Posts Tagged ‘demonstrates’

Election systems expert demonstrates how easy it is to HACK voting machine USING ONLY A PEN

(NaturalNews) An election technology expert successfully hacked into a Dominion Voting Systems electronic voting machine using only a pen.This happened during… Source

Ukrainian trial demonstrates 2014 Maidan massacre was false flag 

A massacre of protesters during the 2014 Maidan coup set the stage for the ouster of Ukraine’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych. Now, an explosive trial in Kiev has produced evidence the killings were a false flag designed to trigger regime change. Source

Trump Demonstrates The Technic He Uses When Giving Nitwityahoo Blowjobs


South Korea’s President Demonstrates Unusual Behavoir

In materials dedicated to the new President of South Korea Yoon Seok-yeol, the author constantly emphasizes that it is wrong to perceive him as a typical representative of the conservative camp. Of course, part of his politics is dictated by him becoming president as the candidate from the People Power Party (PPP), but his personal […]

Trickster Trumpster Demonstrates How He Kept Nitwityahoo Happy

Politics Suck! So do politicians! The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

Sport and politics do mix, as FIFA’s hypocrisy demonstrates

Israel’s war on Palestinian sport is as old as the settler-colonial state itself. Sport is a critical aspect of popular Palestinian culture, and since culture itself is a target for the decades-old Israeli attack on Palestinian life in all of its manifestations, sport and athletes have been targeted purposely as well. Despite this very obvious […]

After Years Of Setbacks, US Labor Demonstrates Its Power

Above Photo: Starbucks workers in Buffalo, New York after learning that they are the first to unionize in the country. Twitter. 2021 marked a historic year in labor organizing for workers in the US, with tens of thousands of workers in partaking in union votes and strike actions. 2021 was a historic year for labor […]

Study Demonstrates Terrible Toll of Sixth Century Plague of Justinian

In a new study appearing in the journal Past & Present , Cambridge University history professor Peter Sarris argues that recent scholarship has badly underestimated the true impact of the sixth-century  Plague of Justinian on Eurasian and North African societies. To prove his case, Sarris assembled a record of developments that occurred during this earliest known […]

US Nuclear Sub Collision Demonstrates South China Sea’s True Menace

Amid growing tensions in the South China Sea between the United States and China, and especially because Wasington accuses Beijing of acting irresponsibly in these waters thousands of miles from America’s own shores, an incident involving a US nuclear-powered submarine there could pose as a potential turning point – or at least a warning sign […]

The West Demonstrates its Pseudo-fight against Racism

Recently, one has seen more and more reports in various media about the alleged commitment of Western countries to fight racism. Against this backdrop, monuments to slave owners and colonialists on both sides of the Atlantic are defiantly demolished, and various initiatives to “eradicate racism” are increasing. Whereas students at American high school Park Hill […]

The variants: Data from UK report demonstrates the variant doesn’t add up to much at all in terms of world impact

“Deadly variants or political scariants?” Video from Ivor Cummins: Ivor Cummins@IvorCummins 6,092 FollowersFollow The title says it all! Download this short informative vid here, to help your friends and family understand: My extensive research and interviewing / video/sound editing and much more does require support – please consider helping if you can with monthly […]

CIA Document Demonstrates The Remarkable ‘Paranormal Writing’ Ability of a Gifted Girl

We are having a New Moon in Scorpio on November 15th throughout most of the world and on the night of the 14th in Central to Western North America. This is initiating a 29.5 day lunar cycle and new wave of energy for the coming month; however, the astrological configurations mentioned in this article will […]

5G NIH NTP Study Demonstrates Cell Phone Cancer Link (Dr Ronald Melnick)

[embedded content] nunzio castiglione youtube 1.67K subscribers Solution Turn off your wi fi and connect hard wired Ethernet more secure and faster than 5G. Environmental Health Trust Published on Feb 6, 2019 NIH scientist Dr. Ronald Melnick (now retired) speaks on the cell phone radiation cancer study he led the design for at the Michigan […]

Elon Musk Demonstrates Working Brain Chip, Asks For Human Volunteers

Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk demonstrated a micro chip called ‘Neuralink’ Friday, showing how it works on pigs, and then asking for human volunteers to have the chip inserted into their brains. Musk claimed that the chip had been implanted in a pig while showing video of the animal’s brain activity, complete with neurons firing in […]

Elon Musk Demonstrates Working Brain Chip, Asks For Human Volunteers

Billionaire tech CEO Elon Musk demonstrated a micro chip called ‘Neuralink’ Friday, showing how it works on pigs, and then asking for human volunteers to have the chip inserted into their brains. Musk claimed that the chip had been implanted in a pig while showing video of the animal’s brain activity, complete with neurons firing in […]

Covid-19 lockdown demonstrates how economy-wide transformation can halt climate change

The draconian coronavirus lockdowns across the world have led to sharp drops in carbon emissions, but this will have “negligible” impact on the climate crisis, with global heating cut by just 0.01C by 2030, a study has found. But the analysis also shows that putting the huge sums of post-COVID-19 government funding into a green […]

Israeli 9/11 Attack on America Demonstrates Need For Robust Second Amendment

9/11 Was an Israeli Attack on America Americans Need The Second Amendment Now More Than Ever Neocon Israelis and traitors working for subversive foreign and corporate interests are eager to destroy America’s Constitutional Republic.  The rapidly escalating attacks on the First and Second Amendment by social media corporatists are sending a clear message.  President Trump […]

Dear Diabetics, Videotaped Research Study Demonstrates How Using Treadmills Can Mess With Your Blood Sugar Levels

By B.N. Frank For 20+ years, Dr. Magda Havas has conducted and documented a great deal of research on exposure to sources of cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation and other sources of Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog). In a video from 2010, Dr. Havas explains and demonstrates how blood sugar levels are affected by […]

Google Demonstrates New AI Having Phone Conversations with Humans

Google Demonstrates New AI Having Phone Conversations with Humans May 9th, 2018 Via: Guardian: Google’s virtual assistant can now make phone calls on your behalf to schedule appointments, make reservations in restaurants and get holiday hours. The robotic assistant uses a very natural speech […]

Experiment Demonstrates the Deadly Power of Social Compliance

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times In his 1974 book, Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View, Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram discusses in detail the findings of his now famous experiment. Milgram demonstrated just how easy it is to convince an ordinary person to commit torture and murder under the instruction of an authority figure. […]

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