Posts Tagged ‘Sudan’

TLAV Lawfare, Sudan War Caused/Exploited By US/Israel & Damning UN Reports Destroy Israeli Narrative

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/13/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

How Sudan’s Civil War Was Aided By The US’ Israel Normalization Agenda

The US government recently condemned an attack that murdered over 100 civilians in the Wad al-Noura area of Sudan, committed by the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) who are waring with Sudanese military. Yet, Washington’s projected outrage over the ongoing atrocities committed in the North African nation are tantamount to a cover-up of the US government’s […]

Muslim Soldiers Detain, Torture Christians in Sudan

Location of East Darfur state, Sudan. (TUBS, Creative Commons) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Three Christians were detained and tortured for weeks in southern Sudan after soldiers at a Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) checkpoint found one of them carrying a Bible, one of the victims said. Hamza Haroon Ahmed is still recovering from injuries […]

The US-Israeli Hand In Sudan’s Horrifying Civil War

Since the eruption of a horrifying civil war inside Sudan, in April of 2023, some 8 million Sudanese have been forced from their homes and around 18 million face acute food shortages. Yet, similar to the horrors ongoing in the Congo and Yemen, this crisis garners little to no attention in the corporate media. That […]

Christian Refugee Mother from Sudan Attacked for Her Faith

Juba, South Sudan. (Umar sheriff habibullah, Creative Commons) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Among the 8 million people who have fled military conflict in Sudan is a mother who lost two babies to illness and was beaten for putting her faith in Christ. Fatima Adam, 41, said she still has pain in the joints […]

Militants Detain Church Leader in Sudan, Demand Ransom

Shendi town in relation to Khartoum, Sudan. (Map data © Google 2024) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – The paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) on Friday (April 12) intercepted a church leader in Sudan as he was traveling out of Omdurman and temporarily jailed him, area sources said. The Rev. Antar Abbas Abu Hidia, general […]

Christian Mother from Sudan Beaten in Refugee Camp

Thatched huts in Aweil, South Sudan. (Kai Breker, Creative Commons) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Among the estimated 2,000 displaced Sudanese who are converts from Islam is a mother of seven children whose husband beat her upon learning of her Christian faith, sources said. Hawa Ismail Abdalla, 44, received medication for head injuries after […]

Christian Slain, Another Beaten Unconscious in Sudan

Among Christian sites targeted was a SPEC church building on Nov. 1, 2023 in Omdurman, Sudan. (Morning Star News) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – Militants from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) killed one Christian on Saturday (Jan. 20) and beat another unconscious on Monday (Jan. 22) in Omdurman, Sudan, sources said. The RSF […]

Militants in Sudan Kill Christian, Set Church Building Ablaze

Church building set on fire on Jan. 12, 2024 in Wad Medani, Al Jazirah state, Sudan. (Morning Star News screenshot) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – A Sudanese Christian 85 miles southeast of Khartoum has succumbed to his injuries after militants from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) assaulted him, sources said. Personnel from the […]

US sanctions former minister, 2 companies for undermining stability in Sudan

The US Treasury Department sanctioned former Sudanese Foreign Minister, Ali Karti, and two companies Thursday for their roles in undermining that country’s peace, security and stability, Anadolu Agency reports. Karti served in the government of ousted President Omar Al-Bashir. The GSK Advance Company Ltd (GSK), a Sudan-based information technology and security company run by influential […]

Sudan reports 11 dengue fever deaths in 8 states

Sudan reported more than 1,000 dengue fever cases Thursday, with 11 deaths in eight states, Anadolu Agency reports. “The total number of reported cases of dengue fever exceeded 1,000 cases, with 11 deaths,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement. “The state most affected by the disease is Gedaref State, due to the density […]

Turkiye charity sends more humanitarian aid to war-torn Sudan

The Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), a Turkish charity, on Thursday said it sent 30 new containers with relief supplies to the needy in war-torn Sudan, Anadolu Agency reports. The new package is part of IHH’s continuing aid campaign, which was launched in June, and includes food items, blankets, hygiene kits, clothes and wheelchairs. The organisation […]

Head of Sudan’s Sovereign Council holds talks with UN, ICC leaders in New York

Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, head of the Sovereign Council of Sudan, met UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Karim Khan on Saturday in New York, reports Anadolu Agency. Burhan, in his meeting with Guterres, said the government is ready to collaborate with the UN on all matters to alleviate […]

Sudan’s army chief says he favours negotiated settlement to war

Sudan’s army chief said on Friday he had not sought military support on a recent regional tour and that his preference was for a peaceful solution to the conflict that has killed thousands and displaced millions of civilians, Reuters reports. General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan also said in an interview with Reuters that he had asked […]

Sudan accuses paramilitary RSF of ‘systematically destroying’ capital Khartoum

Sudan, on Monday, accused the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group of systematically destroying the capital, Khartoum, Anadolu Agency reports. Sudan has been ravaged by clashes between the army and the RSF since April, in a conflict that has killed thousands, according to medics. “The rebel militia continues its heinous terrorist crimes aimed at eliminating […]

Is there any chance for peace in Sudan?

Four decades ago, Marina Peter, a German expert on intercultural education and a teacher of German language and history, did not know much about Sudan, except for its hot weather and its refugees. However, after she got a job with a German agency working in Sudan, she began an experience that would make her one […]

Sudan’s RSF threatens to set up authority with Khartoum as capital

The head of Sudan’s main paramilitary group yesterday threatened to set up a governing authority in areas his forces control if his enemies in the army form a government, Reuters reports. Rapid Support Forces (RSF) commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo has been fighting the army for almost five months in a conflict that has wrecked the country and triggered a humanitarian […]

40 killed in airstrike on Sudan market

At least 40 people were killed in an airstrike on a marketplace in the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, on Sunday, according to an activist group, reports Anadolu Agency. In a statement, the Emergency Room group said the attack targeted an open market in Mayo neighborhood in South Khartoum. It was not yet clear who was behind […]

Sudan accused African Union Commission of not serving Africa’s interests

The Sudanese Foreign Ministry, on Friday, accused the African Union Commission (AUC) Chairperson’s office of following a policy of double standards and serving an agenda that does not “serve the interests of Africa”, Anadolu Agency reports. The Ministry slammed remarks made by AUC spokesman, Mohamed Lebatt, on Thursday in which he criticised the Sudanese Foreign […]

Egypt establishes two logistics zones along Sudan border

Egypt announced, on Thursday, the establishment of two logistics zones to address the truck congestion at the Arqin and Qustul land crossings with Sudan, Anadolu Agency reports. “Based on coordination between the Egyptian Transport Ministry and Aswan province, two mini-logistics zones were implemented in Wadi Karkar and the city of Abu Simbel to process Egyptian […]

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