Posts Tagged ‘protests’

A professor on ‘authorities’ who order police to crush student protests

The students wanted a change in United States and Israeli policy and action to secure an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Source

From COVID-19 to Campus Protests: How the Police State Muzzles Free Speech

“Politicians of both parties want to use the power of government to silence their foes. Some in the university community seek to drive it from their campuses. And an entire generation of Americans is being taught that free speech should be curtailed as soon as it makes someone else feel uncomfortable.”—William Ruger, “Free Speech Is […]

Sen. Cruz Urges DOJ, FBI To Investigate Whether Foreign Adversaries Are Behind Gaza War Protests In US

Sen. Cruz Urges DOJ, FBI To Investigate Whether Foreign Adversaries Are Behind Gaza War Protests In US Authored by Ryan Morgan via The Epoch Times, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has called for U.S. federal authorities to investigate whether foreign actors are promoting contentions within the United States, including recent protests over the war in Gaza […]

Harvard agrees to discuss divestment from ‘Israel’ following protests

May 15, 2024 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English The student protest group Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine says that a pre-condition of the decamping is that the administration will take back suspensions. After Harvard agreed to discuss student concerns on the university’s endowment concerning “Israel”, protesters against the Israeli war […]

Jewish students endangered not because of anti-Israel protests, but because of police involvement and third-party doxing of participants

(NaturalNews) Contrary to mainstream media, the government and other Israeli violence sympathizers’ narrative that the Gaza solidarity protests are antisemitic,… Source

UC protests test the limits of Zionist fiction

The aftermath of the violence at UCLA illustrates that we live in an upside-down world where we decry property damage on college campuses as we fund the genocide in Gaza, and where we advocate for free speech until it says “stop the genocide.” Source

As peace protests are violently suppressed, CNN paints them as hate rallies

Some in corporate media very clearly took sides, portraying student protesters as violent, hateful and/or stupid. Source

The mainstream media distorted our anti-Vietnam War protests 50 years ago. They’re following the same strategy today

Fifty years ago, I joined in protests against the Vietnam war. Today the mainstream media is smearing pro-Palestine student protests in ways that are even worse than how we were slandered back then. Source

Pro-Palestine Student Protests Prove Who Truly Stands For Free Speech

The hysterical response from the establishment media, in addition to the US and Israeli governments, to the overwhelmingly peaceful student protests across the United States has propelled the issue into the spotlight and purposefully caused confusion on the nature of the demonstrations. Meanwhile, members of the alternative right wing media, who built their reputations on […]

Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests

Two Iranian universities have offered scholarships to students in the US and Europe student who have been expelled for taking part in pro-Palestinian demonstrations. Mohammad Moazzeni, who runs Shiraz University in the Fars province offered […] The post Iran Offers Scholarships To US & European Students Expelled Over Anti-Israel Protests appeared first on The People's […]

University of Vermont cancels UN ambassador’s address amid Gaza protests 

The University of Vermont (UVM) has canceled United Nations Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield’s commencement speech amid pro-Palestinian protests on campus as protests sweep colleges across the nation. “We are looking forward to the upcoming Commencement ceremonies and the opportunity to celebrate our 2024 UVM graduates,” Suresh Garimella, the university’s president, said in a message to the… […]

The Anti-Israel Protests Are Being Organized By Paid Professional Agitators And Are Being Funded By The Usual Suspects


Biden faces criticism over condemnation of pro-Palestinian campus protests

The president’s portrayal of these protests as violent and lawless has not only stirred controversy, but may also deepen the rift between him and many progressive constituents. Source

The distortion of campus protests over Gaza

Did the right weaponize antisemitism to distract from Israel’s war? Source

University students on hunger strike in Sciences Po, protests continue

May 3, 2024 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Student protests in support of Palestine have erupted at universities across the Americas and Europe, with actions ranging from tent camps and hall occupations to demands for academic boycotts and diplomatic actions against “Israel”. Student protests have been escalating and expanding over the past few weeks […]

‘We want the university to cut any ties to Israel’: a Cal Poly Humboldt student on the protests gripping the school

A Palestinian member of ‘Humboldt for Palestine’ talks about Palestine organizing at Cal Poly Humboldt, the recent police sweep of activists protesting the Gaza genocide, and what the mainstream media has missed. Source

PSYOP-PRO-PALESTINE-STUDENT-PROTESTS: NYC Man Speaks Out Against College Protesters

The anything but organic protests currently metastasizing across American college campuses is yet another example of the Ideological State Apparatus deploying ever more of their Hegelian Dialectic psyops across the most self-entitled, impressionable, and brainwashed demographic; namely, the useful idiot student. Source

Trump claims ‘paid agitators’ part of Columbia pro-Palestine protests

Former President Trump made unfounded claims Tuesday that pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University contained “paid agitators” as nationwide college campus protests escalate. Hundreds of New York Police Department officers, many with batons and in riot gear, cleared Columbia University’s protest encampments on Tuesday evening, including arresting students who occupied a campus building. Trump claimed in a Fox… […]

Police in riot gear enter Columbia University to break up pro-Palestine protests

Hundreds of New York Police Department officers, many with batons and in riot gear, moved onto Columbia University’s campus on Tuesday evening as student protesters continued a largely peaceful occupation of a campus building in protest of the Israel-Hamas war. Student protesters barricaded themselves inside Hamilton Hall early Tuesday, escalating after more than a week… […]


SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s something very BIG going on across the USA yet very few folks get it.  Not only that, but all of officialdom appears to be on the wrong side of history. COLLEGE CAMPUSES ACROSS USA EXPLODE AGAINST HORRIFIC GAZA GENOCIDE & ISRAEL’S NEVER-ENDING PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUST Now, put all political positions and personal […]

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