Posts Tagged ‘pakistani’

Imran Khan runs his winning party from Pakistani jail

Imran Khan stands firm: No alliances amid post-election deadlock ByAl Mayadeen English Source: Agencies 13 Feb 2024 19:15 After securing the majority of seats in the recent elections in Pakistan, Imran Khan has categorically ruled out the option of allying with his political adversaries. Imran Khan is pictured at a lawyers’ convention in Lahore on […]

AMERICAN LAWFARE GOES GLOBAL! Ex-Pakistani PM Imran Khan sentenced to new jail term after the US Govt coerces Pakistani military and courts to convict him….

…and harshly sentence him for the fabricated ‘crime’ of  his wanting to  meet with President Putin for Ukraine War peacemaking purposes.  ___ Source

Pakistani parents who don’t get their children vaccinated (against polio and other illnesses) may spend a month in jail

Coercion at its finest. Are we surprised? For many years Big Pharma’s been foisting their poison on places like Pakistan. With a lot of help from Billy boy. Remember the globalists have infiltrated most governments so they get to dictate from afar. EWNZ From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack This legislation pending in one province […]

Pakistani Police Storm Home Of Former PM Khan, Arrest 61

LAHORE, Islamabad (AP) — Pakistani police stormed former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s residence in the eastern city of Lahore on Saturday and arrested 61 people amid tear gas and clashes between Khan’s supporters and police, officials said. Senior police officer Suhail Sukhera, who led the operation in an upscale Lahore neighborhood, said police acted to […]

The Pakistani businessman behind the scams in Heraklion – Testimonies and arrests of the gang continues

One of the men who was allegedly involved in a scam network that gained access to the e-banking of unsuspecting people and withdrew large sums of money from their bank accounts, was finally released on Tuesday after his testimony to investigators in Heraklion. This is about the Cretan who, as Nea Kriri reported, was arrested… […]

Pakistani police use heavy tear gas on Imran Khan supporters

READ: Will be back on streets once I fully recover: ex-Pakistan PM Khan in address after attack Source

VOLOS: Pakistani man arrested for fake documents, another for possessing heroin

Officers of the Port Authority of Volos arrested a 27-year-old Pakistani on Friday afternoon for carrying fake documents. After a check carried out by officers of the Port Authority at the port of Volos, it was found that the 27-year-old man possessed and displayed forged documents. At the same time, he did not have any […]

VOLOS: Pakistani man arrested for fake documents, another for possessing heroin

Officers of the Port Authority of Volos arrested a 27-year-old Pakistani on Friday afternoon for carrying fake documents. After a check carried out by officers of the Port Authority at the port of Volos, it was found that the 27-year-old man possessed and displayed forged documents. At the same time, he did not have any […]

The “Pakistani Community” at Tsipras’ speech – Directus’ scathing attack on New Democracy and SYRIZA

Directus made a scathing criticism of the ruling party New Democracy (ND), but also main opposition party SYRIZA, for their tolerance of a hostile Pakistani community that is frequently seen waving flags of pro-Shariah organisations and protesting against the Indian Embassy in Athens. The Directus report: “Its members have close relations with Greek parties, with […]

Pakistani youth with knives and axes in the centre of Athens!

Pakistani youth posted a video of them walking around the centre of Athens with knives and axes on social media. The Pakistanis, minors in many cases, are defiantly displaying knives and makeshift axes in a video taken from a cell phone camera. Police sources, according to Law & Order, expressed their concern about this as […]

Pakistani youth with knives and axes in the centre of Athens!

Pakistani youth posted a video of them walking around the centre of Athens with knives and axes on social media. The Pakistanis, minors in many cases, are defiantly displaying knives and makeshift axes in a video taken from a cell phone camera. Police sources, according to Law & Order, expressed their concern about this as […]

Pakistani FM expresses gratitude to Iran for offering relief to flood victims

TEHRAN- The foreign minister of Pakistan commended Iran for providing aid to Pakistan’s flood victims in a phone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Thursday. In a tweet, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari expressed gratitude to the foreign minister Amir Abdolahian for his call and Iran’s rescue efforts in response to the floods in […]

Supreme Court of Pakistan grants bail to 3 Pakistani Christians charged with ‘blasphemy’

Photo Credit: ImposterVT/Wikimedia Commons (Barnabas Aid) — The Supreme Court of Pakistan in Islamabad has granted bail to three Christians charged with “blasphemy” in separate cases. Sanitary worker Salamat Mansha Masih was bailed on August 23. He was originally arrested in February 2021 while working for Lahore Waste Management Company. Salamat,…

Pakistani admission: “The Turks sent us to Greece” – Interview from the centre of Athens!

An incredible admission was made by a Pakistani in the centre of Athens, with a confirmation that the Turks sent him and his compatriots to Greece illegally. As Directus reported: “A Pakistani channel based in Greece, yes, you read that right, did a report in the centre of Athens, where a well-known ‘journalist’ interviewed a […]

Pakistani government threatens to block digital IDs to shut down protestors access to bank accounts

Amid continued blackouts and great political unrest, the Pakistani government has threatened protesters with having their digital IDs blocked so they can’t access their bank accounts.

Kalymnos: Pakistani man sexually assaulted his partner’s daughter – “He was going to rape me”

Kalymnos police arrested a 40-year-old Pakistani national who allegedly sexually assaulted the daughter of his Greek partner. More specifically, according to Dimokratiki, on August 22, a lawsuit was filed to the police of Kalymnos by a 20-year-old woman against a 40-year-old Pakistani citizen for sexual assault. The act took place at Kalymnos Boats the previous… […]

Pakistani Migrant Accused of Sexually Abusing Six-Year-Old Ukrainian Refugee

A 41-year-old migrant from Pakistan has been arrested after being accused of sexually abusing a six-year-old Ukrainian refugee child.

Pakistani Migrant Caught Sneaking Across Border in Desolate Big Bend Area

Border Patrol agents in the remote Big Bend Sector apprehended a migrant attempting to conceal himself after illegally crossing the border from Mexico into Texas. The agents later identified the man as a Pakistani national.

Pakistani Christian jailed since 2019 on ‘blasphemy’ charges granted bail

Photo Credit Aa Dil/Pexels LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – A mentally-ill Christian jailed since March 2019 on charges of blasphemy, punishable by death, has been granted bail, sources said. Stephen Masih was arrested on March 11, 2019 after a Muslim mob burst into his home in Imranpura Bedian village, Sialkot District, beat him and other […]

Pakistani Transgender Drama Wins Cannes ‘Queer Palm’ Award

Cannes award winner “Joyland” tells the story of the youngest son in a patriarchal family who joins an erotic dance theatre and falls for the troupe’s director, a trans woman.

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