Posts Tagged ‘attacked’

Christian Leaders Are Attacked with Swords in Northern India

Gurdeep Singh, attacked along with his brother, Pastor Gurjeet Singh, in Amritsar District, Punjab state, India on April 18, 2024. (Morning Star News) NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – A group belonging to a Sikh warrior order last week attacked a pastor and another Christian with swords and knives in northern India’s Punjab state for leading […]

Christian Refugee Mother from Sudan Attacked for Her Faith

Juba, South Sudan. (Umar sheriff habibullah, Creative Commons) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Among the 8 million people who have fled military conflict in Sudan is a mother who lost two babies to illness and was beaten for putting her faith in Christ. Fatima Adam, 41, said she still has pain in the joints […]

Israel Warns Iran Of Massive Regional War If Directly Attacked Update(1831ET): With Israel’s embassies around the world on a heightened state of alert, and extra IDF reservists called up, and home and weekend leave for all combat troops having been abruptly canceled Thursday, the Israeli population is anxiously awaiting a response – with some reports saying residents are already seeking the safety of bomb shelters. Tehran […]

Key American Supply Chain Attacked

by John Bowne At 1:27 in the morning on March 26, 2024, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, in Baltimore Harbor, Baltimore, Maryland, collapsed after the Singapore registered container ship, the Dali, named after Salvador Dali, rammed into one of only two critical support pillars taking the majority of the 1.6 mile bridge down. The Dali […]

UN aid convoy attacked by Israeli Navy in Gaza, jeopardizing humanitarian efforts

This incident not only disrupts the flow of crucial aid, but also casts a long shadow over the ethical obligations and legal frameworks governing conflict zones. Source

Medvedev says Russia will unleash Nuclear Apocalypse on NATO if Attacked

Not for the first time, former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned that a direct war between Moscow forces and NATO would lead to nuclear apocalypse. The current deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council issued the warning on Telegram Wednesday, in response to recent statements and reports that some European leaders are telling their populations […]

Fanone, Dunn are fighting back politically after being attacked as police officers on Jan. 6

Policing was what Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone knew. Politics is what they’ve come to learn. The former law enforcement officers brutalized at the hands of the mob that stormed the U.S. Capitol have for three years had front-row seats to how Washington responds, shifts and spins with historic events. Both have chosen to amend […]

South Korean opposition leader attacked: reports

An unidentified man attacked Lee Jae-myung, South Korean opposition leader, during the politician’s visit to southeastern port city Busan on Tuesday, according to South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency (YNA). Lee was conscious, but bleeding, when he was taken to the hospital 20 minutes after the attack. Videos showing the moment Lee, surrounded by reporters, was… […]

US Attacked 100 Times In Iraq & Syria Since October, Both Countries which US Corporation Illegally Invaded & Is Illegally Occupying

Before I explain how to stop the attacks on US Occupation troops in countries US illegally invaded, a short American History lesson is in order so Americans can understand how their country ended up in the Cluster F##k it is in. 1776 Americans rebelled against England. 1783 the war was won, although it was some […]

Maersk Ship Attacked Off Yemen As Danish Liner Giant Orders Tankers To Avoid Red Sea

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthis are determined to disrupt all international shipping through the Red Sea as retaliation for Israel’s Gaza operation and the West’s support of Israel. After a string of incidents, including further Houthi militant attempts to hijack shipping vessels, the British Maritime Trade Authority says it has received a report that a ship in the […]

USS Liberty: The Day Israel Attacked America

As U.S. Navy ships move into positions off Israel and in the Persian Gulf, keep the USS Liberty atrocity in mind. Source

Illegal War Criminal Occupation US base attacked in Syria-Do The American Sheep Understand The Definitions of Illegal & War Crimes?

As many as three locations in Syria where US troops are illegally deployed have been targeted by the “Islamic Resistance” of Iraq, the group said in a statement on Monday, as quoted by local media outlets. The Pentagon claimed that US troops had intercepted at least two UAVs while taking no casualties or damage. Citing […]

Biden Says Hamas Attacked Israel In Part To Stop A Historic Agreement With Saudi Arabia

President Joe Biden says he thinks Hamas was motivated to attack Israel in part by a desire to stop that country from normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia. Source

Co-head of German populist AfD Party hospitalized after being attacked with a SYRINGE at a campaign event

(NaturalNews) Tino Chrupalla, the co-head of the anti-globalist group Alternative for Germany (AfD), was allegedly assaulted with a syringe and taken to an… Source

Hamas Attacked Israel And Netanyahu Says His Country Is ‘At War.’ Follow Live Updates

An Egyptian policeman opened fire on Israeli tourists Sunday in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, killing at least two Israelis and one Egyptian, local media reported. Source

Oregon Middle School Won’t Say if Student Who Attacked Multiple Girls is Transgender

An Oregon middle school where a student was filmed physically attacking a female student will not say if the assailant is transgender. Source

US Gov’s Toxic Pesticide Program Seems Deliberate & As US Farms Attacked The US Funds Ukraine Farms

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/25/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

20 young migrants attacked a group of German teens and children with sticks

A group of 20 young migrants attacked a group of young German children and teens with sticks and proceeded to beat some of them once they were on the ground in the German city of Chemnitz, according to police; The police report indicates that “around 20 unknown children and young people suddenly attacked a group […]

UK Government May Ban This Type Of Dog After A Child Was Attacked

Four breeds of dogs are currently banned in the U.K., including the pitbull terrier, the Japanese tosa, the dogo Argentino and the fila Brasileiro. Source

11 year old Schoolgirl gets Savagely Attacked by ‘Devil Dog’ Pitbull

A brave schoolgirl who was savaged by a dangerous XL Bully dog in a ferocious rampage as terrified crowds fled the area said today: ‘I’m now too frightened to leave home.’ Ana Paun, 11, told how the powerful breed of bulldog ‘which was suffering from heat exhaustion’ leapt up at her after lying unleashed in […]

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