Posts Tagged ‘screaming’

Here’s a New One… Joe Biden Starts Screaming, Mumbling, Garbling His Words During Speech to the Gays

Here’s a New One… Joe Biden Starts Screaming, Mumbling, Garbling His Words During Speech to the Gays Source

‘Pointless Screaming Match’: Politicos Rip Chaos-Packed GOP Primary Debate

Politicos from all persuasions found fault with the Republican presidential debate on Wednesday night hosted by Fox News, which devolved into chaos at times. Source

Why I Don’t Get All Hot & Bothered About Articles Screaming the UN or the WHO Is Being Given “authority” to Dictate Policy in the USA

“1:The USA is a Corporation, not a country, not a nation. #2:I am a Texican. #3:The political whores, Israhell Firsters, Mexico Firsters, yankee carpetbaggers and scalawags holding forth in Sodom & Gomorrah on the Colorado Are not Texicans, and the sub corporation of the USA Corporation, ‘THE STATE OF TEXAS’ is not, and can never […]

Give Your Girlfriend What She Wants for V-Day: A Screaming Orgasm

Whaddup, sex gods? Are you getting stoked for V-day? Ready to head into Pound Town with no return ticket? That’s right fellas, the day of love and [redacted] is nigh—get your girl what she actually wants this year: to cum for once in her god-damned life! That said, even those with the best of intentions […]

Van Gogh Cuts Off Own Ear So He Won’t Be Able To Hear Screaming Climate Change Protesters

LONDON — Sources at the National Gallery revealed today that a self-portrait of Vincent van Gogh cut its own ear off so that it would no longer have to hear the anguished cries of climate change protesters tossing tomato soup on his masterpieces. Going into a mad rage and reportedly losing consciousness for several minutes, […]

Chinese in Brutal COVID Lockdown Screaming They Are Starving from Windows, Couple Jumps — Bill Gates Met by “Arrest Gates” Protest Convoy

Image above: Couple jumps out window during total lockdown in China As world governments and media stand by and say nothing, people in Shanghai are even jumping to their deaths while facing starvation during a brutal lockdown in which people cannot leave their apartments for any reason, except medical emergency. The exercise of raw power […]

“His Skin Was Burning”: Melbourne Man Sets Himself On Fire Screaming About Vaccine Mandates

A man has set himself and his MG3 hatch on fire in Richmond while screaming about Victoria’s Covid-19 mandates on Saturday The man emerged from a silver MG3 hatchback engulfed in flames near Church St in Richmond about 8pm on Saturday, where police officers and firefighters doused the man with water to extinguish the blaze […]

Dr. Fauci Runs Into Village Screaming That A Wolf Is Coming To Devour Us All Again

Dr. Fauci Runs Into Village Screaming That A Wolf Is Coming To Devour Us All Again WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to sources at a small village near Washington, D.C., Dr. Fauci came running into the town screaming that a wolf is coming to devour everyone, for the fifth time this week. “Hey, everyone, a wolf is coming! […]

Biden’s Crime Chief Had Screaming Red Flags on His Financial Disclosure Form; Senators Ignored Them

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee that Held the Confirmation Hearing for Kenneth Polite to Head the Criminal Division of the Justice Department What happened on July 20 with the 56-44 vote in the Senate to confirm Kenneth Polite (pronounced Po-leet) to head the most powerful criminal law enforcement office in […]

‘Bullying, screaming’: In Albany, Cuomo wields phone as a weapon

It was 2017 and Republicans in Congress were pushing through a tax overhaul with significant implications for New York. The Democratic governor was incensed about the bill — particularly its cap on the federal deduction for state and local taxes, a provision that remains a perpetual target of Cuomo’s ire — and was lobbying hard […]

Firsthand Report On The Crisis In Haiti: ‘The People Are Screaming For Help’

Firsthand Report On The Crisis In Haiti: ‘The People Are Screaming For Help’ By Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. February 15, 2021 Jovenel Moïse’s term as president in Haiti ended on Sunday, February 7, but he is refusing to leave office with the support of the Biden administration, the United Nations and other western imperialist […]

To lift lockdown gloom, Israelis keep calm and carry on screaming

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Man Playing Football Game Online Streams Himself Screaming Profanity at Baby, Using Lord’s Name in Vain

(Insider) — On Thursday night, a clip from Twitch streamer Buckkerz that showed him screaming at his young child after losing at a video game went viral. In the clip, Buckkerz (whose legal name hasn’t been confirmed by Insider) can be seen playing “Madden 21” with his toddler son on his lap. After having his […]

Woman Screaming ‘Slaughter the Jews’ Attacks Rabbi in Central Vienna as Onlookers Stand By

A police line is seen in Vienna, Austria, Nov. 3, 2020. Photo: Reuters / Lisi Niesner. A woman screaming “Slaughter the Jews” attacked a rabbi in broad daylight on a Vienna street on Thursday afternoon as passersby reportedly looked the other way. The attack occurred at 4pm in the Austrian capital’s Third District. The woman, […]

Watching The Hawks – Dialogue Over Screaming & The Fallacy of More

Watching The Hawks – Dialogue Over Screaming & The Fallacy of More Watching The Journalist Matt Taibbi talks the one year anniversary of the election of Donald Trump and Donna Braziles revelations about DNC primary rigging. Cultural historian Morris Berman explains just what killed the American Dream. Redacted Tonights Lee Camp and Natalie McGill […]

Berserk baptism: Priest loses it over screaming baby in Romania (VIDEO)

The priest could not hide his frustration over failure to calm the baby down. After several attempts to submerge the infant in the water, he finally lost his temper.  At one point, he says something to the baby’s parents, puts the child back on the table, and angrily jerks at his robe, prepared to give […]

Water Powered Car Inventor Dies In A Restaurant Screaming ‘They Poisoned Me’

Did you know that water-powered cars have existed for years? If you didn’t, it’s probably because they haven’t been given proper media coverage. What’s even odder, their inventors were either intimidated into ceasing their work, or died under mysterious circumstances. Among the latter was Stanley Meyer, a US inventor who designed a water fuel device, […]

Water-Powered Car Inventor Dies in A Restaurant Screaming ‘They Poisoned Me’

Did you know that water-powered cars have existed for years? If you didn’t, it’s probably because they haven’t been given proper media coverage.  What’s even odder, their inventors were either intimidated into ceasing their work, or died under mysterious circumstances. Among the latter was Stanley Meyer, a US inventor who designed a water fuel device, […]

GMO industry now screaming that delays in government approval of genetically engineered crops are KILLING people

(Natural News) It looks like the pro-GMO propaganda machine has been at work again after a new study published in Plos ONE says that children will die because of the government’s slow approval of GM crops. In the study, a group of researchers calculated the effects that the delays could cause on the population of […]

‘He was screaming in pain’: Man sets himself ablaze in protest outside Sydney immigration dept.

The man, believed to be in his 30s, suffered superficial burns to his thighs and was rushed to hospital. NSW Police Detective Superintendent David Donohue did not provide specific information on the man’s background, only describing him as “a deeply disturbed and upset individual” who was known to police. It’s not clear whether the protest […]

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