Posts Tagged ‘project’

Public opposition to Project 2025 surges as Trump distances himself

Awareness and disapproval of Project 2025 increase significantly despite Trump’s attempts to disassociate from the controversial conservative policy agenda. Source

Declassified documents reveal US secret nuclear war project named “SIOP,” aimed at killing Russians and Chinese people

Declassified documents reveal US secret nuclear war project named “SIOP,” aimed at killing Russians and Chinese people Many cannot help but suspect that the United States, through countries like Ukraine and possibly Taiwan, has been inciting proxy wars to get on with its 1960s plan to mount a nuclear war with Russia and its top […]

OpenAI CEO’s Eyeball-Scanning Digital ID Project, Worldcoin, Hopes To Partner With OpenAI and Has Had Conversations With PayPal

Worldcoin eyes partnerships with OpenAI and PayPal amid regulatory challenges and privacy concerns, signaling a potential expansion in digital ID networks. Source

Heritage Foundation’s Snarky and Revealing Defense of Project 2025 

Commentary Project 2025, a scheme led by the Heritage Foundation to “take the reins of government” after former President Donald Trump or another MAGA Republican becomes president, is backed by more than 100 right-wing organizations. The project’s harmful agenda and destructive operational plans have generated significant critical media coverage, to which Heritage has responded with snarky […]

The American Sunlight Project, a new dark money org led by Biden ‘disinformation czar,’ hides in the darkness about funding sources

A shadowy dark money political organization called The American Sunlight Project has entered the arena, assisted by glowing interviews in The New York Times and elsewhere, and it’s led by none other than the infamous former Biden “disinformation czar” Nina Jankowicz. Source

The Virality Project’s Censorship Agenda

In November 2023 Alex Gutentag and I reported on the Virality Project’s internal content-flagging system, as released by the US House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and led by the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the Virality Project sought to censor those who questioned government […]

Controversial mine project sues over EPA veto

Presented by Panasonic — {beacon}   Energy & Environment Energy & Environment     The Big Story  Company behind Pebble Mine project sues over EPA rejection  The company behind the controversial Alaskan Pebble Mine project sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Friday for blocking the project last year. © AP Photo/Al Grillo In a statement… […]

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections

Wall Street financial analyst: Washington is pressuring the Fed to project robust economy in time for 2024 elections President Joe Biden’s administration is firm in declaring that the year 2024 is the time for Americans to start breathing easy again when it comes to inflation that haunted households for a few years. After more than […]

Project 2025: A blueprint to end democracy, multiculturalism, and even recreational sex

The only thing possibly more frightening than the details of Heritage’s Project 2025 presidential transition plan is that its monstrous proposals are not being plotted in secretive closed-door meetings. Source

Project 2025: A blueprint to end democracy, multiculturalism, and even recreational sex

The only thing possibly more frightening than the details of Heritage’s Project 2025 presidential transition plan is that its monstrous proposals are not being plotted in secretive closed-door meetings. Source

The Gaza genocide is just an instrument in Israel’s larger colonial project

On October 31, the red “Breaking News” banner announced that Israeli warplanes had bombed a residential block in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. Telegram channels then delivered more devastating news, revealing that the airstrike had targeted the al-Sanida neighborhood in Jabalia, where I grew up my entire life. As I watched Al Jazeera, staring […]

PROJECT BLUE BEAM: Their “Plan C” of last resort

NASA’s Project Blue Beam – as told by Serge Monast. By Patricia Harrity THE EXPOSÉ Many of us so called “conspiracy theorists” have been made aware of the technology to beam holographic images into thin air that can trick us into believing that they are real. We have been warned that they will, at some […]

Worldcoin is Now in Singapore as its Iris Biometrics Project Grows Globally

Following the launch of the World ID 2.0 digital identity passport in December 2023, which added face biometrics for verification, Worldcoin has established operations in Singapore, continuing global expansion of its biometric proof-of-personhood project. Source

Destruction of GAZA is a BUILD BACK BETTER Project for Israel……..

…to Provide Ocean View for new Zionist Settlers Source

Earth BioGenome Project, Agenda 2030 & The End of Civilization

This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanism Agenda” from the top. SPM My search of the medicinal properties of Mistletoe led me to discover a far more nefarious […]

Shocking revelation: Trump’s secret “Agenda47” and Project 2025 unveiled—threatening democracy’s very core

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that powerful allies of former President Donald Trump are actively working on an initiative known as “Agenda47” in conjunction with the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, with the aim of building an ideological army to push forward a far-right authoritarian agenda in 2025. This clandestine effort involves […]

The Virality Project was a Government Front

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL It is now completely clear that the Virality Project, an initiative partnered with Big Tech to combat “anti-vaccine disinformation” and led by former CIA fellow Renee DiResta, was conceived by the Security State. A report released by the House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, reporting from Public, and new Twitter […]

The Human Meat Project: By donating your body for human consumption, you’ll help solve overpopulation & of course, climate change … they are deadly serious!

WE ARE to BELIEVE  THAT WE MUST CANNIBALIZE to SURVIVE! From Comment: These psychopaths are deadly serious. You are even invited to choose your end date … for the ‘useless [ageing] eaters’ I expect … taking up valuable space & resources …. EWNZ Quote from the website: “Why Donate?: Over time, the human population has […]

Gateway Project Rail Tunnel Between NY And NJ Breaks Ground After Decades Of Red Tape

Gateway Project Rail Tunnel Between NY And NJ Breaks Ground After Decades Of Red Tape A $16.1 billion rail tunnel in between New York and New Jersey is finally set to break ground after more than 10 years of delays. And we’re sure we’ll be happy to report that its up and operating in probably […]

Lawfare Project’s Brooke Goldstein Shares Old Cartel Video Claiming It’s ‘Hamas Nazis’ Cutting Baby Out of Pregnant Woman

Brooke Goldstein, executive director of the pro-Israel litigation fund the Lawfare Project, on Wednesday shared an edited 2018 Source

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