Posts Tagged ‘renaissance’

Renaissance Man Reborn

Gone are the days of the Renaissance Man; The polymath ideal of humanism; Man is the center of the universe and he should embrace the search for all knowledge because man alone has the limitless capacity for development!  Alberti, the architect, painter, poet, scientist, horseman, and mathematician; Da Vinci, the artist, painter, inventor, musician, scientist, and writer; […]

The Renaissance of Our Hearts

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Before you know what kindness really isyou must lose things,feel the future dissolve in a momentlike salt in a weakened broth. Naomi Shihab Nye It was one of those days. Nothing catastrophic happened but it seemed that, if a little thing could go wrong, it did. The morning that began […]

“Rural Renaissance”: Venture Fund Plans New Community In Appalachia To Escape Soros-Enabled-Hellhole Cities

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Unearthing Italy’s Hidden Renaissance Castles Expedition: DAY 1

Having a home in the fascinating historic town of Vejano, north of Rome, fueled Marcello Assandri’s curiosity about the history of the area. Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Ancient Places Europe Read Later  Source

The Renaissance of Russian-African relations

Build bridges, not walls The next Russia-Africa summit provides a unique opportunity for countries outside the US-centered world to establish their subjectivity and recall that global development goals are not restricted to ensuring the interests of the “golden billion” as they are framed in Western capitals. To declare the existence of a “global South,” with […]

Jews Claim Christian Renaissance Art Contributed To The Holocaust™

(Algemeiner) Bernard Starr — a Jewish professor who writes pop psychology books along with articles about “spirituality” in radical left-wing outlets like Huffpost and Salon — has the chutzpah to rewrite Christian history in order to make Jesus Christ “more Jewish” — even going so far as to claim that portraying Jesus as a “Christian” […]

Strixology: Recording Diabolical Practices Of Renaissance European Witch Hunts

Foemina Instrumentum Diaboli can be translated as ‘Women are instruments of the devil’, which sums up the essence of Renaissance witch hunts in Europe.  Read more Section:  News Premium Preview Read Later  Source

Egypt holds talks with France about Renaissance Dam, Sahel and Sahara

Senior Egyptian officials held discussions about the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam with French officials on Wednesday, and accused the Ethiopians of being the cause of the current deadlock in the negotiations. The Egypt-France talks were part of the third round of periodic bilateral discussions on African issues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Cairo. "The […]

Egypt’s Negative Stance on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

If you read Cairo newspapers, one of the main topics of great concern to residents of Egypt’s capital, and indeed to all Egyptians, is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The headlines say a lot: “Ethiopia wants to monopolize all water sources,” “Ethiopia is trying to deceive the Nile Basin countries,” “Ethiopia is constantly trying […]

Da Vinci’s Deadly Designs: The Wildest Weapons of the Renaissance Man

Although Leonardo da Vinci is predominantly remembered as a great artist, he was also a remarkable scientist and inventor. Many of his inventions were weird, some were wonderful, and more than a few were deadly. It is popular knowledge that Da Vinci designed some of the earliest flying machines; however, it is less well-known that […]

Egypt’s worries about the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said his country was pursuing “diplomacy and patience” on the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue, although he added firmly that “no one will compromise on Egypt’s water quota.” This rather firm statement by the Egyptian President came after Ethiopia announced plans to unilaterally implement the third phase of filling […]

Filippo Brunelleschi and his Remarkable Renaissance Prank

Everyone loves a good, harmless prank. This was especially true for Filippo Brunelleschi, a Florentine man who famously got back at his friend for having failed to show up at a dinner party in Florence Read more Section:  News History Important Events Famous People Read Later 

Mali Manuscripts Rescued and Digitized to Celebrate the Malian Renaissance

Mali has recently been in the news for its decision to oust French troops from its territory. The French were originally summoned to prevent jihadists from taking control over Africa’s eighth-largest country nearly a decade ago. In the midst of this raging battle, thousands of manuscripts were smuggled to safety to escape the wrath of […]

Ten Joe Biden 2021 Blunders that Killed the American Energy Renaissance 

Joe Biden wasted no time after being sworn in as president in destroying the U.S energy renaissance ushered in during Donald Trump’s presidency which made the country energy independent and a net annual petroleum exporter for the first time since at least 1949. Through regulations, executive orders, and other means, Biden has driven up the cost […]

Lucrezia Borgia: The Misunderstood Femme Fatale of the Renaissance

Women of the Middle Ages were often sadly lacking in rights. Across the world, this period was dominated by a patriarchal society, where the might and prowess of Lords, knights, Kings, warriors, and feudal landowners dictated the tides and trends of the society. Women were often limited to a set of roles that were vital […]

Renaissance-Gothic Corvin Castle: One of the Seven Wonders of Romania

Corvin Castle is a castle in Hnedoara, a city in Transylvania, Romania. The castle dates to the 15th century and was built in the Renaissance-Gothic style. The builder of Corvin Castle was John Hunyadi, best remembered for his defense of Christendom against the Ottomans. After Hunyadi’s death, Corvin Castle fell into ruin. It was only […]

Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A unifying Peoples Project

Image Credit: EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP/Getty Images With a population of 118 million (expected to top 200 million by the end of 2049) Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. 70% (c.80 million) are under thirty, the median age being just 20. The majority of people live in rural areas where infrastructure is poor or […]

Sudan rules out force to stop Ethiopia’s second filling of Renaissance Dam

Sudanese Foreign Minister Mariam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi ruled out using force to stop Ethiopia’s second filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), Sudanese media reported on Friday. “The first filling of the dam was a stab in the back,” she conveyed in press remarks, noting that it caused a “massive shock” to confidence between the […]

My Plant Based Renaissance — A poem for Torah Portion Emor

An ox or sheep you shall not slaughter itand its offspring in one day.-Leviticus 22:28 When I was a boy I used to go fishing atthe Erie Canal in the heart of the Empire State. I’ve already told you about howI never ate the fish I caught but did I mention the time another boywho […]

Why Women get obliterated in Kerala renaissance history?

There has been a proliferation of literature on women, including   women’s history across the world. Yet, women remain mostly invisible or misrepresented in mainstream history. They are either not present at all, or they are portrayed as innately ‘inferior’ and ‘subordinate,’ as perpetual victims of male oppression. This has been a pattern across nations and […]

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