Posts Tagged ‘serious’

Op-ed: Trump and Vance pose a SERIOUS THREAT to the globalist agenda

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), pose a serious threat to the globalist agenda, according to an… Source

Op-ed: Trump and Vance pose a SERIOUS THREAT to the globalist agenda

(NaturalNews) Former President Donald Trump and his running mate, U.S. Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH), pose a serious threat to the globalist agenda, according to an… Source

Two Underground Church Leaders Face Serious Health Issues in Chinese Prison

5/8/2024 China (International Christian Concern) — Since two leaders of Ganquan Church in Hefei, Anhui, were arrested last fall, their wives and members of their church family have pleaded for their release. Those pleas have grown more urgent after the two leaders developed serious health problems while in prison.  In November 2023, Communist authorities… Source

Casey faces his most serious election challenge from McCormick

Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) is potentially staring down his closest race yet, against Republican David McCormick, in what will be one of the pivotal Senate contests in November. In Tuesday’s primary, McCormick is set to officially become the GOP nominee for the critical seat, setting up a battle with Casey, who is running for his fourth Senate term. The… […]

Iran’s counterattack following embassy bombing exposes serious weakness in Israel’s defenses

Iran’s counterattack following embassy bombing exposes serious weakness in Israel’s defenses It is apparent that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thinks he is leading the Jewish state to a victory in the Middle East, but his recent attack on Iran’s consulate in Syria, which was followed by an Iranian counterattack against Israel, tells a much […]

‘Dr. Mike Yeadon: Introductory Statement About Serious Crimes To UK Police & Recent Message to Support Criminal Investigations in UK around the COVID mRNA vaccines


Border Patrol chief: Unlawful border crossers must face SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES

The head of the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) has emphasized the need for serious consequences for unlawful border crossers amid an influx of illegals at the nation’s border with Mexico. USBP Chief Jason Owens stressed this point during an exclusive interview with CBS News. He told the news outlet’s Camilo Montoya-Galvez that imposing “consequences” on […]

Serious crimes by people in government reported to police by British MP

GROSS NEGLIGENT MANSLAUGHTER, CORPORATE MANSLAUGHTER, FRAUD, MURDER, MANSLAUGHTER AND GRIEVOUS BODILY HARM: THE PUBLIC AWAITS POLICE RESPONSE March 20, 2024 Steve Cook COMMENTARY, FREEDOM, GOVERNMENT, Spotlight, Tyranny, WORLD 2 I know many are sceptical re Andrew Bridgen’s actions, and from other new info where it looks like Covid could be done and dusted and WW […]

Medical test company’s ‘serious and systemic failures’ led to cyber-attack, watchdog says

Australian Clinical Labs hack alleged to have resulted in more than 200,000 health records and credit card details being published on dark web OAIC alleges significant failures by ACL to protect customer data from the hack by a group known as Quantum. Photograph: Wietse Michiels/Alamy Medical testing company Australian Clinical Labs had “serious and systemic […]

Electrical Engineer Whistleblower Exposes Serious 5G Health Hazards, Explains 5G Propagation Into Every Orifice of the Head

Radiofrequency/Microwave/Millimeter-Wave Engineer Explains Hard Science Behind the Propagation of 5G into the Human Body & Offers Mitigation Advice SOTN Editor’s Note: Our readership has been waiting for this conclusive exposé since the nationwide 5G roll-out was first announced years ago.  Truly, it doesn’t get any more compelling and authoritative than the following revelations about 5G […]

NEWSFLASH: U.S. Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, Hit By Ballistic Missiles—Serious Damage, Iran Admits They Did it

READ HERE:   Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 86: Israel falls in ‘serious strategic trap’ in Gaza as Netanyahu vows to fight ‘for months’

The Israeli war cabinet pressures Netanyahu to discuss “the day after” in Gaza as Hamas broadcasts videos of targeting Israeli tanks, and the PFLP says a captive soldier died during an Israeli airstrike. Meanwhile, UNRWA warns of widespread hunger. Source

Getting serious about halting Israeli genocide

Global leaders must move beyond non-binding votes and symbolic gestures to boycotting Israel and making it a pariah state on the world stage. That is what will halt the genocide in Gaza. Source

Italy Bans Bill Gates Lab Grown FAKE Meat Due to ‘Serious Health Concerns’

In a first for the developed world, the European nation of Italy has decided to ban all fake meat from the country, citing “serious health concerns.” Numerous recent studies show that lab-grown synthetic meat of the kind being promoted by billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is triggering the formation of turbo cancers in humans – Wuhan […]

Italy Bans Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Citing “Serious Health Concerns”

Citing “serious health concerns, “Italy has decided to ban fake meat from the country, The move is a first for the developed world. Several recent studies show that lab-grown synthetic meat of the kind being […] The post Italy Bans Bill Gates’ Lab Grown Meat Citing “Serious Health Concerns” appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Italy Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To ‘Serious Health Concerns’

Italy has become the first country to issue a total ban on Bill Gates’ synthetic meat products after numerous studies found the lab-grown fake meat products cause turbo cancers in humans. Meanwhile, in the US […] The post Italy Becomes First Nation To Ban Bill Gates’ Fake Meat Due To ‘Serious Health Concerns’ appeared first […]

YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS: Biological Male and Infamous Bud Light Destroyer Dylan Mulvaney Named “Woman of the Year” by Best-Selling Gay Lifestyle Magazine (VIDEO)

YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS: Biological Male and Infamous Bud Light Destroyer Dylan Mulvaney Named “Woman of the Year” by Best-Selling Gay Lifestyle Magazine (VIDEO) Source

Steve Scalise Has Serious Problems Getting Votes to Win Speakership

Well over twenty House Republicans from across the ideological spectrum are against Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and will not vote for him on the floor, a source with knowledge told Breitbart News. Source

Humanity has a very, VERY, serious billionaire problem…..

…and it can only be solved with a spiritual solution. Submitted by A Social Commentator SOTN Exclusive The Premise The current race of humanity has never had so many billionaires who, at the very same time, have access to the most powerful technologies and advanced sciences and corporate entities and destructive weapons in world history. […]

1998 Athlete Cardiac Arrests or Serious Issues, 1396 of Them Dead, Since Killer Jab

It is definitely not normal for so many mainly young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. Many of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID vaccine. While it is possible this can happen to people who did […]

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