Posts Tagged ‘editor’

BMJ Exposes Scientific American’s Editor-in-Chief

In a shot across the bow against Scientific American’s continued descent into unscientific twaddle, a BMJ investigation documented over a dozen social media posts by editor-in-chief Laura Helmuth promoting transgender care for children, despite scientific evidence showing such treatment has had “devastating consequences” for minors.  “Laws preventing trans kids from getting gender-affirming treatment are dangerous and abusive, […]

Kiev’s Khazarian Mafia Now Targeting’s Editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan


Editor of The Lancet Says “Half” of Scientific Studies “Untrue,” Cites “Conflicts of Interest”

In shocking statements which makes a mockery of the phrase “follow the science,” the editors of the two of most distinguished scientific publications in the world have admitted that much of what they publish should not be believed. The most prominent recurring reason cited for this is conflicts of interest, whereby profit-sharing arrangements for a particular […]

Breitbart Editor Joel Pollak: Israel ‘Should Wipe Out Gaza’ And The U.S. Should Take The Refugees

Renegade Editor’s Note: Clear out land for Greater Israel and further White genocide? Two birds with one stone. Source

Harper’s Bazaar Editor-in-Chief Samira Nasr Under Fire for Calling Siege of Gaza ‘Most Inhuman Thing’ Ever

Samira Nasr, the editor-in-chief of Harper’s Bazaar, has come under fire for saying that Israel’s siege of Gaza in the wake of a horrific terrorist attack by Hamas is the “most inhuman thing” she has ever seen. Source

Watch Live: Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and Bestselling Author Alex Marlow Speaks to Empower U About Joe’s Secrets in ‘Breaking Biden’

EmpowerU, a Cincinnati grassroots organization dedicated to engaging and education citizens, hosts Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow for a discussion about the rise of Breitbart News in the media sphere, and Marlow’s new book, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration. Source

Healthy Vaccinee Bias: Letter to the Editor of The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

The Lancet Regional Health – Europe Dear Editor, Nordstrӧm et al. have studied the relative effectiveness of the fourth dose of a Covid vaccine against all-cause death, versus three doses, in elderly residents of Sweden. One of their two cohorts comprised 24,524 residents of nursing homes. The authors estimated vaccine effectiveness of about 40 percent […]

Editor at “Pro-Vaccine Publication” Experienced Serious Adverse Event After Second Pfizer Shot

A few weeks ago, I published a bombshell story in which I shared my private communications with editors at top publications who roundly rejected my writing critical of Covid mandates. As an example, one editor made clear his publication’s strong “pro-vaccination” stance which could not be usurped: I’m going to pass. As I’ve said many […]

Exclusive—‘Breaking Biden’: Breitbart Editor-in-Chief, GAI Fellow Alex Marlow to Release Bombshell Investigative Book Exposing ‘Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine’ Behind Joe Biden

A forthcoming book by Breitbart News Network Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling author Alex Marlow reveals new, breathtaking details about Biden family corruption. Source

Score Made In’s Editor-Fave Kitchen Knives for Up to 25% Off for Labor Day

C’mere, bud. Listen, pal, I’m not going to take up too much of your time here. You interested in knives? You got a good one? Yeah, no, you don’t—‘cause you ain’t got one of these knives [opens trenchcoat to show a bunch of Made In knives]. These babies are hot, and they’re on sale for […]

This VICE Editor Favorite Fitbit Is 19% Off for Prime Day

Stupid-hot deals on all of our favorite stuff. Fitness trackers are so much more than a digital watch. They can track your steps, record your workouts, and even monitor your sleep patterns. We all could use a bit of help when it comes to our health, and the most tech savvy way of doing so […]

Daily News Editor – California

Job title: Daily News Editor – California Location: Remote Employment type: Full Time Description The Daily News Editor will be responsible for overseeing the daily news cycle in California. The Daily News Editor must have excellent news judgment, strong writing and editing skills, and the ability to work well under pressure. Ideal candidates should be […]

Ex-editor of The Atlantic says Twitter Files are “a much bigger deal than many realize”

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) In a series of tweets, Benjamin Carlson, former editor of The Atlantic, outlined seven key takeaways from the Twitter Files revelations that show just how important they are to our understanding of the world in 2023.For one, the Twitter Files have changed history. What many thought were established facts about covid, for […]

Politico’s Founding Editor Says The Constitution Must Be Rewritten To Stop Donald Trump

The founding editor of the media outlet ‘Politico’ recently wrote that the Constitution should be rewritten in order to stop former President Donald Trump. The liberal editor John Harris called Trump a ‘constitutional menace’ It […] The post Politico’s Founding Editor Says The Constitution Must Be Rewritten To Stop Donald Trump appeared first on News […]

’60 Minutes’ Editor Exhausted After Pulling All-Nighter Removing Racial Slurs From Biden’s Interview

U.S. — President Joe Biden sat down for an interview last week with Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes, prompting an all-nighter by the show’s editor who was forced to sift through hours of the president’s racial epithets to produce a 25-minute segment for the long-running CBS show. “Look, Jack, if you feel me,” said Biden […]

Former BMJ editor: Health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise

(Natural News) A former editor for the British Medical Journal (BMJ) posited that health research should be considered fraudulent until proven otherwise. “Stephen Lock, my predecessor as editor, became worried about research fraud in the 1980s – but people thought his concerns eccentric,” wrote Richard Smith in a July 2021 piece for the BMJ. “Is […]

Former Fox News Editor: Chances of Winning Powerball Greater than Incorrect 2020 Election Projection

Former Fox News political editor Chris Stirewalt on Monday claimed the chances of winning the Powerball sweepstakes were greater than a wrong Fox News’s 2020 election projection.

WAPO Senior Editor Claims AR-15, Designed in Mid-1950s, Was Invented for Nazis

Washington Post senior editor Marc Fisher tweeted on Thursday that the AR-15 rifle was “invented for Nazi infantrymen.” 

NY Times Editor Dies of Heart Attack Hours After Posting Selfie Taking the COVID Booster

On Dec. 16, in Seoul, South Korea, Carlos Tejada received a Moderna mRNA/LNP “booster.” Later that night, he would die of a heart attack. Tejada was the deputy Asia editor of The New York Times, who helped shape coverage of the global Covid-19 crisis in 2021 that won a Pulitzer Prize, according to the NY […]

NY Times Editor Dies of Heart Attack Hours After Moderna ‘Booster’

By Chris Menahan Carlos Tejada, a 49-year-old editor at the New York Times, died just hours after mixing-and-matching his J&J shot with a “booster” from Moderna. Tejada got the J&J shot in July while living in South Korea with his wife and two children: He got a Moderna booster on December 17th. “Double-vaxxed. Janssen-fueled, Moderna-boosted. […]

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