Posts Tagged ‘queer’

A view from the Queer bloc to Free Palestine

The historic November 4 march in Washington DC demonstrated how the shared struggle for queer liberation and a free Palestine are more interdependent than ever. Source

Author of ‘Gender Queer’ Book Found in School Libraries Across US Says It’s ‘Not For Kids’

The author of Gender Queer, one of the pornographic LBGTQ+ books that has mysteriously appeared in school libraries across the United States, has admitted that the book is not meant to be read by young […] The post Author of ‘Gender Queer’ Book Found in School Libraries Across US Says It’s ‘Not For Kids’ appeared […]

Author Of ‘Gender Queer’ Book Found In Schools Says “I Don’t Recommend This Book For Kids”

The author of the book titled ‘Gender Queer’, one of the controversial LGBTQ+ materials featuring explicit images that has cropped up again and again in schools has stated that the book is not meant to be available for young children. Maia Kobabe, who identifies as non-binary told the Washington Post that her book is aimed […]

Queer ‘Evangelical’ Drag Queen ‘Flamy Grant’ Tops ‘Christian’ Music Charts

(Newsweek) Mainstream so-called “judeo-Christianity” has surely struck a new low as a queer drag queen who goes by the homosexually-tinged stage name “Flamy Grant” has become the most popular singer on the “Christian” Music charts: “Last week, the drag performer/contemporary Christian musician Flamy Grant took the No. 1 position on iTunes’ Christian music charts in […]

F##k Hands Biden, F##k Putinister, F##k the Queer comedian Ukrainian Slinky, F##k Nitwityahoo, F##k Xi, F##k Macaroni, F##k Whatever Clown is Fronting For UK’s PEDO “king”, They Want War? Fine Pistols At 20 Paces.

These Rothschild’s bitches want war? FINE!!! Or blades if they prefer! Enough of them f##king little children and sending poor folks kids to kill and die for them in bullshit wars! I have a fine set of dueling pistols with match grade barrels if they do not have a set. I would love to serve […]

Little Terrorist Queer WHO chief predicts end of “Covid-19” SCAMDEMIC

The UNELECTED by humans of the World, little terrorist queer who helped the Ratschilds carry out their SCAMDEMIC to force a Chemical/Biological Weapon of Mass Holocaust Human Herd Culling Killer Jab on folks worldwide now Predicts” the Scamdemic said to have been “caused” by an imaginary “illness” brought about by a mythical non existent “virus” […]

Hands all over little girls Biden & the Queer Ratschild’s Bitch from Ukraine Discuss “Diplomatic matters”

No thanks for the offer, but sex with grown ups is not my style. Ya got any little Russian girls? Hands all over little girls Biden showing his Multi-Generational “love” for his little girl offspring by lip smooching his granddaughter Source

First ‘gender-queer’ priest in apostate Church of England expresses desire for ‘normalizing’ identity among children

(FOX News) — A non-binary gender-queer Anglican priest in the United Kingdom is on record claiming to use the clerical position in hopes of “normalizing” such behavior among children. “I try to get involved in, not just in my religious work but outside it, with the local secular LGBT youth groups,” said Bingo Allison, a Church of […]

Churches in UK Begin Replacing Jesus & Nativity With “Queer” Characters

Churches in England are erasing references to the nativity and Jesus, replacing them with “queer” characters instead. All Saints with Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough held a Mayor’s Community Carol Service on Monday. reports: […] The post Churches in UK Begin Replacing Jesus & Nativity With “Queer” Characters appeared first on News Punch. Source

The Real Story Behind the Drag Queer Hour

They are called queers because they are mentally ill. Because they are a freak of nature. Now, whatever two or more adults voluntarily and quietly do behind closed doors is none of my business. Each of us will answer for our own failures standing before the record of our lives on the other side of […]

As One Rothschild’s Queer Bitch to Another, How About a Date?

I left my old man “wife” at home. It is getting too old to get it up without the pill. Slip into my room tonight and I will transfer a French “missile” into your Ukrainian “launcher”! Share this: Source

Pakistani Transgender Drama Wins Cannes ‘Queer Palm’ Award

Cannes award winner “Joyland” tells the story of the youngest son in a patriarchal family who joins an erotic dance theatre and falls for the troupe’s director, a trans woman.

Washington School Board Director to Host ‘Queer Youth Open Mic’ in ‘Not Creepy’ Sex Shop

A school board director is set to host a “queer youth open mic” for children who are “0 to 18 years old” at a sex shop she owns.

Meet The Lesbian Hired By A Jesuit University As Its ‘Rabbi-In-Residence’ To ‘Queer’ Its Christian Students

(Jewish News Of Northern California) Since becoming University of San Francisco’s rabbi-in-residence in 2019, Rabbi Camille Angel has been busy, whether she’s creating inclusive on-campus spaces, helping to empower students through her classes, officiating Jewish lifecycle events or leading Passover seders: When Angel’s hiring was announced, it made headlines. A Jesuit Catholic university appointing a […]

Defending Pedophilia Is The Logical Conclusion Of Queer Theory

In the name of ‘dismantling’ sexual ‘power structures,’ queer theorists must make things that were once taboo (like sexualizing children) no longer taboo. Allyn Walker, a former professor at Old Dominion University who identifies as non-binary, resigned last month following criticism stemming from Walker’s views on pedophilia. Walker argued that pedophiles should be destigmatized by identifying them as “minor-attracted […]

Cops Brutalize And Arrest Queer Marchers On Anniversary Of Stonewall

Above Photo: Andrew Lichtenstein/Corbis via Getty Images. On early Sunday evening, after the Queer Liberation March and the Stonewall Protests’ Pride March, the police brutally arrested eight people. We must fight for the charges to be dropped, against the racist police and for the right to free, public space. Just one day before the 52nd […]

Q-Force – Netflix Cartoon About “Queer” Spies

Are you ready for yet another disgusting piece of propaganda that elevates degeneracy? This is not just intended for adults, but for children of all ages. Notice the references to “twinks” in this trailer. Twinks are homosexuals who try to look like young boys, which really turns on pederasts in the “gay” community. It reminds […]

Biden’s Queer Military

Brother Nathanael Channel, BroVids Biden’s Queer Military March 23 2021 Watch: ‘Censor-Free!’ HERE! ___________________________________More +BN Vids! Regime Change 2021 Here Biden’s Mass Immigration Scheme Here The Tyranny Of Kamala Harris Here Biden’s Mandatory VAX Plan Here Time To End The Jewish Fed Here Prepping For Secession Here +BN Classics On Brother Nathanael Channel! Hiding A […]

What it’s like being Jewish and queer in 2020 America

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Queer Negro Thinks His Pipo Be Oppressed N Sheeeit

Niggers are gay. Sub my Bitchute. Sub my Telegram. Sub me on World Truth. Sub me on Gab.

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