Posts Tagged ‘scamdemic’

Interview 1886 – Scamdemic 2: Bird Flu Boogaloo (NWNW 558)

This week on the New World Next Week: The WHO is preparing to drop Scamdemic 2 with the bird flu bogeyman; Japan’s birthrate falls to yet another record low while the government plays dating app on the Titanic; and Adobe shoots itself in the foot with a disastrous privacy-destroying terms of service update. Source

The Testing Pandemic – How they created the scamdemic with their bogus tests

PCR and Rapid Antigen tests created the scamdemic by automatic, and false, diagnosis This is how they did it Virology is woo woo Virologists are “trapped deep inside Plato’s Cave just watching dancing shadows on the wall”   “Note to Readers: Last night I read a portion of Drs. Mark and Samantha Bailey’s book, The Final […]

Makow–We Have Not Processed the Scamdemic Trauma

(left, the Illusion of freedom) We act as though the most traumatic events of our lifetime never happened. Denial should be listed as one of them. It isn’t. We are in denial. Is denial the way people should handle trauma? We have all been scarred,  not just by the hoax, but worse, by the fact that society betrayed  […]

The “COVID-19” Scamdemic Was a Jew Cult Member Scam To Mass Holocaust the Goyim With Rothschild’s Human Herd Culling Killer Jab

Holy Crap-balls Someone please explain this to me like I’m 5…? — Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) October 29, 2023 Source

[THE SCAMDEMIC WAS REAL BULLSHIT ARTICLE] Just when we thought we could forget about COVID-19, the virus [WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SCIENTIFICALLY PROVED TO EXIST] appears to be surging again.

217 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” No Worries No Virus The referenced article is just one of legion I see every day desperately trying to convince the […]

Interview 1828 – Scamdemic 2: The New Batch – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: trust me bro repeaters claim whistleblowers are warning of a renewed scamdemic lockdown in the fall; Japan is dumping radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean; and Robin Hoods are damaging the ULEZ cameras in the UK. The post Interview 1828 – Scamdemic 2: The New Batch – […]

“Lab Leak” Articles About “COVID-19” Are Propaganda To Fool The Sheep Into Believing The Scamdemic Was Real

There is and never was a “SARS-COV-02” “virus. 217 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus Those who got the yearly flu were relabeled sick with “COVID-19”. According to the evil anti-human psychopaths who dreamed up the scamdemic and their […]

LIES Limited Hang Outs Tell You to Try to Convince You There Really Was a “pandemic” Instead of a Made Up SCAMDEMIC

“A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show”. SOURCE OF THE BIG LIE BULL S#IT PROPAGANDA: Covid Vaccination knocks up to 2.5 Decades off […]

Little Terrorist Queer WHO chief predicts end of “Covid-19” SCAMDEMIC

The UNELECTED by humans of the World, little terrorist queer who helped the Ratschilds carry out their SCAMDEMIC to force a Chemical/Biological Weapon of Mass Holocaust Human Herd Culling Killer Jab on folks worldwide now Predicts” the Scamdemic said to have been “caused” by an imaginary “illness” brought about by a mythical non existent “virus” […]

30 Shekel Whores Trying Hard To Convince Americans The Faked Scamdemic Was Real- Natural Immunity As Good As Or Better Than COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

Natural Immunity to What??? There is no “COVID-19” The mRNA KILLER JABS are not a vaccine. In order to have a vaccine it must contain the dead bodies or bones of the “virus” being vaccinated for. In order to have the “virus” bodies, one must Scientifically Identified a virus by Isolating it from and infected […]

World Sanhedrin has Most to Gain from Covid Scamdemic – Retired GRU Colonel

The world Sanhedrin of idealists is approaching the time of the fulfillment of the prophecies about the beginning of the reign of the King of Jerusalem. Source


The Ratschild’s Ordered a Scamdemic so the sheeple would except being jabbed with a Non Vaccine Killer Jab meant from the first to cull the human herd. And it is doing a damn good job of culling the herd with an estimated at least 20 million humans dead from the jabs already. ‘Experts estimate 20 […]

Hands all over little girls Biden Declares The COVID Scamdemic “Is Over” Despite Continued Use In Policies & Programs

“We still have a problem with COVID. We’re still doing a lotta work on it. It’s — but the pandemic is over. if you notice, no one’s wearing masks. Everybody seems to be in pretty good shape. And so I think it’s changing. And I think this is a perfect example of it.” Hell no!!! […]

The 9 MOST SHILLING vaccine-pushing freaks and propagandists of the Wuhan flu scamdemic

(Natural News) Besides taking over Washington DC, there was no greater goal for the pharma-backed shills than to coerce 270 million or more Americans into getting “flu shots” that cause more health detriment than every other existing disease and disorder combined. In fact, Spike Protein Syndrome is sweeping the nation. These toxic, so-called “vaccines” for […]

The 9 MOST SHILLING vaccine-pushing freaks and propagandists of the Wuhan flu scamdemic

(Natural News) Besides taking over Washington DC, there was no greater goal for the pharma-backed shills than to coerce 270 million or more Americans into getting “flu shots” that cause more health detriment than every other existing disease and disorder combined. In fact, Spike Protein Syndrome is sweeping the nation. These toxic, so-called “vaccines” for […]

Bev Turner | I Won’t Sleep Until Arrests Are Made Over the “Scamdemic”

August 26th, 2022. Dr Mike Yeadon FMR CEO Pfizer | Your Governments Have Lied To You _______________________________ If you like our work please consider to donate : _______________________________ If you are looking for solutions (lawyer, form, gathering, action, antidote, treatments, maybe this could help you:HERE If you want to fight back better: Find the […]


July 9th, 2022. Poornima Wagh, 2 PhDs in Virology and Immunology, 20 yr career as a Lab researcher and scientist, destroys the Covid scam with proof. Who benefits? Big Pharma and its owners (not shareholders), Gates, Fauci whom she calls criminals, using words like “fraudulent,” “deliberate,” “planned and premeditated.” _______________________________ If you like our work […]

‘World Sanhedrin’ has most to gain from Scamdemic: Russian major

Grand Sanhedrin convened by Napoleon 1807. (Assembly of Jewish notables summoned in April 1806 by Emperor Napoleon to consider a set of 12 questions. Members were mostly from Bordeaux and Rhine regions (Alsace and Lorraine). They were led by Rabbi David Sinzheim of Strasbourg. Basis of the future status of the Jews in France, (Photo […]

Scamdemic: What’s in YOUR Injection?

Federal Register permits the gubmint to lie to you about vaccines: HHS Made Vaccine Deception LAW Back In 1984: They HAVE To Lie About Safety To Push Vaccine! ( More The mRNA jab is far worse then mere poisonous adjuvants Breaking: Worldwide call to stop vaxx now! Doctors, scientists reveal findings ( “WWIII will be […]

SP – John Friend Interview Pastor Eli James about the Scamdemic

The Realist Report – Pastor Eli James – The Realist Report Share this: Source

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