Posts Tagged ‘knives’

UK Technocrats Sharpen the Knives of Manipulation

My recently published research into the UK Government’s deployment of behavioural science strategies – ‘nudges’ – leads to a startling conclusion: in every sphere of daily life, our thoughts and actions are being psychologically manipulated so as to align them with what the state’s technocrats have deemed to be in our best interests. It seems […]

Dawson Knives, Health Ranger announce collaboration on new machete design and improvements to existing line of survival knives

(NaturalNews) Dawson Knives is known its high-end design and durability that could last a lifetime. John Roy, a second-generation Dawson knifemaker who trained… Source

The Best Garlic Presses, Knives, Rollers, and Graters

Ah, garlic. It’s one of nature’s greatest gifts to mankind. Let’s see—there’s garlic bread, garlic knots, chile-garlic sauce, garlic fried rice, and that chicken recipe that uses 40 cloves of garlic… and that’s just the savory stuff. We’ve also got garlic ice cream, and even black garlic cookies, too. Some would argue that almost all […]

Score Made In’s Editor-Fave Kitchen Knives for Up to 25% Off for Labor Day

C’mere, bud. Listen, pal, I’m not going to take up too much of your time here. You interested in knives? You got a good one? Yeah, no, you don’t—‘cause you ain’t got one of these knives [opens trenchcoat to show a bunch of Made In knives]. These babies are hot, and they’re on sale for […]

The Best Pocket Knives and Multi-Tools for Everyday Carry Usage

Carrying a pocket knife or a multi-tool can be surprisingly life-upgrading. Whether you’re out and about in town, chilling in nature, or just hanging around the house, having the power to cut, pry, or snip something at a moment’s notice can not only be a game-changer, but a way to keep yourself safe. Historically, having […]

Pakistani youth with knives and axes in the centre of Athens!

Pakistani youth posted a video of them walking around the centre of Athens with knives and axes on social media. The Pakistanis, minors in many cases, are defiantly displaying knives and makeshift axes in a video taken from a cell phone camera. Police sources, according to Law & Order, expressed their concern about this as […]

Pakistani youth with knives and axes in the centre of Athens!

Pakistani youth posted a video of them walking around the centre of Athens with knives and axes on social media. The Pakistanis, minors in many cases, are defiantly displaying knives and makeshift axes in a video taken from a cell phone camera. Police sources, according to Law & Order, expressed their concern about this as […]

Law Enforcement Seized Knives, Sword from Highland Park Shooting Suspect Three Years Before Rampage  

The Highland Park Police Department seized “16 Knives, a dagger, and a sword” from the suspect accused of shooting at a July 4 Parade in Highland Park, Illinois, three years before his rampage.  Source

Jews plant knives after they kill Palestinians

Jews plant knives after they kill semite Palestinian children

The Knives Come Out As Greenwald Splits From The Intercept

Above photo: MintPress | Original photograph by Vincent Yu. Funded by a billionaire oligarch and increasingly seen as a mouthpiece for the neoliberal establishment, The Intercept suffered its biggest blow yet with the very public departure of Greenwald. Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of investigative news outlet The Intercept, very publicly resigned from his position yesterday. The immediate trigger for […]

As UK Knife Bans Fail To Stop Crimes, Judge Says Forcing Citizens To Dull Kitchen Knives Will Work

Renegade Editor’s Note: We all know why the UK has so much crime these days, and it has nothing to do with the sharpness of knives and everything to do with the genocide being carried out against the indigenous British. By Rachel Blevins The United Kingdom, a country known for its strict gun laws, is now […]

Not The Onion: Knives Too Sharp in Britain

Not The Onion: Knives Too Sharp in Britain May 27th, 2018 Via: Telegraph: A judge has proposed a nationwide programme to file down the points of kitchen knives as a solution to the country’s soaring knife crime epidemic. Last week in his valedictory address, […]

UK Moves to Ban Knives—As They Simultaneously Sell Israel Sniper Rifles to Kill Palestinians

By Jay Syrmopoulos London, United Kingdom – While British politicians have increasingly “declared war on knives,” recently moving to ban the kitchen utensil in the name of keeping citizens safe from knife violence, since the 2014 war in Gaza, the UK government has approved the sale of $445 million in arms to the state of Israel. […]

Good Lord. London Mayor Promises To Enforce Ban On Knives

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Israeli Woman Stabs Her Partner 65 Times, Replacing Knives in Middle of Attack

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Saudi Arabia – This ‘Night Of The Long Knives’ Is A Panic-Fueled Move

Footage Reveals Antifa Plot To Kill Americans With Knives, Guns & Bombs

Secretly captured footage reveals plans by Antifa to terrorize the American public this November, using knives, guns and bombs.  Comedian Steve Crowder published the footage that he covertly recorded after infiltrating a local Antifa terrorist cell and accompanying it to a protest at the University of Utah. reports:  The shockingly candid footage offers a […]

Man In Black Arrested Near UK Parliament With Bag Of Knives

A black clad man carrying a black bag of large knives has been arrested by Met’s Specialist Firearms Command following a stop and search near the Houses of Parliament. Metropolitan Police officers conducting an ongoing operation have detained a 27-year-old on suspicion of possession of an offensive weapon and on suspicion of planning terrorist acts. […]

Mujtahid Confesses: Houthis Defeated Saudi Forces in Yemen’s Rabboua

Local Editor Saudi activist on social media, Mujtahid, confessed that Yemeni army and popular committees managed to defeat Saudi-led forces in the Yemeni border area of Rabboua. Mujtahid, who is a well-known source in the Saudi royal family, said on his Twitter account that the Yemeni allied forces captured a Saudi colonel and many soldiers.“Unfortunately, […]

‘Very strange’: White dwarf star with 99.9% oxygen atmosphere puzzles scientists

“We only found one, so it is a rare event,” Kepler de Souza Oliveira Filho, an astronomer at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil, told Kepler and other authors of a paper about the unusual star, which was published on April 1 in the magazine Science, combed through […]

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