Posts Tagged ‘failures’

Rumors of Bank Failures but no Admitted Bank Failures, Only the Symptoms of Bank Failures

Jim Willie is back with Jean-Claude@Beyond-Mystic and he claims that BlackRock is using narcotics funds to acquire and build residential properties for the purpose of renting them out (so you will own nothing and be happy). Jim also claims that all the Big Tech companies and Tesla are also taking narcotics money from Langley, which […]

CDC Quietly Admits to Covid Policy Failures

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In so many words—and data—CDC has quietly admitted that all of the indignities of the Covid-19 pandemic management have failed: the masks, the distancing, the lockdowns, the closures, and especially the vaccines; all of it failed to control the pandemic.  It’s not like we didn’t know that all this was […]

Denmark Sacks Defense Chief As Red Sea Failures Pile Up For NATO

Via The Cradle The Danish government fired Chief of Defense Flemming Lentfer on Wednesday after it was revealed that the top military official failed to report flaws in the HDMS Iver Huitfeldt frigate’s air defense and weapons systems that emerged during an attack last month by the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea. “I […]

New Report Details Horrifying Cost of Fauci’s Failures

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In the post-pandemic period of Covid, there’s now a concerted effort to comprehend and explain the damage that was caused by our capitulating to the hysterical overreaction and overreach of the ‘experts.’ There’s a long list of policy failures to examine; mask mandates were a disaster that accomplished absolute nothing of value, […]

Cotton hits Biden for ‘trying to gloss over all of his failures’ at State of the Union

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) took a swing at President Biden for “trying to gloss over all of his failures” in his State of the Union address in an interview that aired Sunday. “Joe Biden is trying to gloss over all of his failures… making American families spend more on everything from food, to gas, to… […]

Bank Failures Will Force People to Accept CBDC’s

Many banks are teetering on the edge of insolvency.    “If you’ve been suspicious that the government and banking cartel have been purposefully trying to destroy the economy, it’s because they are – or at the very least they don’t care if it collapses. The plan is to eventually generate a crisis so bad that […]

Medical test company’s ‘serious and systemic failures’ led to cyber-attack, watchdog says

Australian Clinical Labs hack alleged to have resulted in more than 200,000 health records and credit card details being published on dark web OAIC alleges significant failures by ACL to protect customer data from the hack by a group known as Quantum. Photograph: Wietse Michiels/Alamy Medical testing company Australian Clinical Labs had “serious and systemic […]

Air Quality Crisis: Climate change and policy failures endanger millions

This resource is part of a broader initiative to educate Americans about the multifaceted risks posed by climate change, from poor air quality to wildfires, flooding, and extreme heat. Source

Fears of more regional bank failures grow as Moody’s cuts New York Community Bancorp’s credit rating to junk status

Fears of more regional bank failures grow as Moody’s cuts New York Community Bancorp’s credit rating to junk status Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded its credit rating for New York Community Bancorp (NYCB) to junk status – its lowest investment-grade rating – as the troubled regional bank continues to struggle. The downgrade pushed its credit […]

Our ‘Leaders’ Learned Nothing from Their Covid Failures

What are you doing to prepare for Disease X? If you are like most people, probably nothing. This is likely the first you are hearing of Disease X. However, if you spent mid-January in Davos, your answer may have included improving healthcare infrastructure, investing in vaccines, and promoting a pandemic treaty that may or may […]

Dave The Minister For Managing Failures

I jest, but it’s a sad indictment of the UK government. The cabbage struggles to distinguish itself from a lettuce. Perhaps a Roman laurel head wreath? No, since that’s supposed to depict victory. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Brexit. Dave failed every time. In fact, Dave’s talent is being a safe pair of hands to manage failures. […]

Day 91: Backlash in ‘Israel’ over Probe into October 7 Failures as War Grinds on

January 5, 2024  Middle East – News – Palestine – Story of the day – Top The Israeli occupation army is to probe the Zionist military establishment’s failures in the lead-up to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, as the war in Gaza grinds on for the day 91. Israeli media reported on Friday a backlash from the occupation government ministers after Chief of Staff Lt. […]

How U.S. policy failures have helped Hamas

To begin with, Washington has failed to be an honest broker in the peace process. Source

NYT Writes about the Israeli Intel Failures on Hamas

October 31, 2023 The Israeli occupation military’s 8200 signal intelligence unit stopped listening in to the handheld radios of Hamas operatives in Gaza a year ago, deciding it was a “waste of effort,” The New York Times reported noting that this was one of a series of failures that led to the shocking success of […]

Intelligence Failures – Again

Intelligence Failures – Again Authored by Pete Hoekstra via the Gatestone Institute, (Image source: iStock) In light of the devastating and deadly terrorist attack executed by Hamas against Israel on October 7, many are correctly calling the failure to intercept and prevent the assault an “intelligence failure.” Many are especially surprised given the vaunted, basically […]

The October failures

In October 1973, and again in October 2023, Israel suffered a breakdown in political and military command. It could not have imagined that the Arabs were capable or courageous enough to launch such a daring attack. Source

Disney Stock Plunges To 9 Year Lows After Multiple Woke Box Office Failures

(ZH) Maybe attacking the state of Florida and supporting transgender indoctrination in schools was not the best money-making Source

Ethical Failures of the COVID-19 Era

The two narratives about the Covid-19 pandemic continue to clash as evidence mounts about the actual outcomes of the extraordinary strategies governments deployed to try and contain the epidemic. Has the emerging evidence vindicated the decisions governments have been making over the past three years? In particular, were they ethically justified in imposing harsh mandates […]

RH – Transgenderism Failures

The post RH – Transgenderism Failures appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

DPRK satellite launch: a rocky start, but failures happen

The development of the satellite was one of the key weapons projects announced by Kim Jong-un during the congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea in January 2021, along with a solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile (already launched) and a nuclear submarine (not yet seen). Earlier, the DPRK announced the launch of a satellite five times […]

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