Posts Tagged ‘instrument’

The Gaza genocide is just an instrument in Israel’s larger colonial project

On October 31, the red “Breaking News” banner announced that Israeli warplanes had bombed a residential block in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza. Telegram channels then delivered more devastating news, revealing that the airstrike had targeted the al-Sanida neighborhood in Jabalia, where I grew up my entire life. As I watched Al Jazeera, staring […]

The PA is an Israel instrument to crack down on Palestine Resistance

The American administration has recently sent arms supplies to the Palestinian Authority (PA), including armoured vehicles, batons and teargas canisters in order to boost the ability of its security services in their crackdown on the Palestinian Resistance across the Occupied West Bank cities. Senior sources from the PA confirmed the reports to Jerusalem-based Palestinian newspaper, […]

TTIP an instrument of conquest

Video: Is the European Union a “Colony of America”? Enforcing an “Economic Iron Curtain” with Russia: Michel Chossudovsky and James Corbett All Global Research articles can be read in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website button below the author’s name. To receive Global Research’s Daily Newsletter (selected articles), click here. Click the share button above to email/forward this […]

Real Live Cave Music: Marvel at the World’s Largest Instrument (Video)

Deep within Luray Caverns, Virginia, USA, an astonishing fusion of music and nature awaits: the Great Stalacpipe Organ. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News Ancient Places Americas Videos Read Later  Source

Sanctions are an instrument of death, destruction and global rift

Let me cut to the chase, sanctions can end up being more harmful than your average war: they can involve many more countries than two parties to an armed conflict; cause more human suffering and last much longer; inflict more widespread economic loss, impede economic and human recovery; leave more hatred in their wake; and […]

Sanctions are an instrument of death, destruction and global rift

Let me cut to the chase, sanctions can end up being more harmful than your average war: they can involve many more countries than two parties to an armed conflict; cause more human suffering and last much longer; inflict more widespread economic loss, impede economic and human recovery; leave more hatred in their wake; and […]

King of Australia. No legal instrument to create one. Questions deliberately unanswered!

Proclamation of the King The author of this request to the Prime Minister and Cabinets Office sought to discover the legal instrument to create the new title for the King of Australia distinct from the King of the United Kingdom. In 1973 the Queen of Australia was created by statute within the Royal Style and […]

The Baroque Lute-Harpsichord: A Forgotten Instrument

Over a period of some three centuries there are plenty of references to gut-stringed instruments that resemble the harpsichord and imitate the delicate soft timbre of the lute (including its lower-sounding variants, the theorbo and archlute) or the harp, but little concrete information. Not a single such instrument has survived, nor is any contemporary depiction […]

Fines Victoria alleged debt, under what lawfully enacted instrument?

This is an actual [template] letter from Fines Victoria from (an alleged) Mr. Duncan Stewart to a ‘person’, where the ‘victim’s’ details have been obscured. If you received this letter in your person’s name then you may become a victim of fraud by more than one entity, against your person’s name. Let’s begin! Debtor: How […]

Military Coups in Africa are an Instrument of Neocolonialism

The often-repeated military coups and unrest on the African continent never surprise anyone. A military coup in Africa has already become a classic system of overthrowing power. After the fall of the colonial regime, military coups broke out in Africa everywhere; that is why this continent is considered the most explosive and conflicting region. Since […]

Freedom of Religion Bill is an Instrument of Hindu Rashtra

The anti-conversion law in India is a double-edged sword: a step towards Hindu Rashtra perpetuating caste supremacy The Freedom of Religion Act known as anti-conversion law in India is a double edged sword. Its twin objectives are establishment of Hindu Rashtra and it perpetuates caste supremacy. The minorities, dalits and adivasis constitute nearly 40% of […]

Is the CIA the Enemy of the American People? “Yes, it’s an instrument of the rich political elite; it does their dirty business.” (ZIONIST/Khazar Synagogue of Satan aka British Empire)

SEPTEMBER 22, 2017 BY DOUGLAS VALENTINE – LARS SCHALLFacebookTwitterRedditEmail Photo by Tom Thai | CC BY 2.0 Lars Schall: 70 years ago, on September 18, 1947, the National Security Act created the Central Intelligence Agency, CIA. Douglas, you refer to the CIA as “the organized crime branch of the U.S. government.” Why so?  Douglas Valentine: Everything the […]

17,000-Year-Old Musical Instrument Is “Discovered” By Archaeologists

During a recent inventory of items held at a museum of natural history in Toulouse, a team of archaeological researchers took the opportunity to re-examine a conch (sea snail) shell retrieved in 1931 from the Marsoulas cave in southern France. Based on its curvature and enclosed shape, it was long believed that the conch shell […]

Iranian artist unveils new stringed instrument

TEHRAN – Iranian artist Mohammadreza Ildar-Jaleh unveiled his innovative musical instrument named “moraj” on Sunday. The unveiling ceremony was organized during the closing ceremony of the 12th Woodwork Exhibition at Tehran’s Niavaran Culture Center. The instrument takes its name from the first letters of the artist’s full name who is an expert in making the […]

Iranian miniature, pilgrimage, ritual, and stringed instrument closer to UNESCO tags

TEHRAN – UNESCO will soon be investigating the possible inscription of four Iranian elements, including the art of miniature and the ancient Mehregan Festival, on the world heritage list. Final decisions will be reached at the 15th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, deputy tourism minister Mohammad-Hassan Talebian […]

Pilot error and instrument failure may have caused crash of Russian An-148 passenger jet

nsnbc : Data retrieved from the Flight Data Recorder and the Cockpit Voice Recorder of the ill-fated Anntonov An-148 airliner that crashed outside Moscow […]

‘Violence can never be an instrument in politics:’ EU belatedly reacts to Catalonia crackdown

READ MORE: Ballot box seizures, crying cops & beaten firefighters: Catalonia vote in 10 groundbreaking videos “We call on all relevant players to now move very swiftly from confrontation to dialogue,” the European Commission said in a statement on Monday. “Violence can never be an instrument in politics,” it said, adding that it is incumbent on […]

Alleged Instrument of the Kremlin: Plot to Remove Trump from Office

Terror Information and State Secrecy

The Utility of Extremism

Atlantic Centurion January 26, 2016 One of the major issues with translating politics into action (as well as metapolitics into politics) is the issue of where one’s positions fall relative to those of the audience he is trying to win over and what their own expectations are. Today there seems to be a stark binary […]

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