Posts Tagged ‘violently’

As peace protests are violently suppressed, CNN paints them as hate rallies

Some in corporate media very clearly took sides, portraying student protesters as violent, hateful and/or stupid. Source

World’s Top Virologist: Spike Protein Causing Hearts To Violently Explode

Spike proteins induced by the Covid-19 vaccine are causing blood cells to chew through the heart’s main artery which leads to imminent death, virologist Ryan Cole recently described on the Dr. Drew show. Presenting slides showing how the spike protein expresses itself in brain tissue and other major organs, the Idaho pathologist explained they make […]

Oath Keepers founder guilty of seditious conspiracy for plotting to violently overthrow US gov’t

The case marks the first time in nearly three decades that a federal jury has convicted defendants of seditious conspiracy. Source

Israeli forces violently attack Palestinian woman

READ: 550 Palestinians in Gaza need cornea transplants Source

Antifa Groups Charged with Violently Countering California ‘Patriot March’

Prosecutors have charged approximately seven individuals, described as self-identified anti-fascists, regarding eight alleged assaults in January amid a Pacific Beach “Patriot March,” the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Monday. The march event was organized by supporters of former President Donald Trump. The Union-Tribune article continued: Those arraigned Monday in San Diego Superior Court were among a […]

‘F**k the jab!’: CHAOS in Australia as construction workers violently protest vaccine mandate outside union HQ

A violent protest against mandatory Covid-19 vaccination erupted outside of a Melbourne trade union office on Monday, after it was announced that construction workers would have to be vaccinated to continue doing their jobs. Protesters wearing high-vis construction clothing smashed windows, chanted “We are union!” and “F**k the jab,” and threw projectiles at the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and […]

Neolithic Atacama Desert Farmers Battled Violently Over Resources

It wouldn’t be unfair to say that human history has been a continuum of violence, bloodshed, and gore. This phenomenon has been captured today in virtual simulations, games, and other forms of entertainment, but real life has plenty of examples where this bloodthirsty behavior has had deeply traumatic and disturbing consequences. A new study in […]

The Village Of Beita Non-Violently Resists Ethnic Cleansing, Israel Kills Its People

An illegal Israeli settler outpost, erected on top of land belonging to the Palestinians of Beita village in the West Bank, has resulted in the murder of 7 Palestinians and is being defended at all costs by Israeli soldiers who are legally obligated to destroy it. The new settler outpost constructed in the village of […]

Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory And Transgenderism Violently Arrested At School Board Meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia

Parents protesting against anti-white critical race theory and transgenderism being pushed on their children in Loudoun County, Virginia were violently arrested by police on Tuesday after a school board meeting was declared an “unlawful assembly.” WATCH: [embedded content] [embedded content] Two arrests made at the Loudoun County, Virginia school board meeting after it was declared […]

May 1st Freedom Rally in Brussels Belgium: Police Violently Assault Peaceful Protesters Without Warning

May 1st Freedom Rally in Brussels Belgium: Police Violently Assault Peaceful Protesters Without Warning Activist Post / Activist Post Truth Comes to Light editor’s note: A friend of this site, living in Belgium, sent the following account of the May 1st freedom rally in Brussels, Belgium. She is a healthcare professional with children, risking her […]

‘Watch the show folks’: Officer who played to camera before violently removing Black man from vehicle loses his job

A Virginia State Trooper who played to the camera before violently removing a Black man from his vehicle has left the agency. Former officer Charles Hewitt can be seen in a 2019 viral video telling Derrick Thompson: “You are going to get your a** whooped,” before forcefully removing him from his car. Virginia State Police […]

Our Last Real Reporter Leaves the United States After Being Violently Attacked by Antifa (Government Liberal Thugs)

Andy Ngo, a Portland-based journalist, is seen covered in unknown substance after unidentified Rose City Antifa members attacked him in Portland, Oregon on June 29, 2019. (Moriah Ratner/Getty Images)CENSORSHIP & SOCIALISM BY JACK PHILLIPS April 5, 2021 Updated: April 5, 2021biggersmallerPrint Journalist Andy Ngo, who for years has been documenting the anarcho-communist group Antifa, revealed why he left the […]

Pregnant Jewish woman violently assaulted in London

A pregnant Jewish woman was assaulted last Thursday in London according to video footage posted on Twitter by the Shomrim neighborhood security organization. — Shomrim (Stamford Hill) (@Shomrim) March 20, 2021 It shows a man sneaking up from behind and attempting to cover her head with a paper bag. The woman resisted, and after the […]

Watch several brave English policemen violently arrest a woman (traumatizing her children) for the crime of singing in her garden

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Police raid Canadian home, violently arrest occupants after neighbor rats on ‘illegal’ gathering of 6 people

Home » Injustice, North America, Suppression » Police raid Canadian home, violently arrest occupants after neighbor rats on ‘illegal’ gathering of 6 people     A video circulating on social media shows police in Canada’s Quebec province raiding a home and arresting at least two people, reportedly after a neighbor told authorities they were gathering […]

BLM Looters Tell Reporter ‘You’re Not Allowed To Film Protesters’ Then Violently Assault Him

A conservative reporter who dared to film and report on Black Lives Matter protesters looting and trashing stores in Philadelphia was told “you’re not allowed to film protesters” before being physically assaulted. Black Lives Matter protesters were out looting stores in Philadelphia again on Tuesday night after the police shooting of a knife-wielding black man. During one […]

Black-clad masked police violently disperse demonstrators at Belarus protest march

Riot police detained protesters in Minsk on October 11 as thousands rallied for the ninth consecutive Sunday rally against Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko. Large numbers of black-clad masked police, internal troops and men in plainclothes emerged from unmarked minibuses and ran towards protesters in the capital Minsk, pulling some to the ground, witness footage on […]

Swedish Woman Violently Assaulted by Invader as Cameraman Laughs Like Hyena

This is what the politicians in our countries have brought upon us. This is what the jewish anti-Whites demand we embrace, or else we are “Nazis” who need to be canceled.

BREAKING: Trump Refuses to Disavow Kyle Rittenhouse, ‘They Very Violently Attacked Him,’ And ‘He Would Have Been Killed’

During a press conference on Monday, President Donald Trump declined to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse for allegedly defending himself during a riot in Kenosha last week, stating, “He was trying to get away from them, and he tripped and he fell… they very violently attacked him … I guess he was in very big trouble, he […]

BREAKING: Trump Refuses to Disavow Kyle Rittenhouse, ‘They Very Violently Attacked Him,’ And ‘He Would Have Been Killed’

During a press conference on Monday, President Donald Trump declined to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse for allegedly defending himself during a riot in Kenosha last week, stating, “He was trying to get away from them, and he tripped and he fell… they very violently attacked him … I guess he was in very big trouble, he […]

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