Posts Tagged ‘ablaze’

Houthis Set Oil Tanker Ablaze While Biden Tries to Woo China

JANUARY 27, 2024 Source MIKE WHITNEY  On Friday, Houthi militants fired an anti-ship ballistic missile from mainland Yemen striking a British oil tanker and setting it ablaze. “US Central Command said the Marlin Luanda had issued a distress call and reported damage” but no casualties were reported. The attack represents a significant escalation in the […]

Militants in Sudan Kill Christian, Set Church Building Ablaze

Church building set on fire on Jan. 12, 2024 in Wad Medani, Al Jazirah state, Sudan. (Morning Star News screenshot) JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – A Sudanese Christian 85 miles southeast of Khartoum has succumbed to his injuries after militants from the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces (RSF) assaulted him, sources said. Personnel from the […]

Third Russian Airbase Set Ablaze By Drone Strike As Ukraine Extends War Across Border

Overnight into Tuesday a third airfield deep inside Russia came under attack, suffering a fire after an oil storage depot was bombarded by what the Kremlin described as a drone attack that was repelled after the initial blast. A large blaze raged throughout the night as emergency crews responded. Source

How old politics in Ramallah, Gaza, Jerusalem and Washington have set Israel ablaze

Browse > Home / Featured Articles / How old politics in Ramallah, Gaza, Jerusalem and Washington have set Israel ablaze May 12, 2021 by Alex Traiman – Read on for article After one of the calmest extended periods in decades in the Middle East—and in Israel, in particular—the tide has suddenly turned, reverting to […]

With Jerusalem ablaze, top brass warns Netanyahu against Israeli flag march

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

‘DRONE ATTACK’ leaves Iranian tanker ablaze off Syrian coast – reports

A suspected drone attack left an oil tanker ablaze off the coast of Syria, the country’s state media said. The tanker was reportedly of Iranian origin. Firefighters quickly extinguished the blaze, which threatened one of the vessel’s tanks, the Syrian Arab news agency reported on Saturday. Also on Iran exports 500,000 barrels of oil […]

Maxine’s Goons? Minneapolis Church Set Ablaze Blocks From BLM ‘Peaceful Protests’

A Catholic church just blocks away from the violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa protests in Minneapolis was set ablaze Monday night. The fire occurred just two days after Rep. Maxine Waters incited civil unrest in the area. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use. The Sacred Heart […]

The ultra-Orthodox street has been ablaze for 5 days, and rabbis can’t stop the flames

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Portland Protesters Cheer After Police Precinct Set Ablaze

Activists attempted to torch a police station in another night of violent unrest in Portland on Sunday. A riot was declared as a crowd of more than 200 people marched on the Portland Police Bureau’s (PPB) North Precinct clad in “armor, helmets, gas masks, all-black clothing” and carrying shields. Clashes with police officers resulted in […]

WATCH: 28-story tower ablaze in Turkey’s Ankara

Sounds Healing

The blaze broke out on Monday evening local time at the site in the business district of Sogutozu. The fire started on the fifth floor, according to local reports, and eyewitness footage shows the lower part of the building enveloped by thick black smoke. The flames quickly spread up the exterior of the tall tower. […]

Antifa protesters set Genoa streets ablaze, face off with police (VIDEO)

According to local press, around 250 ‘anti-fascist’ demonstrators threw smoke bombs, started fires and clashed with municipal police on Friday. It came after authorities prevented them from confronting a far-right rally organized by CasaPound, a neo-fascist political party named after American poet and Fascist sympathizer Ezra Pound. Not ‘charisma’ or ‘cultural amnesia’ – Italians will […]

Woman Sets Ablaze House She Lost In Divorce, Fire Spreads To 19 Other Homes

A Georgia woman who set fire to her house that she had lost in a divorce ended up spreading it to 19 other houses in the neighborhood, killing a cat a two dogs in the ensuing blaze. Forty one-year-old Adrienne Satterly has been accused of piling mattresses on the kitchen floor and setting them on […]

How Trump’s Declaration Inflames a Middle East Already Ablaze

Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States would recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel predictably sent shockwaves throughout the Middle East and reverberated around the world. Anger and outrage have been seen on the streets of Palestinian cities, as well as in major cities around the world, where diaspora Palestinians and their allies have […]

Erdogan: Trump's move on Jerusalem sets region ablaze

US President Donald Trump’s decision to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has set the region ablaze, said Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday. “Taking such a step throws particularly this region into a ring of fire. What would you like to do [with this step], Trump? What kind of stance is it?” Erdogan said […]

NYPD Detective Barred From Her Home After Setting Husband’s Clothes Ablaze

An NYPD detective was banned from her home Wednesday — a punishment for setting her husband’s clothes on fire in his master bedroom closet because she thought he was cheating on her. Marissa Sorocco, 37, was told by a judge during her arraignment to return to her Plainview house and pack up her things, because […]

‘He was screaming in pain’: Man sets himself ablaze in protest outside Sydney immigration dept.

The man, believed to be in his 30s, suffered superficial burns to his thighs and was rushed to hospital. NSW Police Detective Superintendent David Donohue did not provide specific information on the man’s background, only describing him as “a deeply disturbed and upset individual” who was known to police. It’s not clear whether the protest […]

NATO ‘forces us’ to adjust to a new security reality – Russian ambassador to NATO

NATO ‘speaks of defense, prepares offensive’, says Gorbachev The council met for the second time since 2014 after NATO suspended its military cooperation with Moscow over what it perceived a Russian aggression in Ukraine. The gathering also came at the heels of this month’s NATO summit in Warsaw where the alliance agreed to deploy four […]

Injectable micro-camera could change the future of health imaging – and clandestine surveillance

     German engineers have created a camera no bigger than a grain of salt that could change the future of health imaging—and clandestine surveillance. Using 3-D printing, researchers from the University of Stuttgart built a three-lens camera, and fit it onto the end of an optical fibre the width of two hairs. Such technology could […]

CO2 from burnt fuel hardens if pumped underground, potentially reversing climate change

Called CarbFix, the experimental injection of CO2 dissolved in water was described by researchers in a paper published by the Science magazine this week. “This opens another door for getting rid of carbon dioxide or storing carbon dioxide in the subsurface that really wasn’t seen as a serious alternative in the past,” Martin Stute, study co-author […]


FACEBOOK: TIGER PARTS TRADE | HORROR IN VIET NAM | PART II The images your about to view in this article have all originated from an ongoing investigation into the illicit animal parts trade online and on the ground in South East Asia. My name is Dr Jose C. Depre, for some five years now my […]

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