Posts Tagged ‘weapon’

China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage

China is gearing up for World War 3 by readying a disturbing cache of mind-melting weapons, experts have warned. According to reports, the Chinese military have access to weapons that are capable of rendering the […] The post China Unveils New ‘Mind-Melting’ Weapon That Causes Instant Brain Damage appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Virus – Bio-weapon

1st april 2024 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, […]

Technology: Weapon of the People

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In an essay titled “Looking forward, looking backward,’ philosopher of technology, Andrew Feenberg writes (in Between Reason and Experience: Essays in Technology and Modernity, The MIT Press, 2010, p. 61; my emphasis, B.O.):  The utopian and dystopian visions of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were attempts to understand […]

Hezbollah commander unveils new weapon on Al Mayadeen

February 27, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen By Al Mayadeen English The commander of Hezbollah’s anti-armored munitions unit reveals a new NLOS weapon developed by the Resistance in the face of the Israeli occupation. Since the start of the confrontations on the Lebanese-Palestinian border area on October 8, there have been talks within “Israel” about the […]

CINCINNATI When I hear that police have discharged their service weapon in an apartment building , I cringe. Bullets go…

CINCINNATI When I hear that police have discharged their service weapon in an apartment building , I cringe. Bullets go through drywall like butter. Surely, there was a safer option? Two people are injured, and one dog is dead after the dog attacked family members in a Mt. Airy apartment Saturday morning, according to Cincinnati […]

“PINEAPPLE EXPRESS”: A Geoengineered Weather Weapon Formed by a Manufactured ‘Atmospheric River’

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News Dane Wigington “Imminent Deluge: Southern California Braces for Potentially Catastrophic Storm” (from Yahoo News). A manipulated atmospheric flow of moisture is scheduled for the Southwestern US. During the same span of time and beyond the eastern half of the US is scheduled for an extended period of record high temperatures, again. The Great […]

The Globalists’ New Weapon

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It is Davos (World Economic Forum) week and the MSM hysterical propaganda push from the globalists regarding “Disease X” is in full swing. Just take a gander at a few of the Corporate Mockingbird Media headlines today. Almost every major news outlet in the world has run black propaganda pieces […]

Alex Jones & Dr Denis Rancourt – “Powerful Interview” Warns of the “Weapon of Western Intelligence”

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON JANUARY 10, 2024  Alex Jones has interviewed respected scientist Dr Denis Rancourt who warned that “the COVID crisis is a weapon of Western intelligence designed to establish global government and de-population” Dr. Denis Rancourt has been attempting to warn us of the nefarious plans in store for us for quite some time, and in […]

BEWARE! NWO Terrorists Strategically Activating Their Quaternary Weapon System Throughout 2024

Submitted by A Conspiracy Realist SOTN Exclusive NWO Geoengineers are routinely manufacturing extreme weather just like today’s nationwide deep freeze alert demonstrates, especially during the cold season in order to wreak havoc with our immune systems so that as many folks as possible will get very ill and die.  A sick and diseased populace is […]

US’ Fake Extremism, Illegal Weapon Sales To Israel, Lebanon Bombed & 42 Nova Survivors Sue Israel

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (1/3/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Israel’s Latest Weapon Against Palestine Is Egypt’s Debt


Fear is their primary weapon

Fall of The Cabal: The World Economic Forum and the end of Homo Sapiens BY THE EXPOSÉ ON NOVEMBER 1, 2023 • ( 27 COMMENTS ) There is only one mechanism the cabal can deploy to control the masses, says Janet Ossebaard.  That mechanism is fear.  People who are scared can’t think clearly. Having brought their covid series to an end, Fall […]

Biden at Human Rights Campaign Dinner: ‘Who in God’s Name Needs a Weapon with 100 Rounds in the Chamber?’

While speaking at the Human Rights Campaign National Dinner on Saturday night, President Joe Biden pushed for an “assault weapons” ban and asked, “Who in God’s name needs a weapon with 100 rounds in the chamber?” Source

KILL SHOT: The CIA’s SV40 Cancer Weapon – Full Story w/ Shannon Joy

October 4, 2023 Contributors “The Kill Shot”: New Documentary Exposes Covert Operations Leading Up to JFK’s Assassination The official narrative surrounding JFK’s assassination is a lie. Here’s what they’ve tried to keep hidden for 60 years. By Sponsored Content Tonight, on Tuesday, October 3, at 8:00 pm EST, Shannon Joy is revealing what the CIA tried to […]

TV: The Greatest Weapon Of Mass Deception In World History

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Maui D.E.W: Evidence of Direct Energy Weapon?

31st aug 2023 Maui Senator Will Resign from Office After Facing Conflict of Interest Questions Were The Lāhainā Kids Sent Home From School To Be Burned Alive?August 31, 2023 THE HURRICANE WARNING ( seems to be the controversy of the day (Aug 30) because a woman recently interviewed said the new school year was starting […]

Pandemic Was “Biological Weapon of Genocide”

aug 10 2023 A video of Dr. David Martin speaking to the European Parliament went viral after he alleged the COVID-19 pandemic was premeditated domestic terrorism and a “biological weapon of genocide.” ••「 CALL IN & LINKS: 」•• Dr. Martin said evidence shows the coronavirus was isolated as a model pathogen in 1965 and that by […]

Israel has gifted a powerful weapon to the right wing around the world

I went on The Electronic Intifada podcast to talk about my new book. It was good to be on my own podcast as a guest for once! This was definitely my favourite of my podcast appearances so far and felt like the culmination of years of reporting. Palestine is Still the Issue is a reader-supported […]

The Macuahuitl: An Aztec Warrior’s Lethal and Sacred Weapon (Video)

At Ancient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there exist countless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts that have yet to be discovered and explained. The goal […]

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