Posts Tagged ‘gifted’

Parents in Seattle furious over program for gifted children being terminated simply because “it had too many White students”

Parents in Seattle furious over program for gifted children being terminated simply because “it had too many White students” Parents in Seattle are furious over the termination of a program for the gifted and talented children simply because “it had too many White students.” The Seattle Public Schools (SPS) has a program called Highly Capable Cohort […]

Israel has gifted a powerful weapon to the right wing around the world

I went on The Electronic Intifada podcast to talk about my new book. It was good to be on my own podcast as a guest for once! This was definitely my favourite of my podcast appearances so far and felt like the culmination of years of reporting. Palestine is Still the Issue is a reader-supported […]

Killer Jabbed Gifted teenage singer drops dead during choir solo

Meghan Markle Wears Earrings Gifted By Queen Elizabeth To Monarch’s Funeral

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth at the monarch’s state funeral on Monday by wearing earrings the queen gave her as a gift. People magazine reported that the queen gave the duchess the pearl and diamond drop earrings in 2018 for their first solo outing. Advertisement Meghan also wore the […]

Meghan Markle Wears Earrings Gifted By Queen Elizabeth To Monarch’s Funeral

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth at the monarch’s state funeral on Monday by wearing earrings the queen gave her as a gift. People magazine reported that the queen gave the duchess the pearl and diamond drop earrings in 2018 for their first solo outing. Advertisement Meghan also wore the […]

Meghan Markle Wears Earrings Gifted By Queen Elizabeth To Monarch’s Funeral

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth at the monarch’s state funeral on Monday by wearing earrings the queen gave her as a gift. People magazine reported that the queen gave the duchess the pearl and diamond drop earrings in 2018 for their first solo outing. Advertisement Meghan also wore the […]

Meghan Markle Wears Earrings Gifted By Queen Elizabeth To Monarch’s Funeral

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth at the monarch’s state funeral on Monday by wearing earrings the queen gave her as a gift. People magazine reported that the queen gave the duchess the pearl and diamond drop earrings in 2018 for their first solo outing. Advertisement Meghan also wore the […]

Meghan Markle Wears Earrings Gifted By Queen Elizabeth To Monarch’s Funeral

Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth at the monarch’s state funeral on Monday by wearing earrings the queen gave her as a gift. People magazine reported that the queen gave the duchess the pearl and diamond drop earrings in 2018 for their first solo outing. Advertisement Meghan also wore the […]

Your Dog Might Be ‘Gifted,’ According to Scientists

Is your dog “gifted”? One clue that your pooch may fall into this special category is if they can learn the name of their toys, a rare ability linked to playfulness that could shed new light into the behavior and personalities of dogs, reports a new study. Obviously, every dog is gifted in the general […]

California’s Attempt To Hobble Gifted Students Over ‘Racial Disparities’ Starting To Backfire

The draft proposal rejects the notion that some students are naturally gifted, and recommends against shifting certain students into gifted programs in middle school. It also proposes that math should not be ‘colorblind’ – and that teachers should use math lessons to explore social justice, “for example, by looking out for gender stereotypes in word […]

Balfour Declaration that gifted Palestinian land to Zionists

On 2 November, Palestinians mark the 104th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration—a document that laid the groundwork for Israel’s creation. On this day, Britain granted the land of Palestine, which it did not own, to the Zionist movement to establish a “national home”. Amid dwindling support for the Palestinian struggle against the decades-long Israeli occupation, […]

This Week in Ed-jew-cation: Drag Lap Dances for Faculty, Field Trip to a Gay Bar, and ‘Racist’ Gifted Programs

I was considering writing articles for all three of these stories, but there is really too much insanity to keep up with these days. Let’s start off with the boys dressing in drag for a “man pageant” and giving lap dances to faculty (including the principal/ mayor) in Hazard, KY. This was part of their […]

Biden Has Just Gifted The Taliban With More Military Weaponry And Ammunition Than Any Other Terrorist Group In The World

National security adviser Jake Sullivan admitted Tuesday that the Taliban gained significant troves of military hardware and weaponry that they took from Afghan security forces — and the Biden administration is still trying to determine the amount of American military equipment that is now in the hands of the extremist insurgents. And just like that, the rag-tag, […]

Torah scroll gifted by Jared Kushner arrives in Bahraini Jewish community

The Bahraini community of Manama has received a Torah scroll former senior White House adviser Jared Kushner commissioned last year to their congregation – in honor of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa – amid the signing of the Abraham Accords, to its newly renovated synagogue on Monday.”Former Ambassador of Bahrain to the United States Houda […]

Madame Lotte Plaat: “A Remarkable Psychometrist” With Gifted Paranormal Abilities Born In 1895

Follow me on Instagram here. Make sure you follow Collective Evolution on Telegram as we have no idea how much longer we will be on Facebook.  The study of telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, remote viewing, and several other phenomenon under the branch of study known today as “parapsychology” has been occurring for more than a century. These abilities have been […]

CIA Document Demonstrates The Remarkable ‘Paranormal Writing’ Ability of a Gifted Girl

We are having a New Moon in Scorpio on November 15th throughout most of the world and on the night of the 14th in Central to Western North America. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will […]

The God-Gifted Weapons of Norse Mythology

The Vikings were warriors and therefore weaponry was at the forefront of their culture, and this is why the heroes and gods of Norse religion and folklore were armed with a range of awesome weapons that were used to control and alter the natural course of things, including the physical laws of the Norse universe. […]

The 17th Century Seer, Janet Douglas: Being A Gifted Child Isn’t Always A Good Thing

Janet Douglas was a 17th century Scottish teenager reputed to have a paranormal gift known as ‘Second Sight.’ She should not be confused was another well-known Janet Douglas, a Scottish noblewoman who lived during the 16th century, and accused of witchcraft, was burnt at the stake during the reign of James V of Scotland. As […]

Democrats Picking Kamala Harris Gifted A Trump Landslide, This Is Reagan’s Landslide All Over Again — The Duran

[embedded content] Democrats Picking Kamala Harris Gifted A Trump Landslide, This Is Reagan’s Landslide All Over Again. Democrats have chosen a female VP likening this race to Mondale Ferraro.For those to young to remember (or to have even been alive when it happened) Ronald Reagan mopped the flood with Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro in […]

Long lost village gifted by Danish king unearthed (PHOTOS)

Three farmhouses including two cellars from between the 14th-17th century were excavated at the site. One of the cellars was so big, it’s believed it came from a very large farm, Gunvor Christiansen, archaeologist with Roskilde Museum told RT. Historical sources suggest that the farms belonged to the village rulers and the manor was used […]

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