Posts Tagged ‘nitwityahoo’

US Congress Can Suck My Diseased Di#k For The 4th Time-Nitwityahoo

Nitwityahoo who has sworn to destroy America has been begged to come to the halls of congress a 4th time so congress can line up and suck his dick for a 4th time’ just like last time. ones who are real treasonous whores for IsraHELL like Cancun Cruz and Show Me To The Kiddy Playground […]

Nitwityahoo invited to US Congress

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Good Thing Trump Showed Musk His Technique to Chew Nitwityahoo’s Rope

This is the technique I use when I chew Nitwityahoo’s rope Have noticed them Mossad jeffery Child Rape videos seem to be very persuasive for blackmail purposes. Musk’s Twitter Litter Just chastised me for telling the truth. Ok, point by point. “Jews are Khazarians”. “All original edition. Nothing added, nothing removed. This book traces the […]

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Nitwityahoo to “Prevent” and “Punish” “Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts”

“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” “Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts” The Criminalization of International Law. Part I The ICJ Judgment of January 26, 2024 assigns the Netanyahu government representing the State of Israel –accused by the Republic of South Africa of genocide against the People of Palestine– […]

Like The Sands of Time, Through Nitwityahoo’s Ass!

Like The Sands of Time, Through Nitwityahoo’s Ass!So are the hell of the days of his life!His nights too! He fancies he can feel the breath of the beast on his back as he runs screaming away in his recurring nightmare! He awakens, to find it is only the labored oinks of the sow in […]

US Treasonous Political Whores Seeks Clarification From Nitwityahoo After Remarks On Gaza’s Future

Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” Nitwityahoo is Holocausting tens of thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians for his Ratschild masters. The criminally insane mass murdering Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel war criminal has openly […]

TRUE EVIL-Rothschild’s red Russian Khazarian Nitwityahoo’s Holocaust of Semitic Palestinians-Max Igan.

‘NITWITYAHOO’S GOT THEM SYRIAN & PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUSTING BLUES’ All Zionist Zombie Virus Speak aside, there is no denying the Palestinian are Indigenous Semitic descendants of Biblical Judeans nor that the Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Jew cult members are not descended from either Biblical Israelites or Biblical Judeans. So no god promised […]

“Genocidal Intent”. Nitwityahoo’s Declaring Invasion: “You Must Remember What Amalek [ANYONE NOT A JEW CULT MEMBER] Has Done to You, Says Our Holy Bible”

The current Jew Cult members are no descended from the Biblical Israelites or Biblical Judeans. Therefore their “god”, Yahweh who is not the creator God to begin with, but the plantation slave master for the biblical Jew cult members “most high god” El Elyon who was not the Creator God either, never promised the Non […]

Nitwityahoo, A Non Semitic Not Descended From Biblical Hebrews red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Mongrel, Calls To “Smite Amalek” Which Translated From Zionist Speak Means Murder All Who Are Not Jew Cult Members

Netanyahu declaring invasion: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible" 1 Samuel 15:3 "Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" — Michael Tracey (@mtracey) […]

Benjamin Nitwityahoo (Mileikowsky) isn’t a Semitic, Hebrew descendant of Abraham

NITWITYAHOO’S GOT THEM SYRIAN & PALESTINIAN HOLOCAUSTING BLUES MEET THE MILEIKOWSKY’S – Benjamin Netanyahu and his father, Benzion Mileikowsky from Warsaw, Poland. Benzion was the executive secretary for Vladimir Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism, which calls for the military conquest of all of Palestine and expulsion of the non-Jewish population. His son, Bibi, has […]

Victor Davis Hanson Sucks Nitwityahoo’s Nuclear Armed Dick While Bad Mouthing A Country Which Has No Nukes & Has Not First Attacked Another Country in 300 Years

Victor Davis Hanson Sucks Nitwityahoo’s Nuclear Armed Dick while bad mouthing a country which unlike the Rothschild’s IsraHell Illegally occupying Palestine, and IsraHell’s Bitch the US which attacks everyone all the time to include Israhell attacking the US Again and again. Quote fron 2002 Hanson: “But the more it spins, the clearer its culpability. Does […]

Nitwityahoo Calls For Expulsion Of Illegal Invaders From Occupied Palestine

IsraHell Prime Minister Benjaming Nitwityahoo has convened a special meeting of his Khazarian terrorist cabinet to examine ways to immediately expel invaders who were involved in violence. Several of Netanyahu’s red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Terrorist ministers issued statements decrying violence. “Israel is a country of law”. red Russian Khazarian occupiers of Palestine dressed […]

Vivek Gives red Russian Khazarian Terrorist Nitwityahoo a Blowjob While Doing Treason Against America

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ran away from his proposal to cut aid to Israel by 2028 on Saturday, instead promising that he would provide endless US aid to Israel “until Israel told us they were ready for it” to be cut off. “To be clear, we would never cut off aid to Israel unless […]

Trump Demonstrates The Technic He Uses When Giving Nitwityahoo Blowjobs


IsraHell’s Nitwityahoo, a Soul-less Evil Terrorist Without a Heart, Fitted With a Heart Monitor

Invasive species red Russian Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel IsraHell Prime Minister Benney Nitwityahoo has been fitted with a heart implant for monitoring cardiac arrhythmia and released from the hospital after undergoing a series of tests, his office said on Sunday. The prime minister was said to be feeling “very good”, ready to holocaust […]

Trickster Trumpster Demonstrates How He Kept Nitwityahoo Happy

Politics Suck! So do politicians! The Ole Dog! Share this: Source

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