Posts Tagged ‘whores’

Massive Ignorance With a Heaping helping of 30 Shekel Whores Wanting to “TEXIT”

A civil war is one in which a war is fought between two or more factions for control of the same government or seat of power. This is not the case when talking of the US’s illegal invasion of a foreign to the US sovereign Nation called the Confederacy. Secession was always legal under the […]

A Dying Empire “Led” By Political Whores

There are three types of ass holes I despise cowards, treasonous f##ks and hypocrites. Cancun Cruz is all three. I saw a post on Twitter Litter by Cancun Cruz whining because folks are showing up at his big ole house to protest him helping the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Babylonian Talmud […]

A Dying Empire “Led” By Political Whores

There are three types of ass holes I despise cowards, treasonous f##ks and hypocrites. Cancun Cruz is all three. I saw a post on Twitter Litter by Cancun Cruz whining because folks are showing up at his big ole house to protest him helping the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Babylonian Talmud […]

A Dying Empire “Led” By Political Whores

There are three types of ass holes I despise cowards, treasonous f##ks and hypocrites. Cancun Cruz is all three. I saw a post on Twitter Litter by Cancun Cruz whining because folks are showing up at his big ole house to protest him helping the Non Semitic Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel Babylonian Talmud […]

US Treasonous Political Whores Seeks Clarification From Nitwityahoo After Remarks On Gaza’s Future

Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS Texicans ARE THE NEW PALESTINIANS “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad” Nitwityahoo is Holocausting tens of thousands of Indigenous Semitic Palestinian Descendants of the Biblical Judians for his Ratschild masters. The criminally insane mass murdering Non Semitic red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel war criminal has openly […]

Rothschild’s Whores In DC Hell Bent On Starting World War 3

A Ukrainian general told CNN on Thursday that Ukraine has received a shipment of US cluster bombs, controversial munitions that have a devastating impact on civilians. “We just got them, we haven’t used them yet, but they can radically change the situation on the battlefield,” Gen. Oleksandr Tarnavskyi said. Non Semitic Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian mongrel […]

Rothschild’s Treasonous Political Whores Are Trying To Start World War 3

Most all “governments” world wide are run by the same unseen (to sheep) hand. Politicians are not Statesmen.There used to be some Statesmen who worked for the benefit of their respective countries and it’s souls, but no more. What the world is left with is politicians. No matter the country or nation, It’s politicians are […]

US military veterans Who Israel Firster Washington DC Political Whores Sent To Illegally Invade Arab Countries & Terrorize Innocent Women & Children Because Israel & USA Attacked America on 9-11 are most prone to terrorism

Well, the Terrorist in Washington DC taught the US military members to do terrorism. When the kids join, they have been indoctrinated with lies like Arabs did 9-11 to go Holocaust Arabs. Those who figure out they have been lied to and are killing the wrong people who never attacked America like Pat Tillman did, […]

USA Empire’s 30 Shekel Whores Proposes Multilateral Nuclear Deal

Washington DC run by Rothschild’s Israhell citizens proposes a “common sense” step to the other major atomic powers with no mention of making Israhell give up it’s illegal nuclear weapons of mass destruction. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said:“We have stated our willingness to engage in bilateral arms control discussions with Russia and with China, […]

Why the Whores of “government” Make Sure Kids Are Not Taught Cursive Reading and Writing

All the old documents of historical relevance, all the writings of the American founding fathers, all the writings of the American Revolutionaries, all the writings of the people who lived and were murdered by the USA in the invasion of the South, all the old land grants which cut “government” out of authority on a […]

How Washington DC Political Whores Are Using American’s Tax Funds To Pay Hospitals To Murder Americans

By Neenah Payne This Form Can Save Your Life When Hospitalized! explains that a growing number of lawsuits are charging that patients are being killed by hospital protocols for which hospitals earn huge profits. It explains that preparing a simple form now and submitting in the right way at the right time can help protect […]


USA whore lying to Americans to “justify” the war crime invasion of Iraq. It has all proved to be lies, and the American sheep love their lambs were slaughtered and holocausted Iraqi children based on lies. How many articles with scientific proof of mass murder via syringes loaded with a death dart which is not […]


The Rothschild’s bribed and blackmailed pedophilic politicalprostitutes from Sodom and Gomorrah on the Potomac and the Ratschild’s MSM whores are all screaming for war with China. Let’s see a show of hands how many working class Americans want war with China. I don’t see any hands. Yet if war with China was forced on Americans […]

Three Ratschild’s Whores Stood Up To Speak

Three Ratschild’s whores stood up to speak- One who’s mind was very weak- One who’s spread legs got her to the top- One a Citizen of Israhell Khazarian Mafia sop- They whined and demanded war on humanity- For the benefit of their Ratschild Master’s depravity- Oh God how long shall the evil prosper cried the […]

30 Shekel Whores Trying Hard To Convince Americans The Faked Scamdemic Was Real- Natural Immunity As Good As Or Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

Natural Immunity to What??? There is no “COVID-19” The mRNA KILLER JABS are not a vaccine. In order to have a vaccine it must contain the dead bodies or bones of the “virus” being vaccinated for. In order to have the “virus” bodies, one must Scientifically Identified a virus by Isolating it from and infected […]

What If The Cowardly Political Whores Gave a War And Folks Told Em To Go Fight It Their Own Damn Selves

Suicide In The Trenches I knew a simple soldier boy Who grinned at life in empty joy, Slept soundly through the lonesome dark, And whistled early with the lark. In winter trenches, cowed and glum, With crumps and lice and lack of rum, He put a bullet through his brain. No one spoke of him […]


The political whores lied, stole and mass murdered the innocent- Thats how humanity found itself in this bassackwards Charley Foxtrot predicament- Parasites, sucking the life blood of humans while never producing anything but evil bull S#it- Thirty shekel whores dressed all in purple on a hill of self idolatry they do sit- Self Defense is […]

Sorry Bloomberg & Hazbara MSM 30 Shekel Whores, Elon Musk IS NOT The World’s Richest Man

“Taking a page out of Thanos’ playbook (or is that Zorg), in two days Elon Musk will finally do what he has repeatedly warned he would do: unleash mass layoffs at the company he just acquired. According to Bloomberg, the world’s richest man” SOURCE: Every time I see some misinforag Talking about “the world’s […]

Treasonous to America DC Whores Blumenthal & Graham Call For “Hand-to-Hand Insurgency” In Russian-Occupied Ukraine

Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) visited Kyiv with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on Thursday and said he hopes to see a “hand-to-hand insurgency” in territory Russia has captured since it invaded Ukraine.” The treasonous little child raping political whores from Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac are forcing killer jabs on the US military so they […]

Say What? The Hypocrisy Of The USA/DC Whores is Mind Boggling!

Jefferson Davis President of a weaker Country next to the USA Kamala Harris (vice CEO of USA/DC Corporation) said, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, […]

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