Posts Tagged ‘community’

Treacherous US Intel Community Fails To Stop Critical New Law In Georgia Designed To Prevent Color Revolutions

The legislation faced a presidential veto and prompted Washington to threaten the country’s parliament READ HERE: Georgia’s ‘foreign agents’ law comes into force Source

The Israel lobby is fractured, and so at last is the Jewish community

The historic rebuke to Israel the U.S. government allowed to take place in the UN Security Council on Monday was pushed by progressive activists. Biden fears that supporters of Palestinian human rights won’t turn out in November if he continues to give a green light to genocide. Indeed, the Democratic base is overwhelmingly critical of […]

Understanding “citation sorcery” and how the scientific community commits organized FRAUD to deceive the world

Understanding “citation sorcery” and how the scientific community commits organized FRAUD to deceive the world Journalist Paul D. Thacker is calling out Scientific American for publishing essays rife with fraud and what he describes as “citation sorcery” that put public health at risk. Two papers in particular that pushed masks for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) […]

Fears of more regional bank failures grow as Moody’s cuts New York Community Bancorp’s credit rating to junk status

Fears of more regional bank failures grow as Moody’s cuts New York Community Bancorp’s credit rating to junk status Moody’s Investors Service has downgraded its credit rating for New York Community Bancorp (NYCB) to junk status – its lowest investment-grade rating – as the troubled regional bank continues to struggle. The downgrade pushed its credit […]

Futures Rebound To Session High After NY Community Bank Reverses Overnight Rout; Record 10Y Auction Looms

US equity futures and global markets were mixed, while bond yields rose as the Treasury prepared to auction a record $42 billion in 10-year bonds that may indicate if a recent selloff was overdone. As of 7:50am ET, S&P futures rose 0.2%, reversing earlier losses and trading near session highs… … trading in lock step with sentiment […]

How NOT To Build Community – #ProblemsWatch

In this special live edition of #ProblemsWatch, I tackle everyone’s big question: How can I (a terminally online person) completely and utterly FAIL to bring people together in the real world? Source

“Rural Renaissance”: Venture Fund Plans New Community In Appalachia To Escape Soros-Enabled-Hellhole Cities

READ HERE:   Source

‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 92: International community rejects Israeli calls for Gaza ethnic cleansing as assault nears three-month mark

Bombardment, death, and starvation continue to take their toll on Gaza, as the international community denounces Israeli ministers’ calls for the ethnic cleansing of the devastated Palestinian territory. Source

The longer Govt, mainstream media & the medical community ignore the death data in plain sight, the clearer it is they are CORRUPT

Notably the NZ govt is keeping up a stunning silence on this (even continuing with the ‘safe & effective’ mantra) especially in light of the recent revelations from the Govt’s own data analyst whistleblower! For a list of links on topic go HERE Medicare death data proves the COVID vaccines are killing people. No more […]

Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch

The earth is abundant. If you don’t believe me, just join your local community garden. Join James as he takes a trip to Osaka to learn about Japanese organic gardening and gets his hands dirty in the soil. The post Community Gardens – #SolutionsWatch first appeared on The Corbett Report. Source

The Israeli army abducted a leader in our community. We need your help to bring him home.

Anas Abu Srour is the Director of the Aida Youth Center, a community organization in the Aida refugee camp. Anas was abducted by the Israeli army and sentenced to 6 months in prison, without charge. We need your help to free him. Source

Gaza’s dwindling Palestinian Christian community could be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT by Israeli attacks

Gaza’s dwindling Palestinian Christian community could be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT by Israeli attacks Gaza’s Palestinian Christian community is calling on the world to not turn a blind eye to their plight, as Israel’s indiscriminate offensive in Gaza puts the dwindling community at risk of being wiped out. In Gaza City, the Strip’s minuscule Roman Catholic […]

RFK Jr. to support reparations for Black American community by means of targeted government-funded programs, not cash giveaways

(NaturalNews) Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has vowed to support reparations for the African American community if elected president in… Source

The international community is responsible

For decades, Western governments attempted to “manage the conflict” in Palestine with “concern” but no accountability. Now, they are giving Israel the green light to commit a massacre.  Source

PROOF! The entire world community of nations knows that Israel just perpetrated a HUGE false flag operation to justify their conquering of Gaza……

…among many other nefarious goals and malevolent objectives.  Yes, the Zio-Anglo- American Axis will go along with this utterly absurd hoax, but the BRICS alliance and entire Gobal South will reject it to Israel’s great peril. Source

Ben Shapiro Assembles Jewish Community Panel to Hector Elon Musk to Censor More on Twitter/X

By Chris Menahan Neoconservative Ben Shapiro on Thursday put together a panel of rabbis and other leaders in Source

China Issues White Paper Calling for ‘A Global Community of Shared Future’

China Issues White Paper Calling for ‘A Global Community of Shared Future’ Sept. 27, 2023, (EIRNS)—Proclaiming that “the new era calls for new ideas,” the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China issued a 40-page White Paper on Sept. 26 under the headline: “A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and […]

A Black community in West Virginia sues the EPA to spur action on toxic air pollution

Research shows that two majority-Black communities in the state were left out of a regulatory effort earlier this year to tighten limits on cancer-causing chemicals. Source

Why society is increasingly turning to community schools to address the youth mental health crisis

The struggles of a rural school district in New Mexico illustrate how educators and parents believe they know what will work—if only they can get policy leaders to support it. Source

The Renewed Injunction Neglects the Power of the Intelligence Community

Ostensibly, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruling in Missouri v. Biden was cause for celebration in the battle against censorship. Further analysis, however, suggests that the judges may have greenlit the most insidious aspects of the censorship apparatus. This may be reversed at trial; if not, it will enable the US intelligence community to […]

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