Pro-Palestine Protest

Hundreds of Jewish protesters and their allies passed through security screening checkpoints in Washington, D.C. to enter the Cannon building, a congressional office complex open to the public, on Wednesday afternoon for a peaceful demonstration to demand a ceasefire in Gaza, chanting “Ceasefire Now!” and “Not In Our Name!”  But now, right-wing media and certain […]

The Crucifixion of Peaceful J6 Protester Zachary Rehl

Non-violent J6 prisoner Zachary Rehl, 38, who walked through the Capitol peacefully for 20 minutes, took a selfie, and left, has been sentenced to 15 years in prison by a jury which is all from a district which voted 92% for Biden. Rehl entered through the West Side doors where police were ushering in and […]

AFP Commissioner Avoids Questions About Police Assault of Peaceful Protester

If I was going to detain somebody, and they were a peaceful protester, I would endeavour to ensure that they didn’t get three broken ribs and fractured vertebrae, like happened after your officers,” Senator David Shoebridge put it to AFP commissioner Reece Kershaw last Monday. “Do you agree that’s a poor outcome from an arrest?” […]

Peaceful Spanish Guitar

This edition consists of the best pieces from Spanish composers. Music written or transcribed for guitar by composers such as Tárrega, Albéniz, Sainz de la Maza, Sanz and Mompou. Source

Tyre Nichols’ Parents Call for ‘Peaceful Protests’ After Video Footage Release

The parents of Tyre Nichols, a 29-year-old black man who died three days after police conducted a traffic stop, urged protesters to remain peaceful amid the release of body cam footage of the encounter that allegedly led to Nichols’ death. Source

‘Wherever it is peaceful’: Venezuelan migrant seeks refuge in D.C.

‘Wherever it is peaceful’: Venezuelan migrant seeks refuge in D.C. lead image Source

United Nation Council To Investigate Iran’s Bloody Crackdown On Peaceful Protests

The U.N. Human Rights Council voted to condemn the bloody crackdown on peaceful protests and to investigate alleged abuses, particularly those committed against women and children. Source

Reminder: A “Peaceful Culling” is Underway

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 to deliberately push the global climate terrorism agenda in order to usher in the eventual planetary Great Reset. Today, the WEF and UN and their various assets are the public faces of this PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE scam. One of the founders and thought leaders of the Club of Rome […]

Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine, and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward – Part 4. Mental escalators of violence in US policy and media makers – Part 4Q

Part 4q. US and NATO policymakers blame Putin, and not themselves, for violating the post-cold war settlement   False Bias #17. This Confrontation Is Not America’s or NATO’s Fault. Russia Is to Blame for “Rolling Back” the Post-Cold War Settlement. In his January 29, 2019 testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee for the Senate […]

Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine, and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward – Part 4. Mental escalators of violence in US policy and media makers – Part 4P

Part 4P. Proxy wars for fur and fossil fuels: Obsessions for resources are the cause and effect of mental, spiritual, physical, economic, and environmental imbalance False Bias #16. Oil Is a Vital Resource, and US Policymakers Are Smart and Psychologically Balanced in Their Pursuit of Fossil Fuels. The night of February 8, 1690, some 200 […]

Authorities Warn Tonight’s Protests May Escalate From ‘Mostly Peaceful’ To ‘Somewhat Peaceful’

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Homeland Security has raised the level of its National Protest Advisory System (NPAS) from "Mostly Peaceful" to "Somewhat Peaceful" in response to swelling crowds outside the Supreme Court Building. The post Authorities Warn Tonight’s Protests May Escalate From ‘Mostly Peaceful’ To ‘Somewhat Peaceful’ appeared first on The Babylon Bee. Source

Raskin: ‘Trump Will Have His Comeuppance’ for Leading an Assault on the Peaceful Transfer of Power

Representative Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that former President Donald Trump will face justice for being the “motor behind” the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Paradigm for peace applied to Russia, Ukraine and the US: Proposal for a peaceful pathway forward

PART 3. THE ROOTS OF VIOLENCE: NEEDS FOR POWER AND FREEDOM Part 3A. Fears of US Political Interference and Coups, Much Like the 9/11 Coup of Allende We’ve been discussing one way to approach non-violent conflict resolution by applying the Paradigm for Peace model to the current crisis in Ukraine. In our imaginary chart for […]

When America’s Chief Rabbi Enlisted Myer Lansky To Have Peaceful German-Americans Beaten In the Streets

(Algemeiner) According to a new book by Jewish author Michael Benson, America’s Chief Rabbi — Stephen Wise — along with Nathan D. Perlman — a former Jewish U.S. member of Congress, New York Assemblyman and judge — entered into a criminal conspiracy with Jewish organized crime boss, Myer Lansky, to illegally disrupt the U.S. German […]

EU calls on Sudan to respect right to peaceful assembly

The European Union has joined a number of countries who have called on Sudanese authorities to commit to defending media freedoms and respecting the right to peaceful assembly. The ambassadors and heads of missions of the European Union, Canada, Norway, Japan, Sweden, the United Kingdom, South Korea, the United States and the Netherlands issued the […]

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